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Romans 1:20-23 (KJV) 20For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.Psalm 14:1 (KJV) 1The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good... .. .. ..What would a world wide flood look like?Take a look at this 3:00 clip and find out..
This article contains some strong statements which some may find offensive. But strong statements are born of strong feelings, and God loves you strongly enough to tell you the truth. So do we. Therefore, we risk offending you a little so that you may be warned. We love you and don't want to see you make the mistake with eternal consequences. "For whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth..." (Hebrews 12:6).IS THERE A PLACE CALLED HELL? YES ! We must believe in hell because the Bible warns us about it over and over again. But why would a loving God condemn anyone to hell? Because we have all sinned against Him and have broken His law. "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). It is a fact that most people's consciences tell them not to kill, steal, and commit rape. Our laws also show that it is wrong to do these things. No one protests when our police officers throw people into jail because they have committed these horrible crimes. Why? Because you know that evildoers must be punished. Let's talk about another example: What kind of judge would appoint a murder to prison? A mighty good one would! If a judge were to set criminals free without the punishment specified in the law, that judge would be unjust and would have to be dismissed from the bench. In the same way, a mighty good and holy God would also condemn a sinner or a person to hell that chooses to remain separated from Him in their sins. If He didn't, He would not be a righteous and just God.What will happen on Judgment Day?When you stand before God one day at His judgment seat, on what basis do you think that you will have a right to enter heaven and avoid the torments of hell? God says absolutely none by your own standards! Romans 3:10 says; "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one".Sin separates mankind from God. What is sin anyway? Take a look at God's standard of righteousness and judge yourself to see if you have broken any of His laws and separated yourself from Him.Let's test ourselves on God's Ten Commandments: ( Exodus 20)1). Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Have you always obeyed God's word and put it ahead of your own wants? Do you even know what it says? Have you always put God first in every area of your life? Have you always loved Him with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength? If you answer no to any of these, you have broken God's 1st commandment.2). Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. Have you ever put a material thing like money, a car, or a career ahead of God? Did you ever have your own beliefs about God rather than the ones that are revealed in the Bible? If so, you are an idolater - you have broken God's 2nd commandment.3). Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain. Have you ever used God's name as a swear word? If so, you are profane - you have broken God's 3rd commandment.4). Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Have you always kept the sabbath holy? If not, you are a sabbath-breaker - you have broken God's 4th commandment.5). Honour thy father and thy mother. Have you ever disobeyed or spoken evil of your parents? Have you ever been rebellious against them in any way, even as a child or a teenager? If so, you are rebellious and disobedient - you have broken God's 5th Commandment.6). Thou shalt not kill. The Bible says that if we hate someone, we commit murder in our hearts. Have you ever hated someone or had evil thoughts toward another person? If so, you are a murderer at heart - you have broken God's 6th commandment. (Matthew 5:21-22)7). Thou shalt not commit adultery. Have you always been faithful to your spouse? Have you ever had sex with anyone before you were married (fornication)? Have you ever engaged in sexual fantasies or lustful thoughts about anyone not your spouse? If so, you are an adulterer - you have broken God's 7th commandment. (Matthew 5:27-28)8). Thou shalt not steal. Have you ever taken anything that didn' belong to you, no matter how small in value? If so, you are a thief - you have broken God's 8th commandment.9). Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. Have you ever told a lie, a fib, white lie, or half truth about someone else? Have you ever spoken anything about anyone knowing that it was not completely and totally true? If so, you are a liar - you have broken God's 9th commandment.10). Thou shalt not covet. Have you ever desired to have something that someone else has - a girl or guy, a car, a house, a job, or anything else? If so, you are covetous - you have broken God's 10th commandment.Everyone that has ever lived (except the Lord Jesus Christ) has broken at least one of these commandments. Most of us have probably broken most of them. Breaking only one of God's commandments only one time is all it takes to separate yourself from God and be destined to hell!Hear the Word of God:"... no murderer hath eternal life..." (1 John 3:15)"Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Corinthians 6:9-10"...whoremongers and adulterers God will judge." (Hebrews 13:4)"but the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone..." (Revelation 21:8)When you - a murderer, a thief, an adulterer, a liar - stand before the righteous Judge of all the universe, how could He not require that justice be satisfied by exacting the due penalty for your sins in the fires of hell?Does the situation seem hopeless? Wait! There's GOOD NEWS!BECAUSE OF GOD'S MERCY THERE IS HOPE! Even though God's own creation had disobeyed Him, He still loved us so much that He gave the ultimate sacrifice so we could