Garfield, Bagheera and Marina profile picture

Garfield, Bagheera and Marina

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hello, I am Garfield and I live in Vienna, Austria. I am an indoor cat and still a kitten. My human parents picked me up beginning of June 2006. I was so excited, my human sister came with my mom and she was holding me the whole way home. Daddy's beard has the same color like me, I had to touch it as soon as I saw him. The first thing I did was look at my new home. I heard that some cats hide in the beginning, I was way too nosy for that. Then I got my first meal and climbed on my parents bed to take some rest. After a few days I found one of my passions: Chewing on my parents hands.
Since then I got so much bigger, but I still sleep on my parents pillow every night. My daddy has to get up really early - that means early breakfast for me. YUM!
My human sister lives in Kentucky, so I can only see her when she has summer vacation. I love her, she played a lot with me and she always gave me some of her food. I can't await to see her again.
Sometimes I get to visit my uncle in his garden. He is a big cat. When I saw him I wanted to play with him, but he is still keeping distance. I will have to work on that, so that we can both play with each other - I still think he likes me, he was not hissing and not hiding from me and he let me enter his territory. I tried laying down on my back and started purring.
My mommy put me in the grass there - THAT was weird!!! I have never felt something like that before.
Meanwhile I have 2 kitty sisters beside my human sister and we decided to share this profile. We moved short time ago and now we have a yard where we can go out with mommy or daddy when they are with us. I actually learned now that grass is fun!!! :D
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.1
My sweetheart Paris :)

My Interests

Making noise, chasing bugs, sleep in boxes, play with lighters (but my humans always take them away from me), catch Mommy when she comes around the corner, chew on hands, catnip, and last but not least: purring

I'd like to meet:

who let the dogs out


I hear everything my humans listen to, we hear a lot of Country. My Daddy loves Country music

My bro Frankie made that for him and me :)


Here are some pictures of me and my sister Bagheera
I'm the Perfect Pet Survey
What kind of pet are you? Rascal
What breed? Orange Tabby (European Shorthair)
Your Real Name: Garfield
Nicknames: NOOOO!, Be Nice, Stop it
Parents (owners) first names: Angelika and Redd
Any Siblings (human or four legged)? Kimberly (human sibling), Bagheera (kitten sibling)
Eye Color: Amber
Pointed or floppy ears? Pointed
Short-hair or long-hair? Shorthair
Kind of Tail: Long with a lot of stripes
Are you loud or quiet? I try to be loud
Food, Food and more Food!
Favorite brand/kind of food: Only canned food, no dry food
Favorite Treats: Everything that mommy and daddy eat
Do you ever eat from parents plate? My favorite treat
Favorite human food: Chicken wings and olives
Are you picky? YES
How many times per day do you eat? 4 times - i am still growing
Which is your favorite or do you prefer
Cats or Dogs: Cats
Squirrels or Rabbits: Good question
Indoors or Outdoors: Indoor
Sleep or Exercise: Excercise
Up High or on the Ground: Up high
More Questions
Where do you sleep? My parents pillow
What is your favorite toy? Loud
Do you enjoy car rides? NOOOO
Do you like to swim? NOOOO
Do you like to have company over? Yes
What is the worst trouble you ever got into? Hey, I am only 6 months old, I still have plenty of time to get in a lot of trouble
What is the best memory with your family? Watching tv with my daddy
What are your favorite activities? When daddy takes a bath I gotta go to use my litterbox
What kind of Tricks can you do? Wave with my paw
Say Goodbye: Purrrrrrrrrr


Love it!!!


Mommy loves to read them, but to be honest I think they taste good!


Kitty Attitude Test
FEIN INNOCENCE KITTY -- You have the urge to preserve yourself in the state of being free from sin or moral wrong; you do your best to remain lacking knowledge of evil. Actually its an act, you just never get found out.
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What kind of cat are you?

tom cat
You are a tom. Big, mascualine and a babe magnet I guess. Use protection is all I can say.
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My Blog

I have been tagged by Daisy

I've been tagged by Daisy!!To play you must write a blog about 5 weird habits or things about yourself, and state the rules, as well. Then you must choose 5 others to be tagged-(that haven't already b...
Posted by Garfield, Bagheera and Marina on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 03:15:00 PST

Paris and my first date

Paris and my first dateSweetheart, I booked a flight with Austria Airlines, best Airline to come to Vienna :) I hope you enjoyed your flight, I know it was long. Welcome to my hometown...
Posted by Garfield, Bagheera and Marina on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 01:32:00 PST

Max tagged me!

Here are Six interesting things about me! 1. Since i moved in my mommy and daddy have an extra alarm clock. When the alarm clock goes off the second time, I jump on my mommy's chest and meow really l...
Posted by Garfield, Bagheera and Marina on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 10:26:00 PST