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John Macarthur Audio Teachings and Other Resources

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Hi, my name is Mark and one of my reasons here is to spread the good news and help and learn from others more about true Christianity :) Well about myself, My race is Black and American Indian. I like to laugh and joke around allot maybe a little to much at times lol :) My sense of humor is probably a 9 on a scale of 10 but more like a 10 :) but I am serious also when need be. I love apologetics and witnessing to people. I like to talk about the Christian life with other Christians for strengthening each other. So I would love to meet other believers who love the Lord also or people who would like to talk about and know more about the Christian faith :) I also love listening to great pastors/teachers. Other than that I just work and try go to the gym to keep myself fit and stay busy in other activities.
I used to play professional Pool/Billiards years ago and am still thinking about going back and its a trade that I like and do very well :) But we shall see if that's where the Lord wants me to be in in the very near future :) Though there are many Christian churches around here, it seems Christians are still hard to find. Maybe that's the way its getting all over. John Macarthur said recently "The church is fighting for its very life" I think he's right sadly. Also if you are a new Christian or a Christian or a non Christian for that matter that wants to learn/know more about the Christian faith, just email me and ask and I may be able to answer your questions or lead you in the right direction :)
I post these audios because I am concerned for my brother and sisters in Christ and also for those that don't know Christ and want to know Him. There is so much confusion and false teaching in the world and the church today. So there is a need for good sound bible teaching. John Macarthur is truly blessed of God as well as many other Pastors. If you have never heard John Macarthur's teachings you are in for a treat :) I believe he is one of the best teachers on Christian living. So if you want to really dig deep and like long answers to tough questions, then here are many sermons for you :) All these sermons except for a few are all uncut FULL sermons :)The Questions & Answers below are awesome!!! I will continue to add to this profile so check back :) If there is anything you might be looking for and can't find let me know and maybe I can help. ALSO CHECKOUT THE CHRISTIAN MUSIC VIDEOS. THERE ARE SOME GREAT CHRISTIAN SONGS ABOUT 70 OR SO. :) GOD BLESS
* Today's Daily Devotion Drawing Near - Daily Readings For A Deeper Faith *
* John MacArthur - Personal Testimony *
* *
Sermons from Grace Community Church.
NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW********************************************************* **********************
* Click Here To Read Transcripts For All Sermons And Just Look Up Title *
Added 32 New Sermons: 1/24/2008
*John Macarthur - Beware of False Prophets, Part 1.mp3*
*John Macarthur - Beware of False Prophets, Part 2.mp3*
*John Macarthur - Foundational Truth for the Church, Part 1.mp3*
*John Macarthur - Foundational Truth for the Church, Part 2.mp3*
*John Macarthur - How to Destroy Grace Church, Part 1.mp3*
*John Macarthur - How to Destroy Grace Church, Part 2.mp3*
*John Macarthur - Praying for the Right Things, Part 1.mp3*
*John Macarthur - Praying for the Right Things, Part 2.mp3*
*John Macarthur - From Trouble to Triumph, Part 1.mp3*
*John Macarthur - From Trouble to Triumph, Part 2.mp3*
*John Macarthur - From Trouble to Triumph, Part 3.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Whose Fault Is Our Temptation.mp3*
*John Macarthur - A Prayer of Brokenness.mp3*
*John Macarthur - Praying Without Hypocrisy.mp3*
*John Macarthur - Praying at All Times.mp3*
*John Macarthur - Pray Without Ceasing.mp3*
*John Macarthur - How God Uses Suffering, Part 1.mp3*
*John Macarthur - How God Uses Suffering, Part 2.mp3*
*John Macarthur - The Purpose of Pain.mp3*
*John Macarthur - God's Purpose in Our Pain.mp3*
*John Macarthur - The Purpose of the Law.mp3*
*John Macarthur - Under the Law or in Christ.mp3*
*John Macarthur - Bewitched.mp3*
*John Macarthur - God's Promise Why the Law.mp3*
*John Macarthur - The Danger of False Teaching.mp3*
*John Macarthur - The Fall of Satan.mp3*
*John Macarthur - Satan's Attack on the Spirit-Filled Church (Includes Rev. 2-3).mp3*
*John Macarthur - What's Wrong with America.mp3*
*John Macarthur - The Pope and the Papacy.mp3*
*John Macarthur - Bible Question and Answer Part 52.mp3*
*John Macarthur - Bible Question and Answer Part 54.mp3*
*John Macarthur - Bible Questions and Answers, Part 44.mp3*
Added 13 New Sermons: 1/21/2008
Taming the Tongue
*John MacArthur - Taming the Tongue, Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Taming the Tongue, Part 2.mp3*
The Responsibilities of the Church
*John MacArthur - The Responsibilities of the Church: Discernment, Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Responsibilities of the Church: Discernment, Part 2.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Wrath of God.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Spiritual Intimidation, Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Dialogue on Divorce.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Responding to the Will of God.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Demons and Magic.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Gospel Self-Love or Self-Hate?.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Lord's Day Does It Matter?.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The New Testament and the Mosaic Sabbath.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Rest of Creation.mp3*
Added 32 New Sermons: 1/20/2008
Anxiety Free Living
*John MacArthur - Anxiety Free Living Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Anxiety Free Living Part 2.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Anxiety Free Living Part 3.mp3*
Gods Pattern for Parents
*John MacArthur - Gods Pattern for Parents Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Gods Pattern for Parents Part 2.mp3*
Learning to Forgive
*John MacArthur - Learning to Forgive Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Learning to Forgive Part 2.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Learning to Forgive Part 3.mp3*
The Danger in Being a Friend of the World
*John MacArthur - The Danger in Being a Friend of the World Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Danger in Being a Friend of the World Part 2.mp3*
Walking by the Spirit
*John MacArthur - Walking by the Spirit Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Walking by the Spirit Part 2.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Walking by the Spirit Part 3.mp3*
Walking in Love
*John MacArthur - Walking in Love Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Walking in Love Part 2.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Danger of Causing a Christian to Sin.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Discipline of Gods Children Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Only Road to Heaven.mp3*
*John MacArthur - True Christians Love One Another.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Two Paths One Way.mp3*
*John MacArthur - An Excellent Wife.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Unmasking Christmas Hypocrites.mp3*
*John MacArthur - 4 Marks of a Hell Bound Man.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Crucial Lessons for a Wise Father.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Escaping Materialism.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Hannah A Godly Mother.mp3*
*John MacArthur - How to Win Your Unbelieving Spouse.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Shade for Our Children.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Start Loving.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Stop Criticizing.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Straight Talk About the Seeker Church Movement.mp3*
*John MacArthur - How to Be a Spiritual Father.mp3*
For Women Only
*John MacArthur - For Women Only Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - For Women Only Part 2.mp3*
Wicked World, Angry God
*John MacArthur - The Gospel of Christ.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Reasons for the Wrath of God Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Reasons for the Wrath of God Part 2.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Reasons for the Wrath of God Part 3.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Reasons for the Wrath of God Part 4.mp3*
Back to the Future: A Jet Tour Through Revelation (Audio Series)
*John MacArthur - A Jet Tour Through Revelation.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Back to the Future Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Back to the Future Part 2.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Certainty of the Second Coming.mp3*
God, Satan, & Angels (Audio Series)
*John MacArthur - God - Is He Who Is He.mp3*
*John MacArthur - God - What Is He Like Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - God - What Is He Like Part 2.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Satan - Is He Who Is He.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Satan - What Is He Like.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Satan - How Does He Operate.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Angels - Gods Invisible Army Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Angels - Gods Invisible Army Part 2.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Angels - Gods Invisible Army Part 3.mp3*
The Blasphemous Sin of Defaming Others
*John MacArthur - The Blasphemous Sin of Defaming Others Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Blasphemous Sin of Defaming Others Part 2.mp3*
4 new sermons 1-17-2008
*John MacArthur - Priesthood Scandal.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Can God Can God Bless America.mp3*
*John Macarthur - Biblical Perspective on Terrorism*
*John MacArthur - How to Face Trials Patiently.mp3*
END NEW********************************************************* **********************