be forgiven of our sins."But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).God does not want you to go to hell! God knew that mankind needed a redeemer so that they could be brought back into fellowship with Him. "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;" (1 Timothy 2:5). This is why Jesus had to die on the cross. He became our substitute, so we could be forgiven. He took the penalty for our sins, so that we could be FREE! When Christ shed His blood on the cross, He redeemed all those who would come to Him so they could be freed from the curse of sin. The debt of sin has been paid in full by Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God! When you believe in Jesus Christ and invite Him into your life, He washes away every sin you have ever committed.God is holy and cannot allow anyone with sin into heaven. That is why we need the righteousness of Christ to cover us. This must be done by believing in Jesus Christ and by accepting Him as your Savior and submitting to Him as the Lord of your life. Making Jesus your Savior means that you believe that Jesus died so you could be forgiven. Making Jesus your Lord means that you put Him first in your life. Your submitting to His authority allows Him to begin making necessary changes in your life. This is by far the most important decision you can ever make in this lifetime because Jesus Christ is the only way you can go to heaven and avoid hell.Yes, the penalty of hell is severe and more horrible than the human mind can fathom. But God in His awesome love and grace towards his creation has provided this gift of salvation. This gift of eternal life in heaven is free for the asking! God has madePhD scientists are being persecuted and fired from their jobs (Denied Tenure) for saying that evolution is not the logical answer to the complexity of life and that there must have been a designer. Expelled hits theaters nationwide this April 2008. In this highly controversial, history-changing film, host Ben Stein goes on a quest to expose the suppression by science’s anti-theist elite and unveil new scientific facts that may suggest evidence of intelligent design in the universe.For decades now, Neo-Darwinism has maintained a stranglehold within public education, suppressing all other theories on the origins of life – especially those that hint of a “designerâ€. Oxford Professor Richard Dawkins states, “Certainly I see the scientific view of the world as incompatible with religion.â€Ben blows the horn on suppression and persecution of the many by an elite few. Visit for more information today.
1) Substitute teacher gets expelled for talking about Intelligent Design
2) Scientist who has published 69 peer reviewed papers in science journals gets expelled for admitting Design in the universe
3) Caroline Crocker gets fired for talking about design
4) Dr. Carolyn Crocker discusses the treatment she's received for beliefs against evolution and why they fired her
5) Scientist Stephen Meyers responds to court case and the Nova epidode that aired the evolution vs. Intelligent Design court trial
6) Richard Sterberg tells his account of the controversy (
Check out these awesome videos in the youtube widget box below and feel free to copy the youtube widget box 4 your profile 2!!
-GOD's creation:Birds of Paradise
-Scientists talk about the Cell
-Implications of Evolution
-No new genetic information
-Natural Selection
-Wonders of Creation:Habitable Planet
-Wonders of Creation:The Mystery of Life
-Wonders of Creation:DNA
-Birds and their Awesome Design
-Proof:Hollywood knows abortion is wrong
Ever have your kid bring home a science textbook with tons of information on evolution between the pages?? Did you ever stop and think to question what's written down as fact inside of those pages?? Below is a study guide/manual to teach and show your kids that what's inside of those txtbook falls flat on it's face when examined closely under scutinity.Click CMI to go to Creation Ministries International.
Below is from Creation Ministries International
They are teaching lies to our kids Textbook full of mistakes, misinformation, bias and … lies?by Tas Walker
A friend recently showed me a copy of his teenage son’s new science text book. He’s studying in a government high school in Queensland, Australia, and there’s a whole unit on evolution.
It made my blood boil.
Kid’s have great text books these days—colourful, attractive, well laid out, and interesting. But the treatment of evolution by this text was ill-informed, erroneous, one-sided, bigoted and doctrinaire.
But they are just following the state syllabus. The book is called Science Focus 4 and was written for the science syllabus, stages 4 and 5 in the adjoining state of New South Wales.
The evolution unit tells the students in plain and simple language that they have evolved ‘From bacteria to humans’. It reinforces its message with images that powerfully influence even those kids who don’t read. The pictures also bypass the critical faculties of those who do read.
One image was of a naked human with a cute ape. Message to students: you were not created in God’s image but you evolved; you are just an animal.
Another image was the series of naked primates changing from stooped apes into upright humans. It’s an iconic image that featured on the cover of Jonathan Wells’ exposé of such classical ‘proofs’ of evolution in his ‘Icons of Evolution’. It's a racist image too, but I've dealt with that in another article.
I wonder if any of those who wrote that unit have read Wells’ book. Their unit draws heavily on the age-worn icons that Wells decisively discredited. Have they deliberately ignored his scientific critiques? Does it worry them that they are feeding the kids wrong information? The words that came to my mind were ‘ignorant, stupid, insane, or wicked—but I’d rather not consider that’, a saying of Richard Dawkins, who was referring to creationists.
