Peanut & Pepper profile picture

Peanut & Pepper

I am here for Friends

About Me

I am a 3 year old terrier mix. I'm a kick-back kind of dog...It's up to me when I want to be kissed & cuddled!! I love the smell of shampoo. When my mommies wash their hair, I will sniff it forever & bury my face in it.




My Interests

I am a 4 year old chihuahua/mini doberman pincher mix. I drag my "fluffy" toy everywhere. If I can't find it, I will search for hours until I do!!I am a very lovable girl...I like to be hugged & kissed & I am very protective of my mommies. I love popcorn & I hate car rides.


We like playing with our "fluffies" and our two older sisters Chloe & Hailey. We are spoiled by our mommies and by our neighbor, who gives us treats whenever we see him.


I'd like to meet:

Other puppies we can play with and Mr. Winkle.


Doggie Quiz!!

What is your name? Peanut & Pepper
What's your mommy/owners name(s)? Kathy, Erica & Alison
What breed are u? Peanut: Chi/Mini Doberman, Pepper: Terrier mix
How much did u cost? Peanut: $85, Pepper: $125
What's your favorite toy? Peanut: My star "fluffy", Pepper: A ball
Tap water or bottled water? Tap
Do u always walk or are u always carried? Peanut: Carried, Pepper: I walk!
How many pounds do u weigh? Peanut: 12lbs, Pepper: 28lbs
Do u wear clothes? Yes, we both do
Long or short hair? Peanut: Short, Pepper: Long
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Do u sleep with your mommy or in your own bed? We sleep with Mommy #1 most of the time
What's your favorite color? Peanut: Pink, Pepper: Anything bright
Do u chase cats or get along with them? We both chase them!! But we let our big sisters handle them
How old r u (in people years)? We are both 14
Do u like to go swimming? We haven't ever been swimming!!
Are u fixed? We both are
What color are your eyes? Peanut: Light brown, Pepper: Brown
What color is your hair? Peanut: Golden/Sandy brown, Pepper: White/Brwn/Black
Do u get groomed? Peanut: No, my hair is perfect!, Pepper: Sometimes
Are u potty trained? We both are. We go pee pee on the paper or outside
How much do u bark? We bark when our big sisters bark
Have u ever bit anyone? Yes :)
Do u like the bath or hate it? Hate it!!
Are u friendly with other dogs or do u just attack? We attack!
Does your mommy/owner have a carring bag for u? Peanut: Yes, Pepper: No...I'm too big 4 one!!
Do u do any doggie sports? No
How cute are u from 1-10? 10's....we're beautiful :)




Mom, Erica, Ali, and Dad (R.I.P.)...