..Laminin..This is the molecular structure of Laminin. It is a cross!More incredible is this... What is Laminin? Wikipedia says laminin is"an integral part of the structural scaffolding of basement membranes in almost every animal tissue." ie. these structures keep our skin together. IT holds us together.Then read this:Col 1:17 And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.Remarkable how God has hidden symbols like that in science.
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I love anything that makes me laugh,: Elf,Madia,Are We There Yet?,Are We Done Yet?,Kangaroo Jack,Shrek,Gone Fishing,...etc.Titanic,Walk The Line,Iron Man,The Note Book.Not into horror,bloody gore movies.The Passion of the Christ is the best.
More comedy:Home Improvement with Tim Allen,George Lopez,Fred Sanford,I Love Lucy,Mama's Family,Andy Griffith,Full House,Hannah Montana,Drake and Josh.I also watch Evangelist like,Adrian Rogers,Charles Stanley,John Hagee,Pastor Bobby Richard from Hope Alive Church in Broussard,La.
The Bible:Inspired by GOD,all books writen by:John Macarthur,23 Minutes in HELL by:Bill Wiese,Revolution in World Missions by:Yohannan which is by the way FREE ONLINE!,Max Lucado,Charles Stanley.
My Hero is Jesus Christ,Why?..because HE paid the price for ALL my sins PAST,PRESENT,and FUTURE when he died upon the cross at Calvary.He is ALIVE and well sitting at the right hand of the Father,he sent his Holy Spirit to dwell in the hearts of those who truly REPENT and ACCEPT him as their personal Lord and Savior!.