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Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader—not the fact that it is raining, but the

About Me

I moved from Washington, D.C. to Los Angeles three years ago... sorta on a whim. Sorta not. Nonetheless, it was a very QUICK decision. But I'm loving it. Really, there's no place I'd rather live.
I come from a military family, and up to about ten years ago had no siblings (which sucked because I was always living in a new place. That's why I turned to books, and probably is the reason why I'm as quirky as I am now). Now I have six step-siblings. None that I know very well. But they seem nice enough.
I love to write, read, play poker, take trips to Vegas, invest in real estate (& in general), work out, be surrounded by genuinely good-hearted, kind, intelligent, ambitious people. I love books, trivia, movies, being with people. . . being alone.
I make my living as a writer and publisher. When I first landed here, I, like most, did a little acting. Small roles in movies. Films that'll be out this year ('08). Mostly indies, but one major movie.
In January of last year, I signed with fabulous literary and film managers who will shop around a book and film deal for my first suspense novel, Never Smile at Strangers. I can't tell you how excited I am.
But the best thing, hands down, that has happened to me since moving to Los Angeles is finally meeting the love of my life. Not only did I luck out by finding such an incredibly honest and upstanding person, he's also as creative and driven as I am. We spend our days writing, editing, shooting movies, reading books/scripts. . . and our evenings playing poker, vegging on the couch with a good (okay, sometimes bad) movie, or attending industry events.
Let's see, what else... I love competition... for example, board games (RISK, Trivial Pursuit, Boggle, and Scrabble). And yes, I'm pretty good at all of the above. Poker is actually a new game for me, but I'm finding myself either at house parties or in the casino at least once a week. Sounds like I'm obsessed, but I'm not. Not really.
Dislikes? Mean, judgmental, dishonest, unhappy people with unhappy lives. People who could care less about fixing what's wrong with themselves and their lives--and who would much rather complain. People like that drain me. I guess that's really my only dislike. I'm pretty easygoing. Or, at least that's what I'd like to think. ;)
I think that a lot of folks on the East coast have the wrong impression of L.A. I've found people to be much more laid back and creative here. Not to mention, much less stressed and self-conscious. I feel much more at home here than the dozens of other cities I've lived in. So far, I've had only positive experiences and, for the most part, met positive people. Of course, L.A. has its superficial side and it's plenty dangerous (LAPD choppers flying overhead every other day or so for police chases or manhunts), but what city or person is perfect, right?
I publish business news for the pharmaceutical industry, write features and columns for magazines, scripts, and novels. I believe in planting seeds and being persistent. I think those two things plus a healthy dose of passion are what get people ahead... and happy. Life's short. You need to do those things that make you happy.
I also own and manage a web site for writers, , that has won a spot on "Writers Digest" magazine's 'best web sites for writers' list for the last three years. Good stuff. If you're a writer, you should check it out.
I'm here to meet writers, readers, actors, directors, producers, and other creative types. I would also like to reconnect with old friends/family who I haven't seen in years. So, if you knew me back when (AKA Jenny Bayhi/Jennifer Bayhi) and you happen across this page, I'd love to hear from you.But please understand that I'm always on deadline, so it might take me a few days (sometimes longer) to respond.
If you message me and 1) ask me to go out with you, 2) spam me, 3) repeatedly say "wuz up, hun," but nothing else, 4) send me pornography, 5) send chain letters, 6) send negative information about people (or negativities about the world in general). . . I won't respond.
Oh, one last thing. A lot of aspiring writers have been messaging me with questions about the business of writing. For example, whether they need a literary agent or not, how to get published, etc. I'm more than happy to answer you, but if you have these questions, it might help if you first take a look at my blog. I'll be answering many of those questions there. :) You can also google me (Jennifer Minar). I've written hundreds of articles that answer those very questions.
Take care!