As I looked through the unit I found it was full of out-dated information and scientific errors. You could write a whole book refuting the stuff, but there already are books that do that (See for example: Refuting evolution 1 and 2).
Here’s some of the wrong information presented.1)Darwin’s finches (p. 228) These do not support evolution in the way the text book defined it—‘From bacteria to humans’. They are an example of natural selection but that does not generate any of the new genetic information needed for evolution to work. Click Darwins Eden
2)The giraffe’s neck (p. 228) A popular icon of evolution but with no fossil evidence and no plausible mechanism.
3)Natural selection (p. 232) This goes the wrong way for evolution. It only sorts and removes genetic information that’s already there. Click Natural Selection
Click Goodbye Peppered Moths
4)Peppered moths (p. 233) Even if the experiments are valid, they would only demonstrate natural selection, and that is not evolution. Even evolutionists recognize that
5)Speciation (p. 234) Again, speciation is not evolution—new biological species form without any new genetic information. Speciation won’t turn ‘bacteria to man’. Actually, the creation model explains speedy speciation, but evolutionists are surprised at how quickly it works.
Click Speedy Speciationhere
6)Convergent evolution (p. 235) A name invented to explain similarities in characteristics of animals that are unexpected and improbable. Sometimes it’s called homoplastic evolution. Such characteristics are powerful evidence for design. Click Are Look Alikes Related??here
7)Miller-Urey experiment (p. 240) Shame! It used the wrong atmosphere, produced the wrong chemicals, and did not produce anything remotely like life. No one knows how life could possibly have arisen by naturalistic processes, but the students are not told that.
8)Transitional forms (p. 243) There are no examples of transitional forms for which one could make a watertight case—just a handful of disputable ones. Click Refuting Transitional Forms
-Horse Evolution Shame! An icon that has been long discarded by academic evolutionists. Click Horse Non-Sense
9)Comparative anatomy (p. 243) Sometimes evolutionists claim similar body plans support a common ancestor but at other times they don’t. It’s obviously subjective and there are many features in embryonic development that contradict the claim. Similar designs are good evidence for a common designer. Visit for a whole bunch on this issue
10)Embryonic development (p. 244) Shame! Shame! This has long been abandoned as evidence for evolution. Haeckel’s drawings are blatantly fraudulent. Click Fraudulent
11)Distribution of plants and animals (p. 245) A circular argument. Evolution is assumed to explain the distribution and then the distribution is taken to prove evolution. To the evolutionist everything is evidence of evolution, but there are other explanations. Visit and download their PDF on this issue
12)Gene duplication (p. 246) If you submit two copies of your assignment you won’t get double the marks. Copying does not produce new genetic information—it simply replicates what is already there. How did the information arise in the first place? visit and download their PDF on this issue
13)Human evolution (p. 249) The hominid evidence can be sorted into human and ape fossils. The transitional claims are belief-driven interpretations based on cases where the evidence is scanty and ambiguous. Click Human Evolution and Anthropology
-Lucy (p. 250) Human eyes, hands and feet drawn onto an ape do make it look half ape and half human. But Lucy was just an ape, as ‘her’ name, Australopithecine (‘southern ape’), indicates. (See ape man above)
-Homo Habilis (p. 251) A jumble of human and ape fossils, now widely regarded as an invalid taxon. The text book even includes a picture of this imaginary creature.
-Homo erectus (p. 251) Nothing outside of the range of human variation.-Neandertal (p. 251) Used to be drawn as primitive cave men but now regarded as fully human.
-Cro magnon (p. 251) Not a club wielding brute but fully human.
-Cultural evolution (p. 252) Simply a belief-driven interpretation that really doesn’t make sense of the evidence.
-Mungo man (p. 255) The remains of an aboriginal. The whole claim is based on the extreme radioactive dating result, which is based on assumptions and hotly disputed. As a result of Mungo man and other evolutionary stories people tend to view the aboriginal people as ‘primitive’. These speculations should not be taught this way as it fosters racist thinking.
The treatment of evolution in the textbook is shameful. It presents itself as scientific but this unit is scientifically wrong on the central evidences it presents and woefully out-of-date. It’s misleading, uninformed, one-sided and erroneous. It takes a condescending swipe at creation and insults those who hold a different view.It’s an Australian example but a world-wide problem.Textbooks, it seems, are just one part of a strategy to censor information available to children, similar to what has been exposed in the movie Expelled? The entire evidence has been presented within the secular, atheistic, materialistic, humanistic worldview.This textbook brings to my mind the tragic statement by Darrell Scott, whose daughter Rachel was shot dead on 20 April 1999. Along with 12 others, she was gunned down by two young male students at a high school in Columbine, USA. One was wearing a tee shirt with ‘natural selection’ emblazoned on it.Darrell said:‘If children are taught that they came from slime, that they evolved from a lower form of life, and that there's no future after death, then their views of life are affected by that … life really doesn't have the meaning that it does to children who believe they are created in God's image and that they have not only this life but a future life as well.’ It’s time these educational establishments stopped teaching deadly lies to our kids. Down the track the same governments that finance this despicable, destructive indoctrination will be employing more police, building bigger gaols and enacting more draconian laws to try to cope with the fallout. It’s just plain crazy.-Big Thanks to
"Why does God allow evil?"