My Interests

I made this music player at MyFlashFetish .com.

I made this music player at MyFlashFetish .com.

I'd like to meet:

* Grace to You *

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* Grace to You Podcast-Archives *

* Ravi Zacharias Audio Archives *

* Listen to Great Sermons Storage *

* Listen to Great Music and Sermons Storage *

* MacArthur Radio Podcast Archives Lots of Sermons *

* Click Here To Read Transcripts For All Sermons And Just Look Up Title *

Examine Yourselves Whether You Be in the Faith
*John MacArthur - Examine Yourselves Whether You Be in the Faith Part 1*
*John MacArthur - Examine Yourselves Whether You Be in the Faith Part 2*

The Way to Heaven
*John MacArthur - Empty Words*
*John MacArthur - Empty Hearts*
*John MacArthur - Which Way To Heaven*

The Belief that Behaves
*John MacArthur - The Belief that Behaves, Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Belief that Behaves, Part 2.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Belief that Behaves, Part 3.mp3*

The Believer and Indwelling Sin
*John MacArthur - The Believer and Indwelling Sin, Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Believer and Indwelling Sin, Part 2.mp3*

The Fulfilled Family (Series)
*John MacArthur - A Plan for Your Family God's vs. the World's, Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - A Plan for Your Family God's vs. the World's, Part 2.mp3*
*John MacArthur - God's Pattern for Wives, Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - God's Pattern for Wives, Part 2.mp3*
*John MacArthur - God's Pattern for Husbands, Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - God's Pattern for Husbands, Part 2.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Key to Maintaining Family Unity.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Fulfilled Family - God's Pattern For Children, Pt. 1*

God's High Calling for Women
*John MacArthur - God's High Calling for Women, Part 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - God's High Calling for Women, Part 2.mp3*
*John MacArthur - God's High Calling for Women, Part 3.mp3*
*John MacArthur - God's High Calling for Women, Part 4.mp3*