My Interests

Writing, reading, good music, investing, working out, movies, poker, Vegas (baby!!), great conversation, positive energy, HONESTY (Nothing, I mean, NOTHING is SEXIER than someone who is truly who they represent themselves to be!) Studying psychopaths and sociopaths, thrillers, GOOD horror, any movie that can make me cry. PEOPLE who can make me cry (in that good sort of way). Endorphins, wine, beautiful people (on the inside). Writing a great chapter or scene... OR book! Smiles, love, friendship.

I'd like to meet:

Named A 'Best Website' by Writer's Digest

.. Create Your Own


Velvet Revolver, The Killers, Blonde Redhead, Sarah, Gwen Stefani, U2, Coldplay, The Beatles, The Eagles, Garth Brooks, The Dixie Chicks, Faith Hill, Eminem, Pete Yorn.



HEAT, Good Will Hunting, The Dead Zone, Terms of Endearment, Slingblade, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Memento, Deliverance, Grease, Basketball Diaries, The Departed, Footloose, Old Yeller, The Shining, The Breakfast Club, The Outsiders, Scream, St. Elmo's Fire. The Changeling, An Unfinished Life. There are really too many to name--I LOVE movies.


Lovin' Joe Rogan

Court TV, MSNBC Legends with Matt Lauer, Forensic Files, Six Feet Under, Dexter, Weeds, Rescue Me.


White Oleander, The Kite Runner, Rosemary's Baby, Disclosure, Cash Flow Quadrant, Certifiably Insane, Where the Red Fern Grows, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Stephen King's On Writing, Magic, Silence of the Lambs, Red Dragon, Simple Abundance, Smart Couples Finish Rich, Back Roads.


Mom, Brian Jaynes, Rhea Harris-Junge, Mark Klein, Diane Domingo, Stephen King, Wayne Dyer, Ken Atchity, and my wonderful friends.

My Blog

Tryin RAW

. . .Raw Foodism is a lifestyle which promotes uncooked, unprocessed and often organic foods as a large percentage of the diet. . . So, I've decided to go at least 90% raw for a thirty day period. We...
Posted by Jennifer on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 04:57:00 PST

Dramatica Pro

Hey, I've had a few people ask me about the writing software, Dramatica Pro 4.0. Anyone have any experience with it? If so, your feedback would be greatly appreciated! Best,Jen...
Posted by Jennifer on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 03:08:00 PST

Q&A with Horror Novelist Michael Laimo

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with acclaimed horror novelist Michael Laimo, multi-Bram Stoker finalist and author of six novels and over 100 short stories. Highly revered by countless fans...
Posted by Jennifer on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 06:45:00 PST

WRITERS BREAK MONTHLY - Q/A with J.D. Rhoades & 12 Hints for Rekindling Your Creative Spark

". . . NEVER HOPE MORE THAN YOU WORK."- Rita Mae Brown To view this issue in its entirety in HTML format, visit: - A Writer's Road to Publication, ...
Posted by Jennifer on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 05:30:00 PST

"You need chaos in your soul to. . .

give birth to a dancing star." - Nietzsche ...
Posted by Jennifer on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 10:39:00 PST

Q&A with Dr. Ken Atchity, Literary Manager & Film Producer

  Q&A with Dr. Ken Atchity, Literary Manager & Film Producer by Jennifer Minar-Jaynes Dr. Ken Atchity is a self-defined "story merchant"--writer, producer, teacher, and literary manager-...
Posted by Jennifer on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 06:44:00 PST

WRITER FRIENDS: Book Recommendation

Hi guys. Several of you have asked me for recommendations on good writing books, so I'm going to post some recs here on a regular basis.How to Publish Your Novel (get more info by clicking the image b...
Posted by Jennifer on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 09:53:00 PST

Interview w/ a Top Literary Agent

Hi guys,Next week I'm interviewing a top literary agent for If there are questions you've been dying to have answered regarding agents, the agenting process and/or getting publis...
Posted by Jennifer on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 07:30:00 PST

If you change the way you look at things. . .

the things you look at change.- Wayne Dyer (One of my heroes) ...
Posted by Jennifer on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 11:17:00 PST

Happiness is where we find it. . .

. . . but rarely where we seek it.- J. Petit Senn...
Posted by Jennifer on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 05:57:00 PST