Jason Upton- if you don't know who he is. You NEED too!
The Shawshank Redemption. The Wizard of Oz. American History X. Crash. Just about any type of horror movie. Transformers. Ninja Turtles. The Godfather. Pulp Fiction. Grindhouse. The Passion of The Christ. Shooter. All Denzel Washington movies.
How well do you know horror?
You are a horror genius!!
Your are a very evil person with the mindstate of a serial killer and need psychiatric help!!!!!!!
How do you compare?
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The Bible
Jesus, Smith Wigglesworth, B.J. Penn, Chuck Liddell (Fighter). My mom- she's pretty grand. My grandpa Stanley- i thought he was invincible for the longest time. Michael Myers. Jason Upton. Pitbulls. John Piper. Charles Spurgeon. James White
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