Is The Bible Reliable?
*John MacArthur - Proper Biblical Interpretation*
*John MacArthur - Science and Scripture*
*John MacArthur - The Amazing Truth Of The Bible*
*John MacArthur - Prewritten History Part 2*
*John MacArthur - Prewritten History Part 1*

Charismatic Chaos
*John MacArthur - Charismatic Chaos - Does Experience Determine Truth? *
*John MacArthur - Charismatic Chaos - Does God Still Give Revelation? *
*John MacArthur - Charismatic Chaos - Does God Still Give Prophecies? *
*John MacArthur - Charismatic Chaos - Proper Biblical Interpretation *
*John MacArthur - Charismatic Chaos - Does God Do Miracles Today? *
*John MacArthur - Charismatic Chaos - How Do Spiritual Gifts Operate? *
*John MacArthur - Charismatic Chaos - What Was Happening in the Early Church? *
*John MacArthur - Charismatic Chaos - Does God Still Heal? *
*John MacArthur - Charismatic Chaos - Speaking in Tongues *
*John MacArthur - Charismatic Chaos - What Is True Spirituality? *
*John MacArthur - Charismatic Chaos - Does God Promise Health and Wealth? Part 1 *
*John MacArthur - Charismatic Chaos - Does God Promise Health and Wealth? Part 2 *

This series was years before Charismatic Chaos
*John MacArthur - The Charasmatic Movement - Where Does The Bible end.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Charasmatic Movement - Is There Something More.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Charasmatic Movement - Is The Church Still In Transition Pt1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Charasmatic Movement - Does Experience Determine Truth.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Charasmatic Movement - What Is True Spirituality pt1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Charasmatic Movement - What Is True Spirituality pt2.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Charasmatic Movement - What Does The Bible Mean By What is Says pt1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Charasmatic Movement - What Does The Bible Mean By What is Says pt2.mp3*

Bible Questions & Answers (Awesome!)
*John MacArthur - Bible Q&A, on Romans Part 1*
*John MacArthur - Bible Q&A, on Romans Part 2*
*John MacArthur - Bible Q&A, Christians & Government*
*John MacArthur - Bible Q&A, Part 1*
*John MacArthur - Bible Q&A, Part 2*
*John MacArthur - Bible Q&A, Part 3*
*John MacArthur - Bible Q&A, Part 4*
*John MacArthur - Bible Q&A, Part 39*
*John MacArthur - Bible Q&A, Part 40*
*John MacArthur - Bible Q&A, Part 41*
*John MacArthur - Bible Q&A, Part 42*
*John MacArthur - Bible Q&A, Part 43*
*John MacArthur - Bible Q&A, Part 45*
*John MacArthur - Bible Q&A, Part 46*
*John MacArthur - Bible Q&A, Part 47*
*John MacArthur - Bible Q&A, Part 48*
*John MacArthur - Bible Q&A, Part 49*
*John MacArthur - Bible Q&A, Part 50*
*John MacArthur - Bible Q&A, Part 51*
*John MacArthur - Bible Q&A, Part 53*

The Masters Seminary College Q&A
*John MacArthur - at The Masters Seminary College Q&A 1985*
*John MacArthur - at The Masters Seminary College Q&A 1987*
*John MacArthur - at The Masters Seminary College Q&A 1988*
*John MacArthur - at The Masters Seminary College Q&A 1990a*
*John MacArthur - at The Masters Seminary College Q&A 1990b*
*John MacArthur - at The Masters Seminary College Q&A 1992a*
*John MacArthur - at The Masters Seminary College Q&A 1992b*
*John MacArthur - at The Masters Seminary College Q&A 1994*
*John MacArthur - at The Masters Seminary College Q&A 1999*

John MacArthur - At Southern Seminary with Albert Mohler
*John MacArthur - At Southern Seminary with Albert Mohler 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - At Southern Seminary with Albert Mohler 2.mp3*
*John MacArthur - At Southern Seminary with Albert Mohler 3.mp3*
*John MacArthur - At Southern Seminary with Albert Mohler 4.mp3*
*John MacArthur - At Southern Seminary with Albert Mohler 5.mp3*
*John MacArthur - At Southern Seminary with Albert Mohler 6.mp3*

The Lordship of Jesus Christ
*John MacArthur - The Lordship of Jesus Christ - 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Lordship of Jesus Christ - 2.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Lordship of Jesus Christ - 3.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Lordship of Jesus Christ - 4.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Lordship of Jesus Christ - 5.mp3*

When Jesus Comes Parts 1-6
*John MacArthur - When Jesus Comes pt1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - When Jesus Comes pt2.mp3*
*John MacArthur - When Jesus Comes pt3.mp3*
*John MacArthur - When Jesus Comes pt4.mp3*
*John MacArthur - When Jesus Comes pt5.mp3
*John MacArthur - When Jesus Comes pt6.mp3*

Spiritual Warfare Parts 1-4
*John MacArthur - Spiritual Warfare - 01*
*John MacArthur - Spiritual Warfare - 02*
*John MacArthur - Spiritual Warfare - 03*
*John MacArthur - Spiritual Warfare - 04*

