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Meg Griffin


About Me

Hey everyone im Meg Griffin, you may know me from the hit show "Family Guy".I live in Quahog, Rhode Island on Spooner Street. I grew up here my whole life, and ive hated it! I go to:James Woods Memorial High School, and im a Junior! The kids at School aren’t always so nice to me, like Connie Damicho... I’ve tried to get her to like me but it just hasn't worked! I LOVVEE Craig Haufman, he’s soooooo dreamy! me and my girlfriends sit around at sleepovers and talk about him for hours!!! Now on to my infamous family: I have a annoying father Peter who’s always doing crazy things. My mother Louis is really over baring. I have 2 little brothers: Chris and Stewie. I don’t have a job right now, i used to work at a diner but I got fired for pretending i was a teen mother.Im into hanging out with my girlfriends.... I HAVE THEM!!!I really wish that i was popular.. and invited to all the cool parties ... and umm im into television i watch a lot with my family.Im into fashion, i love purses and spending my parents money. I love reading Teen Beat.... and that’s pretty much it.
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My Interests

I love having sleepovers with my girlfriends, Listening to my IPOD, going to the movies...

I'd like to meet:


Im into pop music, I really dont like rap that much. I have a good singing voice so I sing alot in the shower.... My favorite artists are: Britney Spears,Christina Agu.,Gwen Stefani, I love the Black Eyed Peas!!!!


I like comedies, and teen movies.


I LOVE THE NEWS!!!!, “The Bachelorette"


I dont read much. I love magazines though... like Teen People

My Blog

The Official Myspace

This is the official myspace for the character of Meg Griffin on the hit animated series: Family Guy. Meg Griffin herself is not an actual person, and is just a fictional character, with no relation t...
Posted by Meg Griffin on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 12:16:00 PST