Answer: The Bible describes God as holy (Isaiah 6:3), righteous (Psalm 7:11), just (Deuteronomy 32:4), and sovereign (Daniel 4:17-25). These attributes tell us the following about God: (1) God is capable of preventing evil, and (2) God desires to rid the universe of evil. So, if both of these are true, why does God allow evil? If God has the power to prevent evil, and desires to prevent evil, why does He not prevent evil? Perhaps a good way to look at this issue would be to consider some alternative situations for how people might have God run the world:
1)God could change everyone’s personality so that they cannot sin. This would also mean that we would not have a free will. We would not be able to choose right or wrong because we would be “programmed†to only do right. Had God chosen to do this, there would be no meaningful relationships between Him and His creation.Instead, God made Adam and Eve innocent but with the ability to choose good or evil. In doing so, they could respond to His love and trust Him or choose to do their own thing. They chose to do their own thing. Because we live in a real world where we can choose our actions but not their consequences, their sin affected those who came after them (us). Similarly, our decisions to sin have an impact on us, and those around us.
2)Another choice would have God compensating for people’s evil actions through supernatural intervention 100% of the time. For instance, if a drunk driver causes an automobile accident, God would have to keep him and the people in the other automobile from getting harmed, for there would be many people who could possibly be caused to suffer from the accident or the death / injury of those involved in the accident. God would have to keep the drunk driver from crashing into power lines, buildings, etc. because these things would cause innocent people to suffer.Another instance might involve a lazy person plumbing a house, and he doesn’t bother to check the plumbing for leaks before the house is finished. God would have to make the plumbing not leak because otherwise the home buyers would have to suffer for the lazy person’s sin.If a father gets addicted to drugs and spends all of his money on drugs, God would somehow have to miraculously provide both the food and the social needs of the children so that they would not have to be adversely affected by the evil of the parent.In such a world, God would be like a bad parent who enables a wayward child’s destructive behavior. There would be no consequences for one’s actions, and as a result no one would learn integrity, purity, honor, responsibility, or self-control. There would be no “good consequences†for right behavior, no “bad consequences†for wrong behavior. What would people become except more deviant and sinful?
3)Another choice would be for God to judge and remove those who choose to commit evil acts. The problem with this possibility is that there would be no one left, for God would have to remove us all. We all sin and commit evil acts (Romans 3:23; Ecclesiastes 7:20; 1 John 1:8). While some people are more evil than others, where would God draw the line? Ultimately, all evil causes harm to others.Instead of these or other options, God has chosen to create a “real†world in which real choices have real consequences. In this real world of ours, our actions affect others. Because of Adam’s choice to sin, the world now lives under the curse, and we are all born with a sin nature (Romans 5:12). There will one day come a time when God will judge the sin in this world and make all things new, but He is purposely “delaying†in order to allow more time for people to repent so that He will not need to judge them (2 Peter 3:9). Until then He IS concerned about evil. When He created the Old Testament Laws, He established laws that discourage and punish evil. He judged nations and kings who disregard justice and pursue evil. Likewise in the New Testament, God states that it is the government’s responsibility to provide justice in order to protect the innocent from evil (Romans 13). He also promises severe consequences for those who commit evil acts, especially on the "innocent" (Mark 9:36-42).
In summary, we live in a real world where our good and evil actions have direct consequences and indirect consequences upon us and those around us. God’s desire is that for all of our sakes we would obey Him that it might be well with us (Deuteronomy 5:29). Instead, what happens is that we choose our own way and then we blame God for not doing anything about it. Such is the heart of sinful man. But Jesus came to change men’s hearts through the power of the Holy Spirit. So He is able to do for those who will turn from evil and call on Jesus to save them from their sin and its consequences (2 Corinthians 5:17). God does prevent and restrain some acts of evil. This world would be MUCH WORSE were not God restraining evil. At the same time, God has given us the ability to choose good and evil, and when we choose evil, He allows us, and those around us, to suffer the consequences of evil. Rather than blaming God and questioning God for why He does not prevent all evil - we should be about the business of proclaiming the cure for evil and its consequences - Jesus Christ!