iblesed profile picture


Blessings to you all

About Me

I got my Myspace Falling objects from 123mycodes.com

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Rough Waters

PRAISE GOD ALMIGHTY i can say that i am a child of the MOST HIGH GOD and i have to fear no evil. i have been learning more and more about my Lord Jesus. i am honored to be the mother of five saved children. i am loving and kind and now i can truely say that i have died to myself and i am living for Crist and Crist Jesus alone. i enjoy laughing and making others laugh. i love to learn about my Father in Heaven. i know that i am loved by Jesus and very much. And i to do love everyone. My Jesus has set inside me this unconditional love for all. i testify and the Lord has sent me out to call witness to all about our Lord Jesus so all in Evansville if the Lord tells me to talk to you about Him than get ready to be blessed with the New Life that God has for you. we can be in the store, on the street, in the laundry mat, even at the post office,or where ever He sends me. , Thank you Jesus for my sisters.
.. Create Your Own Thank you Jesus for my sisters. Girls Mamma is in our future now. Praise God she is at peace now.So when you think of Mom just smile and know she is in our future.

Graphics by Nat3ddesign

My Interests

My main interest is Jesus and what God has for me to do for Him today. I am interested in my children and what makes them happy. I am interested in learning anything that is about Jesus and comes from my Bible. I am interested in MySpace Friends...and hoping that you love Jesus.

the cross V V V V V V V V V Click here to get Falling Objects V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V I love you in Christ, Heather
Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com
Jesus please return these children safe I do ask that you to please keep praying.

please leave a message...and thanks

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Reason u r here JESUS LOVES YOU
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I got my Falling Objects at MyspaceFlux.com , check out these other Cool Myspace Stuff!

Jesus when the time comes. And the ones who prayed for me when I was a sinner.


just about any kind of clean positive music.


Tyler Perry


TBN and other stuff when I get the chance


Bible, Woman Thou Art Loosed, The Battlefield Of The Mind, Discover God Study Bible, THE EVERYDAY LIFE Bible By Joyce Meyer, Holy Bible WOMAN THOU ART LOOSED! by T.D. Jakes. and many more translations.
Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com


Jesus is my #1. I admire every mother who has raised their children up in the way that they shall go. I admire my childrens dad and the patience that he has is remarkable. my children are my little blessings from God so yes for sure they are my little hereos.WHEN WE ARE ALL CAUGHT UP LOOK WHAT THE LORD JESUS IS GOING TO DO PRAISE HIM! HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH

Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

Thank you Jesus for the angel you blessed us with. Lord thank you for making her our sister and best friend....

My Blog

HIS NAME IS...part 1

The Names of Jesus Christ 001 - Advocate - 1 John 2:1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not - And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the ri...
Posted by iblesed on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 09:42:00 PST

HIS NAME IS...part 2

032 - The Blessed for Evermore - 2 Corinthians 11:31 The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is blessed for evermore, knoweth that I lie not - 033 - The Blessed Hope - Titus 2:13 Looking f...
Posted by iblesed on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 09:39:00 PST

HIS NAME IS...part 3

059 - The Chosen of God - 1 Peter 2:4 To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, 060 - Chosen out of the People - Psalms 89:19 Then thou spakes...
Posted by iblesed on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 09:38:00 PST

HIS NAME IS...part 4

090 - The Daystar to Arise - 2 Peter 1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the ...
Posted by iblesed on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 09:35:00 PST

HIS NAME IS...part 5

might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people - 123 - A Faithful Priest - 1 Samuel 2:35 And I will raise me up a faithful...
Posted by iblesed on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 09:31:00 PST

HIS NAME IS...part 6

153 - A Glorious name - Isaiah 63:14 As a beast goeth down into the valley, the Spirit of the LORD caused him to rest: so didst thou lead thy people, to make thyself a glorious name - 154 - Glory - H...
Posted by iblesed on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 09:28:00 PST

HIS NAME IS...part 7

185 - Greater Than Our Father Jacob - John 4:12 Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle? 186 - Greater Than Jonah -...
Posted by iblesed on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 09:26:00 PST

HIS NAME IS...part 8

215 - Thine Holy One - Acts 2:27 Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption - 216 - The Holy One and just - Acts 3:14 But ye denied the Hol...
Posted by iblesed on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 09:22:00 PST

HIS NAME IS part 9

249 - The Judge of the Quick and the Dead - Acts 10:42 And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead - 250 - ...
Posted by iblesed on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 09:19:00 PST

HIS NAME IS part 10

281 - The Lifter-Up of Mine Head - Psalms 3:3 But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head - 282 - The Light - John 1:7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness...
Posted by iblesed on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 09:16:00 PST