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Accidents Waiting To Happen

How Much Are You Worth...And To Whom?

About Me

Josh Michaels is worth more dead than alive. He just doesn’t know it yet. He has no idea why someone would try to kill him, clearly that’s exactly what happened. When an SUV forced Josh’s car off the road and into a river, it might have been an accident. But when Josh looked up at the road, expecting to see the SUV’s driver rushing to help him, all he saw was the driver watching him calmly…then giving him a “thumbs down” sign. That was merely the first attempt on Josh’s life, all of them designed to look like accidents, and all of them very nearly fatal. With his time—and maybe his luck—running out and no one willing to believe him, Josh had better figure out who wants him dead and why…before it’s too late...
Read the first chapter.
“One of the most riveting first chapters I have read in some time. The pacing is spectacular and gets progressively faster as the reader nears the finale. An unqualified recommendation..”
— Deadly Pleasures Mystery Magazine
“An impressive debut.”
— Mystery Scene Magazine
“What a thrill ride!”
— East Bay Express
“A smashing, rip roaring success.”
— Over My Dead Body Magazine
“Simon Wood opens with a breath-taking scene and never lets up...a must read.”
— Mysterical-E
“Twists and turns that keeps the reader guessing till the last page.”
— All About Murder Reviews
“Enthusiastically recommended.”
— The Midwest Book Review
You can learn more about Simon at , or email him at [email protected] . He sends out a monthly e-newsletter that you can join. You can also visit his author MySpace page below.
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Paying The Piper (November 2007) Leisure Books, Accidents Waiting To Happen (March 2007) Leisure Books, Working Stiffs (May 2006) Blue Cubicle Press, Dragged Into Darkness (October 2003) Medium Rare Books

My Blog

A Couple More

I had a couple more nice reviews from Crime Spree and Horror-Web.  Enjoy... I have some exciting news to announce over the next few days so stay tuned......
Posted by Accidents Waiting To Happen on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 04:31:00 PST

The Cover For Paying The Piper

I received the cover artwork for my next book, Paying the Piper, so here it is: I would like to make one thing clear.  No teddy bears were harmed in the making of this cover.  I would never...
Posted by Accidents Waiting To Happen on Mon, 28 May 2007 08:37:00 PST

Bits & Pieces

I have a lot of little news to report so here it is.   Reviews continue to come in for Accidents Waiting to Happen and all positive.  I know I shouldn't, but I sweat bullets when a review co...
Posted by Accidents Waiting To Happen on Wed, 16 May 2007 01:09:00 PST

LA Times Festival of Books

I'm attending my first LA Times Festival of Books.  It should be a lot of fun.  If you're making the trip to the UCLA campus this weekend.  This is where I'll be signing this Saturday. ...
Posted by Accidents Waiting To Happen on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 11:54:00 PST

Sneak Peeks

Fast on the heels of my current book is the next, Paying the Piper.  It's finished and the publishing elves are now working on it to get it ready for November. But you don't have to wait until No...
Posted by Accidents Waiting To Happen on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 11:42:00 PST

1-Month Review

Reviews are still coming in Accidents Waiting to Happen and people still seem to like me.  The upcoming issue of Crime Spree picked out Accidents for special praise.  I'm happy to say I...
Posted by Accidents Waiting To Happen on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 10:43:00 PST

Picture Me...

I like to think we have a two-way relationship. I give you a little piece of me and I'd like you to give a little piece back. Dorchester tells me that Accidents Waiting to Happen is everywhere ac...
Posted by Accidents Waiting To Happen on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 03:31:00 PST

Book Signing Tour

Mark your calendars, this is my signing schedule for Accidents Waiting To Happen.  If I'm coming to a town near you, I'd love it if you can come out to see me.  I hate sitting by myself.&nbs...
Posted by Accidents Waiting To Happen on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 10:19:00 PST

Accidents Waiting to Happen Hits The Shelves

I'm pleased and proud to announce that Accidents Waiting To Happen officially came out today. I came home from my trip to England to find my copies waiting for me.The book is in stores already. I...
Posted by Accidents Waiting To Happen on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 08:02:00 PST

Win An Advanced Copy Of Accidents Waiting To Happen

I have some preview copies to give away for my upcoming novel, ACCIDENTS WAITING TO HAPPEN, out in March.  If you'd like to be included in the draw, send an email to [email protected] wit...
Posted by Accidents Waiting To Happen on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 11:29:00 PST