Born in 1882, just before the death of the bloody Hun composer R.Wagner. And I'm still going strong, if it wasn't for the gout I'd show you a thing or two rest assured. Went to Rugby School for boys, later to Oxford St Mary's College and finally Sandhurst. Fell in love with flying and took the opportunity to join the Royal Air Corps. In those days there was no Royal Air Force and the Corps was part of the Army. This all changed with the first big skermish.
i spent many a happy hour blasting Hun out of the sky and still do although they say it's illegal I don't care, war's war ya know. Just ask Biggles, Horacio, or General Gordon who's still alive and well...(they sewed his head back on and now he's living in the American Colonies in California and goes under the name of Charlton Heston. Even though he's changed his name he has some marvellous ideas about gun laws.
Actively coresponding for the BBC writing jolly old letter from the 3rd World for the World Service.
Great lover of the summer game and totally opposed to Kerry Packer.