Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Here is a recent contribution which I LOVE. If you click on the picture you can go to Mandy mandrake's profile and check them out!
SOME LINKSFor far more organized information about NO2ID Scotland please click on the banner below to go direct to our official website where Geraint Bevan (the boss) can tell you everything you need to know about what we’ve been up to in Scotland and future plans
Here is a list of regional groups for NO2ID in Scotland, if you live near these areas please consider getting in touch. Even one afternoon a month helping out could make a massive difference.
NO2ID isn’t an abstract idea, random profile or logo sitting in your top friends. it’s thousands of us manning stalls, attending protests, engaging in the political process and writing to our local papers. Bringing our concerns regarding social justice closer to the communities which we know the NIR and Identity Scheme will have a real impact on. Grass roots support is appreciated but YOUR support in YOUR area is vital.
Contact: Eileen Vernon - [email protected]
Contact: Jon Giblin - [email protected].
Contact: John Welford – [email protected]
Contact: Geraint Bevan – [email protected]
Contact: Anna-Linnéa Rundberg – [email protected]
Contact – Melanie Skinner – [email protected]
Contact – Stuart Hill – [email protected]
Contact - Stevie Moodie & Sean Jackson – [email protected]
Currently residing abroad? – so jealous! Here is a great site if you are a British citizen/subject living abroad but have concerns about Id cards and the NIR, or just need to be kept in the loop you can join NO2ID expats, to receive up dates! click on the image link below
WE get lots and lots of messages about the childrens database and finger printing in schools, it's a huge issue and I freely admit I am not up to speed on it, you can only live and breath so much of this stuff!
What I have been doing is passing on the following web site 'leavethemkidsalone' which I have been checking up on over the years and believe me it covers EVERY aspect of the issue in the UK and the US. it's reliable and comprehensive where as on this issue I am not. click on their image below
Hi! Welcome to the Myspace profile for NO2ID Scotland. Hopefully this profile is more relevant to everyone in Scotland interested in the activities of NO2ID. Here you can access information about where to go next, small things you can do to help and some new images.NO2ID is a national campaign fighting against the National Identity Register and Identity Card scheme. There are groups all over the country with NO2ID regional groups in Scotland prominent (second only to London) in its peaceful campaigning activities. We are a large group of people from all walks of life united in our concerns about Identity Cards and the consequences. We are non-partisan, non-profit making and completely voluntary. This profile is aimed as a means of awareness and as a stepping-stone to help you find out more and hopefully get involved.To instantly learn more here is the most articulate and comprehensive over view of the ID scheme I have ever seen so Click here
to read up on the Id card issues and implications. Thank you James for letting us link.
Thanks for visiting! If you aren’t one of the growing number of friends to NO2ID Scotland please please add us!
No evidence has been forthcoming on how identity cards effectively combat terrorism, rising immigration, identity theft or that vulnerable feeling of complete reliance on a government dragging around a history of failed IT projects.
The government thinks it is being clever. It will be registering people on the ID cards database when they apply for a passport or other official documents. You may have heard that the ID card is “voluntaryâ€, but once your details are entered onto the ‘National Identity Register’ database they are there for life.
It is not just about a card. Once the details of your life are captured the government will be sharing them with and between an ever growing list of agencies and building an ever more detailed picture of your life. The HMRC disaster with child benefit records has shown just how dangerous that can be.
Millions of people now know that having their identity “managed†by the government is a bad idea. In just four weeks in 2005, more than 10,000 people pledged online to refuse to register for an ID card. You may have seen public figures declaring that they will go to prison rather than be registered.
The NO2ID Pledge is your opportunity to make a personal and public declaration that you will refuse to comply with government control of your identity. Keeping this promise means you avoid registration on the National Identity Register. It is a serious commitment. Though at the moment there is little to resist, the government is going to try and make life gradually more inconvenient if you don’t comply “willinglyâ€. But with tens of thousands of others making the same declaration, life could get pretty inconvenient for the government too.
It is currently perfectly lawful to declare that you will not comply with the ID scheme. It is possible that refusal could be made a crime, but the government has shied away from that so far. If enough people say no, it will be impossible. There would not be enough courts to prosecute 100,000 resisters, let alone millions. Together, now, we can build a wedge of opposition that will jam the wheels of the ID scheme, and protect the personal privacy of everyone in the country.
The more people who commit themselves to resist, the more effective it is. Say no to ID and it becomes more difficult to put pressure on you and everyone else. Get your friends to pledge too, and everyone protects one another.
If you say no, then ID cards will fail.
Click here to find & contact your MP
. This government likes to play down the fact that their members represent you not own you. Use the link to drop your representative a line. Each minister across the country receives heavy levels of correspondence regarding this legislation so please add to the pressure. (they write back too which is always funny)
Click here to download and print out a petition
pass it round your mates and pop it in the post, every signature matters!Click on the T shirt to access cool merchandise, the badges are gonna be collectors items and the bands we are involved with cant get enough of the T shirts.
We want to hear from you if you are about to apply for your first passport or know a mate who is and fancies a bit of undercover work. In today’s transparent society you would think the format of the interview process would be available but it isn’t. WHAT ARE THEY HIDING? Get in touch with us especially if you are in the Glasgow, Edinburgh or Dundee area where interrogation centres are up and running.
Send us your thoughts on ID cards as we are setting up a slide show with quotes from myspacers, If you can include a picture that would be great but if not we can use your profile image!
Everything you need to know about ID cards and the NIR can be found at the national NO2ID website, click the logo below.
Recent news and the activities about groups in your areas will be posted soon - this site is still under construction so please bear with us.
This is our new banner please copy the code below it and place on your profile, web site and blog!If you have a NO2ID Glasgow banner on your profile thank you, you can swap it for this one or leave it up, both link back here.
Well that’s about it – leave comments we LOVE COMMENTS
Thanks for stopping by. Your support is truly appreciated
NO2ID Scotland & in particular - Charlie xxx
NO2ID regional groups have around thirteen profiles on myspace, they are all in my top friends. if you live in an area not represented on here and feel you could set one up and maintain it, Find your local group by clicking here
and e mail them your services….or just send us a message and we’ll check it out for you!
vacancy just opened to run a profile for Glasgow (sob sob hic!)
Are you in a band or just passionate about music? NO2ID music (it’s a match made in heaven) has a wealth of connections, they would love to play your anti ID offerings or work with you to help promote both you and our cause. Click on the link below to visit!
Click here to go to 'our world our say' where you can download an ID CARD ZONE pack.
NO2ID Scotland is completely self funding. we purchase our campaign material from NO2ID and this is used to promote our stalls, finance advertising and awareness events in local areas.A one off donation through our pay pal account can really help, no matter how small.
Our account is protected under our constitution and has full transparency and accountability.Click on our pay pal link below to donate and please type in the comments section of the form which local group you wish your donation to benefit. to donate to the NO2ID national campaign please visit the national web site at
Welsh, see.