Carlton Mellick III - Bizarro Author profile picture

Carlton Mellick III - Bizarro Author

I'm an abortion, love me

About Me

I'm Carlton Mellick III , some asshole who writes Bizarro novels for a living and was once a breakdancing champion in northern Idaho. Most people I add on here already know who I am and what books I've written, but just in case you've never heard of me before, check these out...



For more info about my writing, check out my website at

For more information about the Bizarro genre, go to:
If you would like to help spread the word about my books and the Bizarro genre in exchange for free stuff (including exclusive books that are only available to members), join the Bizarro street team called "the Avant Punk Army." For more information, click on the image below:Oh yeah, I'm also the singer of That One Band , a retard punk band.

My Interests

My top 3 hobbies include sausage making, dungeons and dragons orgy parties, and making/watching crappy homemade zombie movies. Other than that, I'm pretty lame.

I'd like to meet:

Patrick Swayze


Sockeye, Cauliflower Ass and Bob, Boy in Love, The Sandwich Gang, Karate Eggs, The Poops, The Imperial Butt Wizards, Hard Core Dude, The Frogs, Melt Banana, Guitar Wolf, Upsidedown Cross, Hulk Hogan and the Wrestling Boot Band, Timwie J Malmsteen's Rising Pants, Boredoms, Anal Cunt, The Crucifucks, Devo, Atom and His Package, The Deep Donkey Crew, Ween, The Kids of Widney High, GG Allin, Cock Sparrer, Negative Approach, The Romper Stomper soundtrack, The Village People, Merzbow, Manowar, Dio, Iron Maiden, Mortiis, Mortician, the Dr. Who theme song, the battlestar galactica theme song, Fanfare Ciocarlia, Quichua Mashis, The Slackers, The Skatalites, Stubborn Allstars, Let's Go Bowling, I love pretty much all of that gay ska stuff, anything Japanese, any pre-reggae Jamaican music, brutally evil music, anything really stupid, anything that sucks.


films by Svankmajer, Tsukamoto, Raimi, Coen Brothers, Miike, Madin, Quay, Jodorowsky, Lynch, Cronenberg, Greenway, Herzog, Burton, Troma, and I completely love all Chris Seaver movies. Check them out at


I don't really like television. Commercials drive me nuts. Actually, I do love Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Sealab 2021.


Anything by: Dr. Seuss, Russell Edson, Kathe Koja, Kathy Acker, Doug Rice, Kevin L. Donihe, D. Harlan Wilson, Vincent Sakowski, Chris Genoa, Jeremy Robert Johnson, Andre Duza, Jeffrey Thomas, Kurt Vonnegut, Chuck Palahniuk, Neil Gaiman, Roald Dahl, Gary Barwin, Clive Barker, Kafka, Camus, Breton, Burroughs, Rushdie, Arnold Rabin, Ron Dakron, Francesca Lia Block, among many others.
Nothing by: Carlton Mellick III.


FOOD FORTUNATA, Bruce Campbell, Mr. T, Dr. Seuss, H. R. Giger, Warwick Davis, John Waters, Trekkies, Debbie Rochon, and the weird people who read my books.

My Blog

Ugly Heaven, Beautiful Hell - now available

My novella Ugly Heaven co-published with Beautiful Hell by Jeffrey Thomas is now available. Check it outJeffrey Thomas and Carlton Mellick III collaborate on their own twisted visions of heaven and ...
Posted by Carlton Mellick III - Bizarro Author on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 11:56:00 PST

Reading Event in Portland

Posted by Carlton Mellick III - Bizarro Author on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 04:14:00 PST


Love Bizarro fiction? This is the place for you! Don't know about Bizarro fiction? This is the place to learn more! BIZARRO CENTRALBizarro Central is the major hub for the Bizarro genre. It acts a...
Posted by Carlton Mellick III - Bizarro Author on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 03:26:00 PST

New Book - Haunted Vagina

"It's difficult to love a woman whose vagina is a gateway to the world of the dead." Upcoming releases: "War Slut" will be released november 2006 and a christmas-themed book is due out in December ...
Posted by Carlton Mellick III - Bizarro Author on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 09:03:00 PST

New Book - War Slut

My novella, War Slut, is out now. I like to think of it as an absurd dystopian future story told within the script of an action horror video game. "In a future where everyone in the world has been d...
Posted by Carlton Mellick III - Bizarro Author on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 06:59:00 PST

new book - Sausagey Santa

Coming soon ...Plot:For Matthew Fry, inventor of the 'Sly Guy' haircut, life at the North Pole just isn't what he expected. The elves are way too obsessed with playing Dungeons and Dragons, the reinde...
Posted by Carlton Mellick III - Bizarro Author on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 05:38:00 PST

New Book - Ugly Heaven, Beautiful Hell

My next book, "Ugly Heaven, Beautiful Hell" is being released through Delirium Books/Corrosion Press:It features one book by me and one by author of Punktown and Letters from Hades, Jeffrey Thomas. Wi...
Posted by Carlton Mellick III - Bizarro Author on Thu, 10 May 2007 03:58:00 PST

The Bizarro Starter Kit - free giveaway

BIZARRO WEEK starts this monday at Come chat with some of the authors and publishers of bizarro.Lost and the damned is also giving away some copies of The Bizarro Starter Kit. ...
Posted by Carlton Mellick III - Bizarro Author on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 11:40:00 PST

BIZARRO WEEK (oct 9th - oct 13th)

I'm participating in BIZARRO WEEK on Friday the 13th of October. Come on over and meet some bizarro authors and learn more about the bizarro genre.----------------------------------------------------.. .
Posted by Carlton Mellick III - Bizarro Author on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 05:53:00 PST

Avant Punk Book Club

You asked for it, so here you go: TheAVANT PUNKBOOK CLUB Tired of trying to track down books by Carlton Mellick III?  Sick of the long wait from or bugging Barnes and Noble to actua...
Posted by Carlton Mellick III - Bizarro Author on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 04:06:00 PST