Chosen By God Parts 1-6
*John MacArthur - Chosen by God - 1A - 1 of 6*
*John MacArthur - Chosen by God - 1B - 2 of 6*
*John MacArthur - Chosen by God - 2A - 3 of 6*
*John MacArthur - Chosen by God - 2B - 4 of 6*
*John MacArthur - Chosen by God - 3A - 5 of 6*
*John MacArthur - Chosen by God - 3B - 6 of 6*

Separating from Unbelievers Parts 1-8
*John MacArthur - Separating from Unbelievers - Part 1a*
*John MacArthur - Separating from Unbelievers - Part 1b*
*John MacArthur - Separating from Unbelievers - Part 2a*
*John MacArthur - Separating from Unbelievers - Part 2b*
*John MacArthur - Separating from Unbelievers - Part 3a*
*John MacArthur - Separating from Unbelievers - Part 3b*
*John MacArthur - Separating from Unbelievers - Part 4a*
*John MacArthur - Separating from Unbelievers - Part 4b*

How to Get the Most from God's Word Parts 1-10
*John MacArthur - How to Get the Most from God's Word - 1 of 10*
*John MacArthur - How to Get the Most from God's Word - 2 of 10*
*John MacArthur - How to Get the Most from God's Word - 3 of 10*
*John MacArthur - How to Get the Most from God's Word - 4 of 10*
*John MacArthur - How to Get the Most from God's Word - 5 of 10*
*John MacArthur - How to Get the Most from God's Word - 6 of 10*
*John MacArthur - How to Get the Most from God's Word - 7 of 10*
*John MacArthur - How to Get the Most from God's Word - 8 of 10*
*John MacArthur - How to Get the Most from God's Word - 9 of 10*
*John MacArthur - How to Get the Most from God's Word -10 of 10*

The Qualities of True Love Parts 1-4
*John MacArthur - The Qualities of True Love - 1 of 4*
*John MacArthur - The Qualities of True Love - 2 of 4*
*John MacArthur - The Qualities of True Love - 3 of 4*
*John MacArthur - The Qualities of True Love - 4 of 4*

Discernment Parts 1-6
*John MacArthur - Discernment Part 1*
*John MacArthur - Discernment Part 2*
*John MacArthur - Discernment Part 3*
*John MacArthur - Discernment Part 4*
*John MacArthur - Discernment Part 5*
*John MacArthur - Discernment Part 6*

If God's Will Is So Important Why Can't I Find It Parts 1-4
*John MacArthur - If God's Will Is So Important Why Can't I Find It - 1 of 4*
*John MacArthur - If God's Will Is So Important Why Can't I Find It - 2 of 4*
*John MacArthur - If God's Will Is So Important Why Can't I Find It - 3 of 4*
*John MacArthur - If God's Will Is So Important Why Can't I Find It - 4 of 4*

*John MacArthur - The Character Of Scripture Part 1*
*John MacArthur - The Character of Scripture Part 2*

*John MacArthur - Characteristics Of One Who Forgives.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Actions Of One Who Forgives*

*John MacArthur - Standing For the Truth 2.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Standing For the Truth 3.mp3*

*John MacArthur - The Character of God's Word 02.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Character of God's Word 01.mp3*

*John MacArthur - Talking With Albert Mohler on Radio 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Talking With Albert Mohler on Radio 2 .mp3*

*John Macarthur - Living in the Spirit - Drinking 1.mp3*
*John Macarthur - Living in the Spirit - Drinking 2.mp3*

*John MacArthur - What God Thinks of Homosexuals 1*
*John MacArthur - What God Thinks of Homosexuals 2*

*John MacArthur - Fighting The Noble War - Part 1*
*John MacArthur - Fighting The Noble War - Part 2*

*John MacArthur - How to Study Your Bible - Interpretation - 1*
*John MacArthur - How to Study Your Bible - Interpretation - 2*

*John MacArthur - Delivered To Satan - 1*
*John MacArthur - Delivered To Satan - 2*

*John MacArthur - The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Chapel Messages 1*
*John MacArthur - The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Chapel Messages 2*

*John MacArthur - Purpose Of Salvation*
*John MacArthur - Progress Of Salvation*

*John MacArthur - The Memory That Shuns Sin Part 1*
*John MacArthur - The Memory That Shuns Sin Part 2*

*John MacArthur - Exposition of John 21 Part 1*
*John MacArthur - Exposition of John 21 Part 2*

*John MacArthur - Supernatural Lessons from a Natural Disaster - Part 1*
*John MacArthur - Supernatural Lessons from a Natural Disaster - Part 2*

*John MacArthur - A Biblical Perspective On War Part 1*
*John MacArthur - A Biblical Perspective On War Part 2*

*John MacArthur - What Happens to Christians Who Die 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - What Happens to Christians Who Die 2.mp3*

*John MacArthur - Salvation Is Irrevocable - Part 2.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Salvation Is Irrevocable - Part 3.mp3*


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Astronomy: Highest Resolution

