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Charles Stanley


About Me
Dr. Charles F. Stanley, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Atlanta and founder of In Touch Ministries, demonstrates a keen awareness of people’s needs by providing practical biblical truths for everyday life. Modeling his ministry after the apostle Paul’s message to the Ephesians, Dr. Stanley believes that:
" . . . Life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus–the work of telling others the Good News about God’s mighty kindness and love" (Acts 20:24 LB).
Dr. Stanley’s messages tackle such issues as parenting, finances, personal crises, emotions, and relationships. Instructional teaching for personal spiritual growth focuses on prayer, the character of God, fellowship through the Holy Spirit, and the Person of Jesus Christ. Dr. Stanley fervently believes the Bible to be the inerrant Word of God, a belief strongly reflected in his teaching.
Dr. Stanley has authored more than 45 books, including several best sellers. Some of his titles include A Man's Touch, Handle With Prayer, How To Listen To God, Eternal Security: Can You Be Sure, The Gift of Forgiveness, How to Keep Your Kids On Your Team, The Wonderful Spirit-Filled Life, The Source of My Strength, How To Handle Adversity, The Blessing of Brokenness, Success God's Way, Handbook for Christian Living, Into His Presence, and When Tragedy Strikes.
A common theme found in In Touch's voluminous listener correspondence is how God has changed lives through Dr. Stanley’s teaching. Any success achieved by In Touch or Dr. Stanley is directly attributed to the hand of God. Dr. Stanley says, "It is the Word of God and the work of God that changes people’s lives."
The goal of Dr. Charles Stanley is best represented in In Touch's mission statement: To lead people worldwide into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and to strengthen the local church. Dr. Stanley’s heart’s desire is to get the Gospel to "as many people as possible, as clearly as possible, as irresistibly as possible, and as quickly as possible–all to God’s glory."

My Interests


Values-Based Programming

Featured Books by Dr. Charles Stanley

When Your Children Hurt

A toddler's severe burn, an 8-year-old's seizures, schoolyard bullying . . . your child's pain cuts you deeper than your own. Why does God allow it? Digging deep into Scripture, Stanley helps parents work through feelings of guilt, denial, anger, and unforgiveness that often accompany childhood suffering. Gain strength for difficult ordeals and renewed trust in God's sovereignty.

Stuck in Reverese

For countless people, life's journey seems like a series of starts, stalls, and stops. Are you simply idling while others reach their destinations of happy marriages, successful careers, and intimacy with God? Learn how you can break free from fear, sin, disbelief, and hesitation; and accelerate into the abundant life God intends for you!

Landmines in the Path of the Believer

Life is full of hidden dangers that lead to defeat. Being aware of these landmines is the first step to avoiding them. Dr. Charles Stanley identifies seven destructive temptations and gives Christians the hope and skills they need to live an abundant and obedient life.

Send Our Troops an Encouraging Word

In Touch has an exciting opportunity to support our troops. Read more about the In Touch Ministries Messenger.

In Touch Bookstore

The In Touch bookstore is a teaching resource from Dr. Charles Stanley. Browse through various topics in Biblical studies. Topics available in CD, DVD, and paper formats.

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