Being fat, wearing checkerd clothing, smoking ice & snortin' rails!! (helps me keep my thin figure)
That fat ass little punk that came into my dad's store that I so coincidentally got named after. Hamburgler, Playboy Bunny, Crash Bandicoot, Stewie & The Monopoly Guy.
Wu-Tang Clan.Frank Sinatra, Mr. Bungle & Marilyn Manson.
Ghostbusters, Deliverance, Horny Buffoon, Natural Born Boobs 2, Titanic, Doom & Full Metal Jacket.
Entourage,Weeds,Celebrity Fitness Club, Happy Days, That 70's Show, Golden Girls, OZ, Angel & American Idol.
All the Harry Potters, T.O., and every single book made by J.R. Tolkein.
Not that fat kid that came into the store. Why couldn't it have been a raptor?fuck yeah nigga