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The Ultimate Bible Collection - PDF's (must have) This has all the bibles.
* The Ultimate Bible Collection - PDF's (must have).rar*
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* Bible - New American Standard - NASB.pdf*
* Bible - New International - NIV.pdf*
* Bible - New King James - NKJV.pdf*
* Bible - New Living Translation - NLT.pdf*
* Bible - Websters Bible - WBST.pdf*
* Bible - World English Bible - WEB.pdf*
* Bible - Youngs Literal Translation - YLT.pdf*
* Bible - 21st Century King James - KJ21.pdf*
* Bible - American Standard - ASV.pdf*
* Bible - Amplified Version - AMP.pdf*
* Bible - Bible in Basic English - BBE.pdf*
* Bible - Darby Version - DARBY.pdf*
* Bible - Douay-Rheims Bible - DRB.pdf*
* Bible - King James Spanish - KJVSP.pdf*
* Bible - King James Version - KJV.pdf*
* Bible - New American - NAB.pdf*
*Download King James Version 1611_Audio Old and New Testament Here*
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*King James Version 1611_Matthew*
*King James Version 1611_Mark*
*King James Version 1611_Luke*
*King James Version 1611_John*
*King James Version 1611_Acts*
*King James Version 1611_Romans*
*King James Version 1611_1Corinthians*
*King James Version 1611_2Corinthians*
*King James Version 1611_Galatians*
*King James Version 1611_Ephesians*
*King James Version 1611_Philippians*
*King James Version 1611_Colossians*
*King James Version 1611_1Thessalonians*
*King James Version 1611_2Thessalonians*
*King James Version 1611_1Timothy*
*King James Version 1611_2Timothy*
*King James Version 1611_Titus*
*King James Version 1611_Philemon*
*King James Version 1611_Hebrews*
*King James Version 1611_James*
*King James Version 1611_1Peter*
*King James Version 1611_2Peter*
*King James Version 1611_1John*
*King James Version 1611_2John*
*King James Version 1611_3John*
*King James Version 1611_Jude*
*King James Version 1611_Revelation*
*King James Version 1611_Proverbs.mp3*
*King James Version 1611_Psalms.mp3*
Download Only for NIV
*NIV Bible - The Book of Matthew.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of Mark.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of Luke.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of John.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of Acts.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of Romans.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of 1 Corinthians.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of 2 Corinthians.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of Galatians.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of Ephesians.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of Philippians.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of Colossians.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of 1 Thessalonians.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of 2 Thessalonians.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Books of 1 and 2 Timothy.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of Titus.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of Philemon.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of Hebrews.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of James.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of The Book of 1 Peter.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of 2 Peter.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Books of 1, 2, & 3 John.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of Jude.mp3 *
*NIV Bible - The Book of Revelation.mp3 *
Mp3's, Pdf, Txt, Htm
*John MacArthur - Spurgeon,Others life works htm,txt.rar*
*John MacArthur - Collection of Sermons and Articles A - Z.rar*
*John MacArthur - on New Testament (complete) htms, txt.rar*
*John MacArthur - Bible Study Guides (complete) htms.rar*
*John MacArthur - Questions & Answers htms.rar*
*Spurgeon - All of Grace (complete) mp3'*
*Andrew Murray - prayer (complete) mp3's.rar*
*A.W Pink Sermons 1932 - 1943 (complete) pdf .rar*
*Edward M. Bounds - Power Through Prayer pt 1-2 mp3s.rar*
*Thomas a Kempis - Imitation of Christ 1-10 mp3s.rar*
*Thomas a Kempis - Imitation of Christ 11-20 mp3s.rar*
The Life of Charles Spurgeon 1-7
* The Life of Charles Spurgeon #1.mp3*
* The Life of Charles Spurgeon #2.mp3*
* The Life of Charles Spurgeon #3.mp3*
* The Life of Charles Spurgeon #4.mp3*
* The Life of Charles Spurgeon #5.mp3*
* The Life of Charles Spurgeon #6.mp3*
* The Life of Charles Spurgeon #7.mp3*
* Life and Legacy of Charles H. Spurgeon.mp3*
Spurgeon Sermons Pdf Format
*Spurgeon_All_Sermons - Volumes 1-3 (1855-57)pdf.rar*
*Spurgeon_All_Sermons - Volumes 4-6 (1858-60)pdf.rar*
*Spurgeon_All_Sermons - Volumes 7-9 (1861-63)pdf.rar*
*Spurgeon_All_Sermons - Volumes 10-12 (1864-66)pdf.rar*
*Spurgeon_All_Sermons - Volumes 13-15 (1867-69)pdf.rar*
*Spurgeon_All_Sermons - Volumes 16-18 (1870-72)pdf.rar*
*Spurgeon_All_Sermons - Volumes 19-21 (1873-75)pdf.rar*
*Spurgeon_All_Sermons - Volumes 22-24 (1876-78)pdf.rar*
*Spurgeon_All_Sermons - Volumes 25-27 (1879-81)pdf.rar*
*Spurgeon_All_Sermons - Volumes 28-30 (1882-84)pdf.rar*
*Spurgeon_All_Sermons - Volumes 31-33 (1885-87) pdf.rar*
*Spurgeon_All_Sermons - Volumes 34-36 (1888-90) pdf.rar*
*Spurgeon_All_Sermons - Volumes 37-39 (1891-93) pdf.rar*
*Spurgeon_All_Sermons - Volumes 40-42 (1894-96) pdf.rar*
*Spurgeon_All_Sermons - Volumes 43-45 (1897-99) pdf.rar*
*Spurgeon_All_Sermons - Volumes 46-63 (1900-17) pdf.rar*
Jonathan Edwards Sermons
*Jonathan Edwards_Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.mp3*
*Jonathan Edwards_Many Mansions.mp3*
*Jonathan Edwards_Salvation to be Sought.mp3*
*Jonathan Edwards_Safety Fulness and Sweet Refreshment.mp3*
*Jonathan Edwards_Pressing Into the Kingdom.mp3*
*Jonathan Edwards_Pardon for the Greatest Sinners.mp3*
*Jonathan Edwards_Importance of Knowledge.mp3*
*Jonathan Edwards_God's Sovereignty.mp3*
*Jonathan Edwards_God Glorified in Mans Dependence.mp3*
*Jonathan Edwards_Excellency of Christ.mp3*
*Jonathan Edwards_Duty of Prayer.mp3*
*Jonathan Edwards_Divine and Supernatural Light.mp3*
*Jonathan Edwards_Christian Knowledge.mp3*
*Jonathan Edwards_Absent from the Body.mp3*
John Wesley's Journal 1-50
*John Wesley - Journal pt. 1-5 mp3's.rar*
*John Wesley - Journal pt. 6-10 mp3's.rar*
