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The above video is me doing my 'wind up and spin' trick. No humans were harmed during the making of this video.REMEMBER A GOOD MAN
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Funny Images @
The above video is me doing my 'wind up and spin' trick. No humans were harmed during the making of this video.REMEMBER A GOOD MAN
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Cool Slideshows
All the below products, many of which, unfortunately were previously my favorite brands, are tested on animals. Please make the effort not to support these products.
My buddy Taz!
Hey look! I'm in there!....
I'd like to meet Oliver! I love him!
Beautiful Delilah, Delilah, Hey Delilah, Hey there Delilah, My Delilah, Oh Delilah, Song of Delilah, Hail Delilah. Never knew there were so many songs about Delilah, did you? Actually, "Delilah" is the name of more than one song, as a matter of fact.
Men in Black, Men in Black II
Milo and Otis
Mommy likes Johnny Depp
Myspace Profiles
Just in case you haven't already figured it out yet: The Soup! .... ..
I love to shred paper. I usually stick to paper towels or paper napkins, whatever, but if you would care to leave me a book, I'll be glad to tear that up if you leave me alone too long!
Axel Andre Elliott, pictured below and below him are Robin and Nathaniel Whitlow, also big favorites!