books, reading manuscripts, movies, starting something new, organizing stuff, coffee but only espresso not the regular type you get in restaurants, out-of-the box and off-the-wall ideas, chocolate, preschool children who still think anything is possible and adults can fix everything, dogs and cats, protecting the environment, talking to people.
I'd like to meet weird and unusual authors and artists, animal lovers, people who still read children's books and are proud of it, those who revel in diversity, creative thinkers, someone who would wear striped long underwear under jeans with ripped knees out in public without batting an eye, great spiritual leaders.
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
musicals, indigo girls, the soundtrack from Star Wars, beatles, nancy griffith, classical piano, peter paul & mary, uncle bonsai, the amazing pink things, the smiths, Red Hot Chili Peppers, john mellencamp, the ramones, simon & garfunkel
all the Star Wars movies even the new ones, the Lord of the Rings series, the Harry Potter movies, the Dune series, the X-men movies, the Matrix movies, What About Bob?, Donnie Darko, Mulva Zombie Ass-Kicker, Drop Dead Fred, lots of musicals.
all the CSI's, X-Files, Millinneum, Star Trek series, Dead Like Me, Six Feet Under, Wonderfalls, the L Word, Futurama, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, King of the Hill, Simpsons, sometimes those really stupid reality shows just for kicks, shows about true crime cases and supernatural phenomenon.
the Dune books, all the Star Wars series books (hmmm, getting a little redundant here), the Harry Potter books, C.S. Lewis, Lewis Carroll, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Francesca Lia Block, Ursula K LeGuin, numerous science fiction and fantasy series, a bunch of children's books like Sheep in a Jeep, the Cows are going to Paris, the Owl and the Pussycat, Where the Wild Things Are, etc.
yoda, a bunch of great spiritual leaders, poliwhirl (a pokemon), spock.