*John Wesley - Journal pt. 11-15 mp3's.rar*
*John Wesley - Journal pt. 16-20 mp3's.rar*
*John Wesley - Journal pt. 21-25 mp3's.rar*
*John Wesley - Journal pt. 26-30 mp3's.rar*
*John Wesley - Journal pt. 31-35 mp3's.rar*
*John Wesley - Journal pt. 36-40 mp3's.rar*
*John Wesley - Journal pt. 41-45 mp3's.rar*
*John Wesley - Journal pt. 46-50 mp3's.rar*
Autobiography of George Fox 1-50
*Autobiography of George Fox 1-5 mp3's.rar*
*Autobiography of George Fox 6-10 mp3's.rar*
*Autobiography of George Fox 11-15 mp3's.rar*
*Autobiography of George Fox 16-20 mp3's.rar*
*Autobiography of George Fox 21-25 mp3's.rar*
*Autobiography of George Fox 26-30 mp3's.rar*
*Autobiography of George Fox 31-35 mp3's.rar*
*Autobiography of George Fox 36-40 mp3's.rar*
*Autobiography of George Fox 41-45 mp3's.rar*
*Autobiography of George Fox 46-50 mp3's.rar*
John Bunyan_Pilgrim's Progress
* John Bunyan_Pilgrim's Progress 1 of 8.mp3*
* John Bunyan_Pilgrim's Progress 2 of 8.mp3*
* John Bunyan_Pilgrim's Progress 3 of 8.mp3*
* John Bunyan_Pilgrim's Progress 4 of 8.mp3*
* John Bunyan_Pilgrim's Progress 5 of 8.mp3*
* John Bunyan_Pilgrim's Progress 6 of 8.mp3*
* John Bunyan_Pilgrim's Progress 7 of 8.mp3*
* John Bunyan_Pilgrim's Progress 8 of 8.mp3*
Macarthur Teaching at The Masters Seminary College 1985-2000
*Masters College - The Beatitudes Part 1*
*Masters College - The Beatitudes Part 2*
*Masters College - The Beatitudes Part 3*
*Masters College - The Beatitudes Part 4*
*Masters College - The Beatitudes Part 5*
*Masters College - The Beatitudes Part 6*
*Masters College - The Beatitudes Part 7*
*Masters College - The Beatitudes Part 8*
*Masters College - Spiritual Warfare Part 1*
*Masters College - Spiritual Warfare Part 2*
*Masters College - Spiritual Warfare Part 3*
*Masters College - Fellowship Part 1*
*Masters College - Fellowship Part 2*
*Masters College - Fellowship Part 3*
*Masters College - The Church In God’s Plan Part 1*
*Masters College - The Church In God’s Plan Part 2*
*Masters College - The Church In God’s Plan Part 3*
*Masters College - Heaven Part 1*
*Masters College - Heaven Part 2*
*Masters College - Heaven Part 3*
*Masters College - The Glory of God Part 1*
*Masters College - The Glory of God Part 2*
*Masters College - The Glory of God Part 3*
*Masters College - Laying the Foundations of Eschatology Part 1*
*Masters College - Laying the Foundations of Eschatology Part 2*
*Masters College - Laying the Foundations of Eschatology Part 3*
*Masters College - Spiritual Growth Part 1*
*Masters College - Spiritual Growth Part 2*
*Masters College - Be Filled with the Spirit Part 1*
*Masters College - Be Filled with the Spirit Part 2*
*Masters College - Loving God with Your Mind Part 1*
*Masters College - Loving God with Your Mind Part 2*
*Masters College - Gray Areas Part 1*
*Masters College - Gray Areas Part 2*
*Masters College - Prayer Part 1*
*Masters College - Prayer Part 2.*
*Masters College - Our One True Motivation Part 1*
*Masters College - Our One True Motivation Part 2*
*Masters College - The Sufficiency of Scripture Part 1*
*Masters College - The Sufficiency of Scripture Part 2*
*Masters College - All Things Work Together For Good Part 1*
*Masters College - All Things Work Together For Good Part 2*
*Masters College - The Complete and Perfect Word Part 1*
*Masters College - The Complete and Perfect Word Part 2*
*Masters College - God’s Love for His People *
*Masters College - Saving Faith *
*Masters College - The Ambition of Loving God *
*Masters College - The Love of God *
*Masters College - Sufficiency in God’s Grace*
*Masters College - The Dangers of Spiritual Privilege*
*Masters College - Spiritual Aides in the Church*
*Masters College - Qualities of a Servant *
*Masters College - Worshiping in Spirit and Truth *
*Masters College - The Spiritual Battle*
*Masters College - Spiritual Warfare *
*Masters College - Be Strong In Christ*
*Masters College - Self-Discipline*
*Masters College - Whose Fault Is My Sin? *
*Masters College - The Entanglement of Sin *
*Masters College - The Goal of Christlikeness *
*Masters College - Wisdom *
*Masters College - Lies of the World vs. The Truth *
*Masters College - The Vanishing Conscience *
*Masters College - Moral Absolutes *
*Masters College - Lessons to Live *
*Masters College - Heart to Heart *
*Masters College - Forgiveness*
*Masters College - Dealing with Tragedy *
*Masters College - The Will of God *
*Masters College - Knowing the Will of God*
*Masters College - Materialism*
*Masters College - The Last Shall Be First*
*Masters College - What Is Your Relationship to Christ?*
*Masters College - Knowing the Truth *
*Masters College - Lessons to learn from the fall of Jimmy Swaggart*
*Masters College - Recognizing False Leaders*
*Masters College - Judgment of the Nation*
*Masters College - Sovereign Election*
*Masters College - Pray for the Lost*
*Masters College - These Things I Pray For . . .*
*Masters College - My Prayer For You*
*Masters College - Praying for the Lost*
*Masters College - Virtue of Manliness*
*Masters College - The Lord’s Prayer*
*Masters College - Power of Unbelief*
*Masters College - Danger in the Church *
*Masters College - Why a Christian Education *
*Masters College - Call to Salvation *
*Masters College - Commitment to the Lost World *
*Masters College - Eternal Security *
*Masters College - Lessons from the Quake *
*Masters College - Knowing the Will of God *
*Masters College - Issues Facing the Church *
*Masters College - The Last Will Be First *
*Masters College - The Danger of Spiritual Privilege *
*Masters College - Receiving the Word *
*Masters College - Responding to the Word *
*Masters College - True Education Wisdom *
*Masters College - Truth and Education *
*Masters College - A Vision of Christ *
*Masters College - Eleven Priniciples for Effective Leadership *
*Masters College - Our Sufficient Christ *
*Masters College - The Benefits of Youth *
*Masters College - Is Yours A Demon Faith? *
*Masters College - The Authority of Scripture *
*Masters College - Convocation Chapel *
*Masters College - Distinctives of the Master’s College *
*Masters College - Get to Know the President *
*Masters College - Call to the Marketplace *
*Masters College - Evangelistic Prayer *
*Masters College - Isaiah 5-6 *


