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The Horrifying World of Bentley Little

The Official Bentley Little MySpace Page

About Me

Even though Mr. Bentley Little is still alive and well and doing what he does best; to know him on intimate terms is to know that he does not like to self-promote or have anything to do with updated technology (the internet).
Therefore, I, a devoted fan, realized that in order to keep up with the times, and promote his awesome work myself, and even though there already exists a semi-official website (The Horrifying World of Bentley Little), that it would be easier for fans to come together (and find out about the website) through this page that I have created.
So, in essence, enjoy the page my fellow obssessed folk and if you have any questions concerning the man himself, or me, then feel free to e-mail me at the given e-mail address or send me a message.
The Official Bentley Little Biography (taken from the HWOBL website)
Bentley Little was born in Arizona in 1960 to parents Lawrence and Roseanne Little. He was educated at California State University, Fullerton, where he earned a Bachelor's degree in Communications and a Master's degree in English. During his time at CSU, he served as editor of the university newspaper.
His professional life has seen hold a variety of jobs: He has worked as a newspaper reporter/photographer, video arcade attendant, window washer, rodeo gate keeper, telephone book delivery man, library aide, typesetter, furniture mover, sales clerk, technical writer and of course author (though not necessarily in that order!).
He wrote The Revelation for his master's thesis. It went on to become his first published novel in 1990. It also won him the 1990 Bram Stoker Award.
Bentley is a prolific writer who has penned over a dozen horror novels, over 100 short stories and nearly 300 articles and essays. His novels include, but are not limited to The Mailman, The Store, The Ignored and his most recent release, The Burning. His short stories have appeared in such magazines as Cemetery Dance, Eldritch Tales, The Horror Show, New Blood and many more. They have also appeared in many anthologies such as 999, Bad News, Hot Blood, Borderlands and Shiversjust to name a few.
Bentley is one of those rare authors who prefer to be judged by the merit of their work and not through self promotion. That being said, he avoids going on-line and has no regular access to the Internet. Though he does occasional interviews to get the word out about his new books, he generally avoids getting involved in major promotional activities.
His works are generally set in the southwestern United States- particularly Arizona. His horror is raw and frequently viscerally disturbing. In his pursuit of true horror, there are no holds barred.
You WILL squirm when reading his work.
He is not afraid to speak his mind and stick to his principles. He writes and says pretty much whatever he wants to – he doesn't pander to critics or marketing trends. Because of this, he has burnt many bridges and made many enemies in the writing and publishing industry. I for one, admire a person who can write like that and not give a damn about what other people think of him. He knows he has a loyal following of fans who love his writing, and always will.
Bentley currently lives in Fullerton, California with his wife Wai Sau (a school teacher) and their son. He divides his time between Southern California and his "writing territory", Arizona. He generally produces one major novel and various short stories each year.

My Interests

Writing, writing, and more writing....helping to keep the horror book section of literature alive and well while also causing other authors of the macabre to be kept on their toes.
Visit me at my website: The Horrifying World of Bentley Little @

I'd like to meet:

All of my devoted fans who have stood by me through thick and thin.
The followers who have spent countless amounts of time and energy (staying up WAY too late to read just ONE MORE CHAPTER!) and money (buying my books when instead you needed food) just so they can read all of my work.GET A NEW CONTACT TABLE + MYSPACE LAYOUTSMyspace LayoutsLayout Provided By - Myspace Layouts


There's no way for me to answer this question without sounding like a pretentious jackass. Inevitably, when authors are asked their musical taste, they try to be as eclectic as possible ("Oh, I like John Coltrane and the Sex Pistols and Beethoven."). The problem is, I really do have fairly eclectic tastes-so if I answer honestly, I sound like one of those poseurs I hate. It's a lose-lose situation.
But here goes. My first love is progressive rock from the 1970s. I'm a big fan of Jethro Tull, ELP, Yes, Renaissance and their ilk. It's the music I grew up with. I'm also a fanatic record collector and am constantly scouring used record stores and thrift shops for albums, so I have a lot of music in a lot of different categories. As for what I listen to while writing, it depends on the day. I don't use music to set a mood; I simply listen to what I feel like hearing at the moment. I don't know if this will help, but here's a short list of my most recent CD purchases:
Something I Saw or Thought I Saw - Bill Morrissey
Time*Sex*Love - Mary Chapin Carpenter
Awakening - Joseph Curiale
Songbook - Gordon Lightfoot
The Honesty Room - Dar Williams
Life in the Tropics - The Rippingtons
Symphony No. 5 - Philip Glass
Volcano Songs - Meredith Monk


I'm a voracious reader and movie watcher, and I can't really narrow down my preferences.I'm not exactly an indiscriminate reader/viewer...but I do like an awful lot of books and movies. I will say that of non-horror authors, the ones I always buy in hardcover the instant they're released are John Irving, Anne Tyler, Jim Harrison and Richard Ford.


Don't have enough time to watch it. Too busy writing.


Little's books
The Association
The Burning
The Collection
Death Instinct (Evil Deeds in the UK)
Dominion (Dark Dominion in the UK)
The House (Houses in the UK)
The Ignored
The Mailman
Murmurous Haunts: The Selected Works of Bentley Little
The Policy
The Resort
The Return
The Revelation
The Store
The Summoning
The Town (Guests in the UK)
University (Night School in the UK)
The Walking
Little's Short Stories
"After Birth of a Nation"
"Against the Pale Sand"
"After - The Year In Darkness Calendar"
"And I am Here, Fighting with Ghosts"
"A Pirate's Life for Me"
"The Baby"
"The Backroom"
"The Bastille"
"The Beach"
"Big Al's"
"The Black Ladies"
"The Bug"
"The Burning"
"The Car Wash"
"The Carnival"
"Children's Hospital"
"The Circle"
"Comes the Bad Time"
"Coming Home Again"
"Confessions of a Corporate Man"
"Deadipus Rex"
"Documented Materials"
"Even the Dead"
"Fat Lady"
"Five to Midnight, Grenada Time"
"From the Mouths of Babes"
"Full Moon on Death Row"
"The Garage Sale"
"Happy Birthday Dear Tama"
"Hard Times"
"Hermanos De El Noche"
"I am Dead"
"I Like to Die"
"The Idol"
"In The Warehouse"
"The Janitor"
"Last Rodeo on the Circuit"
"Lethe Dreams"
"Life With Father"
"Loony Tune"
"The Pounding Room"


Other horror authors who have assisted me in my endevors.

My Blog

"The Vanishing" Released Today!!!!

Bentley Little's newest book has just been released today..."The Vanishing" in paperback...pick it it...and post your thoughts on it here! ;)
Posted by The Horrifying World of Bentley Little on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 09:20:00 PST