The Tattooed Preacher profile picture

The Tattooed Preacher

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

ABOUT ME: Aaron D. Davis- Spiritual Trainer
I'm Just a laid back Cat who tries to be 4 real in a world that is forever encouraging people to put up fronts in order to be accepted...
I created this site for people who may not be comfortable talking with/or may not have a minister they can go to when they have questions about God, or need prayer for situations in their lives...and EVERYBODY DOES AT SOME TIME!!! So I am here for those people!
This IS NOT a site that caters to your typical christian demographic... I have met my fair share of Rude, Judgmental and Overzealous Christian ministers, and I'M NOT THAT GUY!!! It's OK if you think I am wrong...Understand this, The person with an experience is never at the mercy of one with an argument. I am very confident with where I stand, so your argument about why you don't believe in my approach or conviction is irrelevant to me. I know that what I am doing is right whether you believe in it or not...(which is why i refuse debating with people who are looking for an argument...)
I have found that people who need to be right all the time and want to argue with me, are most often lacking affirmation in their lives and therefore demand it from others...I recognize that this is a lack of security, and I quit caring that people who don't love me don't agree with me a long time ago... So, respectfully, I don't owe you an explanation ...My desire is to help people and please God...If you would do it differently, then please do it your way...
Honestly, I just love people and want to see them live their dreams, experience a life of fulfillment, and be everything that they can be!l!
I have a vision for my life and this ministry to be instrumental in changing the face of Christianity to something real and relevant that allows people to be accepted for who they are as individuals regardless of whether or not they fit a specific "mold"...
I am an Ordained Minister of 13 years with a bit of a different perspective considering the fact that I too have tattoo's and piercings. Some would say that I am a bit of a dichotomy but I am who I am...
My mission statement is to Touch the Untouchable and Reach the Unreachable...this statement is not intended to label anyone per se' only to acknowledge that there are many in the church world who are not willing to reach or acknowledge those who do not fit within the parameters of their Church's comfort zone...I, on the other hand, tend to be drawn to the people who some christian's may have difficulty identifying with. (Which works out GREAT because I am reaching out to a demographic that they are not...Thus fulfilling yet another aspect of going into "all" the world and reaching out to people of "all" types...
I presently have a background pic on my page that many christians have requested explanation about considering the tattoo's that the man in the pic has...I think that this background pic is one of the most artistic depictions of REDEMPTION that I have ever seen...On one side he looks shamed and is looking away into the darkness, on the other he is looking to heaven with light on his face...This is the EXACT demographic of person that I love and have a heart for...a person's background is irrelevant to me...I love people because they are people...That's it...
I am repeatedly asked what my spiritual background is...I am absolutely a Christian! I do not consider myself religious and really buck the whole legalism thing...I have been a Youth Pastor, an Associate Pastor, a traveling Evangelist, a street Evangelist, a church elder, on the board of trustees in one of the most respected ministries in the US, and am now A MYSPACE SPIRITUAL TRAINER!. I have fed the homeless, worked with inner-city youth, ministered to Gang Members and Drug Addicts, preached in other countries, and am again currently pursuing an evangelistic ministry both state side and abroad (feel free to contact me to arrange speaking engagements)

I LOVE DIVERSITY!!! I love people because they are people...

I don't get star struck...I Totally don't care about someone's "fame" status...I have met, associated with, and hung out with "famous" people and, not to burst your bubble, they are just people with cool jobs who put their pants on just like you and me...Nothin more...
My friends include, (Porn Stars, Strippers (dancers), rock stars, actors, models, musicians, rappers, homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, tattooed and pierced people, drug addicts, and many other types who would probably not be too comfortable in most churches)...and I NOT ONLY LOVE THEM...I LIKE THEM!!!!...Honestly, I just don't care that you don't like them, so you may want to save your keyboard strokes...I'm here for them and I guess you could say, I got their backs...

I will not argue with you, so if your desire is to debate...Go elsewhere, I'm not your guy...However, if you have questions, I am more than willing to answer them so please feel free to write...