Sermons from Grace Community Church
* Click Here To Read Transcripts For All Sermons And Just Look Up Title *
*John MacArthur - Godly Living*
*John MacArthur - The Prodigal Son*
*John MacArthur - Clay Pots And The Secret To Serving God*
*John MacArthur - Forty Years of Gospel Ministry*
*John MacArthur - 2001 Shepherd's Conference - Sat Morn Gen Session Interview*
*John MacArthur - Four Ways to Die Unforgiven*
*John MacArthur - What God Thinks of Divorce*
*John MacArthur - Testimony*
*John MacArthur - Three Things that Keep People from Christ*
*John MacArthur - Perfecting the Saints*
*John MacArthur - Chapel: Reformation and Reformers*
*John MacArthur - How to Study Your Bible: Closing the Gaps*
*John MacArthur - Principles of Leadership*
*John MacArthur - Responsibilities of the Church Preaching, Part 2*
*John MacArthur - Satan's Strategy for Stealing the Church*
*John MacArthur - Significance of the Resurrection*
*John MacArthur - Sign of the Son of Man*
*John MacArthur - Ten Steps to Persistent Prayer*
*John MacArthur - The True Christmas Spirit*
*John MacArthur - Warning To This Church*
*John MacArthur - The emerging church*
*John MacArthur - Upholding The Gospel In A Doubting Age*
*John MacArthur - Spiritual Questions in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina*
*John MacArthur - Warning to an Apostate Nation*
*John MacArthur - On Abandoned by God*
*John MacArthur - The Tremendous Truth Behind the Parable of the Soils*
*John MacArthur - Five Reasons to Preach the Word*
*John MacArthur - Portrait of Paul's Friends*
*John MacArthur - Triumph In Trouble*
*John MacArthur - The Only Way to Happiness Be Meek.*
*John MacArthur - Why I Love the Church*
*John MacArthur - Once saved, always saved*
*John MacArthur - Christ, Head of the Church*
*John MacArthur - On Eternal Security*
*John MacArthur - The Doctrine of Regeneration*
*John MacArthur - on Election*
*John MacArthur - A Sinless Master*
*John MacArthur - How Can We Witness the Gospel if we don't know what it is?...*
*John MacArthur - The Forgotten Dream and the Unforgettable*
*John MacArthur - Creation Believe It or Not*
*John MacArthur - Creation Believe It or Not pt2*
*John MacArthur - Consequences Of Failing To Preach The Word*
*John MacArthur - Grace to You - A Plan for Your Family Gods way*
*John MacArthur - How You Can Spot A False Teacher*
*John MacArthur - Born To Holiness*
*John MacArthur - Dealing with Sin in the Heart*
*John MacArthur - God's Word on Christian Conduct*
*John MacArthur - Truth In The Cross Hairs*
*John MacArthur - How to Confess Your Sins*
*John MacArthur - How to Pray*
*John MacArthur - The Sufficiency of Spiritual Resources*
*John MacArthur - First Aid for the Fallen.mp3*
*John MacArthur - When Jesus Preached from the Cross.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Responses To The Gospel.wma*
*John MacArthur - The Kindom Of The World.wma*
*John MacArthur - Looking At The Cross From God's Perspective.mp3*
*John MacArthur - What Will Heaven Be Like.mp3*
*John MacArthur - How to Study the Bible-Closing the Gaps.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Jonah The Worlds Worst Missionary.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Self-Discipline.mp3*
*John MacArthur - When Bad Things Happen to Gods People - Comfort In Trouble*
*John MacArthur - Benefiting From Lifes Trial..s*
*John MacArthur - Feminism's Radical Agenda 1.mp3*
*John MacArthur - God Has Spoken.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Essentials Of Spiritual Leadership.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The God Who Speaks.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Scandal of the Catholic Priesthood.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Fri. Morning General Session.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The Faith of Rahab.mp3*
*John MacArthur - The power of Christmas Truth.mp3*
*John MacArthur - Worshipping the Master*
*John MacArthur - Commitment to the Church*
*John MacArthur - What is the Gospel*
*John MacArthur - The Ministry of Reconcilliation*
*John MacArthur - The Deadly Dangers of Moralism*
*John MacArthur - The Extent Of The Believer's Security*
*John MacArthur - The Doctrine of Regeneration*
*John MacArthur - Standing for the Truth*
*John MacArthur - Self Defense Against Sexual Sin*
*John MacArthur - Judgment On A Reprobate Society*
*John MacArthur - An Evangelical Dialogue with*
*John MacArthur - How To Abstain From Sexual Sin*
*John MacArthur - Four Decades of Ministry*
*John MacArthur - Jack MacArthur John's Dad Dies*
*John MacArthur - Hacking Agag to Pieces*
*John MacArthur - Proverbs 31 Woman*
*John MacArthur - Informed Conscience*
*John MacArthur - Chapel: The Prodigal Son*


