Lord Metatron
Born & raised in North New Jersey; Metatron was brought up in the inner city areas of Newark, Plainfeild, & Asbury Park, N.J. From a background of a very troubled family Metatron is no stranger to the harsh realites of life and it's struggle. Thoughout his trials & tribulations Metatron started off his journey as an emcee back in 1993. Using the skills of free-styling; this allowed Metatron to express his pains of day to day living with just rhyming words off his head about life and it had motivated him to dig deeper into his G-d given gift. With this gift, Metatron began doing battle rapping on the blocks to open mic sessions at different clubs to gain his rep. As a student of the 80s, Metatron grow up off the birth of hip hop from the days of Grand Master Flash to Rakim. He watched as the game had evolved through the golden era of the 80s & 90s into the platinum era of the 21st century. The thing which makes Metatron so different then many other rappers of today is the study of his craft and how hes able to mold his music into a presentation that grabs the attention of anyone that comes across his path. Through out his years of hard work, Metatron has won many battle showcases and hip hop awards. Metatron has taken home the title for best original up & coming emcee at the U.M.A. awards, as well as best independent artist.
Years later Metatron made a move down South to the rugged Soutwest side of Houston, TX. Metatron deliveries a distinctive sound out of the 3rd Coast of Houston, TX a city whose rap scene is dominantly known for grillz, candy painted slabs, & screw music with the syrupy slang. With that distinctive sound Metatron blends into the Houston scene with a rugged East Coast look, & accent. His musical message is not quit focused on his fellow Houston artist traditional sound. Compared to the normative sound of flossing and riding swang with the big body slabs, Metatron brings his listeners into a world of lyricism, and raw street rhymes, something that Houston is criticized for not showing. Metatron says hes just adding onto the Houston power scene, so next time the topic comes up about H-Town not having any lyricist; they can bring up one of Houstons illest who holds down the 713 with the quality and skill to disprove that myth.
The name Metatron is derived from Metatron's Hebrew background. The name represents the voice of G-d. In mystical Jewish studies the Zohar describes Metatron as "The chief of the Chieftains, the power charged with the sustenance of mankind" & "The head of the "world of creation," called also the "servant" or the "body" of the Shekinah". In symbolic nature Metatron represents the Messiah of Israel & is the voice of G-d. Enoch the prophet was used as an illustration to liken this symbolic mystery.
Zohar, Bershith, Section 1, Page 27a - Similarly of Moshe it is written, "And the staff of G-d was in his hand." This rod is Metatron, from one side of whom comes life and from the other death."
Metatron represents the life of the Almighty and brings destruction upon all who oppose his nature in this Hip Hop game.
Sacred Analogy Of Muzik Mix-Tape
Check out the promotional video for the mixtape.