If there is an emergency or something dangerous is going down I am a 'run to' instead of a 'run away' person. I would absolutely risk my life to save someone elses and have on occasion...Just your typical nice guy who finishes first (not arrogance... confidence with a hint of faith speak).
I love my wife, my family, and my friends. I LIVE LIFE...I REFUSE TO JUST EXIST...
Denzel Washington was asked in an interview once how he would like to be remembered, He stated, I don't think in those terms, I'm too busy living life...
I liked that answer and found real identity in it...When this earth suit quits working I will know without a doubt that I used it to LIVE LIFE...
I CAN'T STAND SHOPPING but love malls and airports because it is a place where you can sit back and observe/admire/appreciate/and sometimes chuckle at how differently God has created each one of us...I honestly believe that there is something exceptional about everyone if you are willing to take the time to find it...

I prefer to see the cup half full, trying to always see the best in situations...(One has to ask themselves, Is today a CRAPPY DAY OR JUST FERTILIZER FILLED! HA!)...In reality, I've seen gruesome tragedy with my own eyes, I've watched people die, I've seen horrible poverty, I've had to observe with my eyes the horrific things that people have done to children, and I've had to walk through more blood than I care to remember (including my own when an attempt on my life was made)...although my experiences would probably jade most people negatively, this perspective keeps me constantly reminded of how good that I really have it. It is my perception that Life, for most of us, is not nearly as bad as we think it is... and for those of you that it is, it is my desire to help if I can (yeah, that sounds really velveeta, but where the rubber meets the road, that's me).
Here's a little info you may not know about me, I spent 8 years of my life as a law enforcement officer serving as a D.A.R.E Officer, School Resource Officer, Detective Sergeant (criminal investigations-working everything from vandalism to homicide), and a S.W.A.T team attempt was made on my life in the line of duty Dec 06' and ended my career in Law Enforcement. I am also a published author of two books, The Spirit of Religion and Love Thy Neighbor...?When a Spirit of Religion Opposes the Heart of God ( They can be purchased on am currently working on a couple of new titles as well but the release date is still up in the air...
My present blogs go deeper into who I am if you are interested...I don't know...I will add more later.... But if you are curious about Aaron Davis Ministries, write me and ask me about it...
Background from flickr user ..

My Interests


I LOVE ADRENALINE!!! Anything I can do to produce it in my system makes me happy...I enjoy skydiving, bungee jumping, public speaking, snowboarding, Paintball, water sports, scuba diving, fast cars, Harley Davidson Motorcycles, Shooting all kinds of guns, Video games, MMA...etc...

If you can dig it say WORD!!!

Here I am frying turkeys and doing my thankful dance on Thanksgiving

Mi' Familia

Love that Hat!!! I'm actually at church in this pic!

I got a new mohawk!!! Finally, THE REAL ME!!!

Me and My Beautiful Wife in Hawaii

Preaching in Nashville

Praying for youth after a meeting

I think we made a really good Batman and Robin

Scuba divin' with my brother tony in Cozumel

Skydiving...First and probably last time! It hurt!!!...BAD!!

Gettin ready for scuba in Hawaii

Mirrored Tribal...

Me and Dad (the other tattooed preacher)

Me, Lisa, Dad and Mom On the Big Island

Me and my niece Joy on the left, Her mother Amber on the right

Man!!! That kid loves to dance!!!

I love LA!!!

Daddy 1975 Rocky 2008

Yup that's daddy's boy...

Pretty strong resemblance tween me and him as babies huh?

I'd like to meet:

You!!! I love people and aspire to help them reach their God ordained destiny!!!

I recognize all too well that I am not a musician or a vocalist...still this is a side of me that you might not see any other way...

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I'm starting a new International Ministry Team reaching out to people who normally are unloved and unaddressed by many modern day churches...If you love people regardless of their background and are interested in becoming a part of this ministry team in your area, send me a message requesting more information about the Aaron Davis International Ministry Team...I can't do this alone...