Jesus Christ, He saved my life! On the human side, John Macarthur for his faithful teaching of the Word of God.

My Blog

Josh McDowell - Evidence for Your Faith

*Evidence for the Resurrection by Josh McDowell.htm**Evidence for Your Faith 1 - Josh McDowell .mp3**Evidence for Your Faith 2 - Josh McDowell .mp3**Evidence for Your Faith 3 - Josh McDowell .mp3**Evi...
Posted by John Macarthur Audio Teachings and Other Resources on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 01:39:00 PST

John Macarthur Teachings and sermons Q&A

Go to my profile for hundreds more :)Here are some quick Q&A Audio clips on all subjects about 1 minute or so long I got from John Macarthur at  *Grace To You* . Enjoy! *Audio Q & A*Great...
Posted by John Macarthur Audio Teachings and Other Resources on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 12:25:00 PST

Evolution Studies for Witnessing

Some Evolution Study Helps :)*Darwin's myth Profile*The Creator Beyond Time and Space Series on CD-ROM - Chuck Missler and Dr. Mark EastmanIs the universe infinite or finite? Incredible series!!!*What...
Posted by John Macarthur Audio Teachings and Other Resources on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 01:07:00 PST

Witnessing To Mormons

This should give you all you need for this battle. Enjoy!*Dialogue on the Doorstep with a Mormon Walter Martin and Ed Decker. Part One .Mp3**Dialogue on the Doorstep with a Mormon Walter Martin and Ed...
Posted by John Macarthur Audio Teachings and Other Resources on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 01:19:00 PST

Christian Sites and Christian Comedy

I also love listening to great pastors/teachers and have a rather large collection of sermons from the best teachers of our day that I love to share :) Also if you are a new Christian or a Christian t...
Posted by John Macarthur Audio Teachings and Other Resources on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 09:07:00 PST