Rappin, Rhymmin, and layin it down, Life is a circus d I am its clownLeave me Your Prayers
Um, well, I created all of you so I dont need to meet anyone else
I love all movies, except those ones that portray me as an evil vindictive god, like to old movies, I especially love comedies, I love Dogma, Dogeball, Ancorman, anything with Will Farrell or Ben Stiller.
Im dont watch teleivision that much, Im to busy watching all of you
Only one, you should know what it is, no im not talking about the Bible, i mean I love the bible, I mean I did write it, but the one book I am talking about is of course Harry Potter, Just kidding, but seriously that little wizard sure can get in alot of trouble.
Anyone who stands up for what they believe in, even if they are wrong, they will be welcomed with open arms, unless they are messed up in the head and try to kill my other children, then they will be sent to enernal damnation, or what you people like to call it Texas