Family, Sushi, Harley Davidson's, Music, Starbucks, Movies, hangning out with Friends
More face to face encounters with Jesus, King David, Paul the Apostle /// As I Lay Dying, Hulk Hogan, Mortal Treasonsubscribe to podcasts - click the link below click hereTodd Bentley Podcasts "Supernatural Living Messages"..
Creed, Haste the Day, Nodes of the Ranavier, Mortification, Tourniquet, Eternal Decision, P.O.D, Jason Upton, Michael Larson, Kevin Prosch, Don Potter, Kathryn Scott, Alberto & Kimberly Rivera, Immortal Souls, Living Sacrifice, Johnny Cash, He is Legend, Extol, Embodyment, Divine Fire, Demon Hunter, Day of Fire, U2, Coldplay, James Blunt, Scott Stapp
Matrix, Lord of the Rings, Braveheart, The Notebook, Sweet November, 50 First Dates, Die Hard, Mission Impossible, Bourne Identity, Star Wars
UFC, King of Queens, Seinfeld, American Chopper, CSI
Frank Peretti, Ted Dekker, (House, Monster, Oath, Piercing the Darkness, The Prophet), God's Generals, T.L. Osborne (Healing the Sick), Benny Hinn (Goodmorning Holy Spirit), Kenneth Haggin, EW Kenyon, Charles Price (The Real Faith)
Jesus!, Paul the Apostle, true Spiritual Fathers (anyone who can be a true father), David and the Mighty Men, Overcomers, and those who take up the cause of the widow and the orphan!