Brave Heart, The Passion (brilliant movie!!!), The Matrix (all of them), Gladiator, The Princess Bride, Silence Of The Lambs, All of the Godfather's, All of the Star Wars, Shindlers List, Tommy Boy, Happy Gilmore, Strange Brew, Shawshank Redemption, Blade, Underworld, The Lion King (I know, Where did that come from?...It had a lot of personal parallels for me), Lethal Weapon Series, THE BLUES BROTHERS!, Big Daddy (I honestly believe that is how i would be with a kid) actually anything Adam Sandler is cool, Scarface, Jaws, Blazing Saddles, Rainman, Interview with a Vampire, All of The Lord of the Rings (I read the books and loved the Movies), The Nutty Professor (particularly the dinner table scene), The Man without a face, Tombstone, Major Payne, Napoleon Dynamite, Monte Python in search of the holy grail 'I'm not dead yet', Anything with Drew Barrymore in it, O' brother where art thou, one scene from ace ventura pet detective 1 or 2 (when he squeezed out of the mechanical Rhino because he got locked in...I nearly had an asthema attack from laughing so hard), Dumb and Dumber (pretty bird),The Italian Job, anything mafia related...I am sure I will come up with more later...


Check out this video: Scars Remain


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yoda rap
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The Dream Center


Wrote a poem, want to hear it? Here it go...

Thanks for the Guidance-by aaron d. davis

"Christian man" to the common man means self-appointed judge

And then you wonder why it is that from my sin I will not budge.

If becoming a Christian means I'll be like you then I will never be

Your lack of love and attitude frankly sickens me

I would like to thank you personally for the example you have been

Who knows what I would have become if, like you, "I turned from sin"

Without your judging attitude and the arrogance you have shown

It would have been more difficult to decide on hell as home…

Thanks for the guidance…


The one you call "lost"

Aaron D. Davis


The Greatest guy in the world...My Father (PASTOR DAD, the ORIGINAL tattooed preacher!!!)...He's on the cover of one of my books...He's a freak and I love him for it!

My Blog

Daddy Loves Ya! Video Blog 20

Posted by The Tattooed Preacher on Sun, 25 May 2008 05:58:00 PST

Christian Injustices Video blog 19

Hey guys, don't forget to subscribe to the blogs...Aaron ...
Posted by The Tattooed Preacher on Fri, 16 May 2008 08:36:00 PST

His Ass did WHAT??!!! Video Blog 18

Hey Guys,Check out the new video blog addressing the Fact that God CAN use you...And Don't forget to Subscribe to the blogs... ...
Posted by The Tattooed Preacher on Fri, 09 May 2008 07:26:00 PST

U Naked! Video Blog 17

Don't forget to subscribe to the blogs!!! ...
Posted by The Tattooed Preacher on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 07:03:00 PST

When Manure Occureth...Video Blog 16

Hey everyone,My Son, Rocky was born a few weeks ago and had to be transported to Vanderbilt Childrens Hospital NICU to assist him with some breathing difficulties he was having...He is fine now and at...
Posted by The Tattooed Preacher on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 08:15:00 PST

Choosing To Die...Video Blog 15

Hey guys, This is Video Blog 15...Leave a comment and subscribe to the blogs...Aaron ...
Posted by The Tattooed Preacher on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 07:12:00 PST

My Son’s 3d Ultrasound March 4, 208

Hey Guys, I am posting this for my family to view It is a 3d ultrasound of my baby...Aaron ...
Posted by The Tattooed Preacher on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 04:23:00 PST

When Christians Attack!!! Video Blog 14

Hey Guys, This is Video Blog 14Be sure and leave a comment and subscribe to the blogs!AaronAka-The tattooed preacher ...
Posted by The Tattooed Preacher on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 02:34:00 PST

Being Judged, Gettin Stoned! Video Blog 13

Hey Guys, CHECK THIS VIDEO OUT!!! Don't forget to subscribe to my blogs and be sure and leave a comment...Aaron ...
Posted by The Tattooed Preacher on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 02:27:00 PST

Well How Bout That?

Well Guys, This is not what you have come to expect from me...but here it is none the less...Watch this intro first... Intro to other videos...undefined Song blog intro ..Add to My Profile...
Posted by The Tattooed Preacher on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 04:06:00 PST