My chihuahua: Reverend Jen Junior, trolls, elves, the art stars, hosting my open mike (the Anti-Slam) last Wed. of every month at Bowery Poetry Club, designing dresses, doin' it, hanging at open mikes, perfumery, making artists' books (, Budweiser, dancing , monkeys, pizza, Picasso, Goya, John Singer Sargent, Van Gogh, Egyptian art, Arthurian legends, gangsta rap, druidism, tantric sex, shopping, daydreaming, learning elvish, doing drawings and paintings, making movies, swimming, decorating, reading, giving tours of my troll museum, writing stuff for, doing strange workout videos, making electra elf (, creating liberated dance zones, posing for pictures, throwing parties, writing books, grooving with the eternal now, troublemaking...
I'd like to meet:
Wolverine, Batman, Spiderman, Aquaman, Wonderwoman, David Hasselhoff, pirates, baby animals, venture capitalists, Merlin
the Who, T. Rex, Led Zeppelin, the Ramones, the Dammed, Banana Splits, Danny Kaye, Dave Clark Five, the Partridge Family, the Kinks, Ish Marquez, the Fools, the New York Howl, Brer Brian, Elvis, Johnny Cash, Tom Waits, MC5, the Beatles, Black Sabbath, Otis Redding, the Muppet Movie soundtrack, the Wishnik Family album, Hank Williams, Generation X, the Velvet Underground, Milk Kan, the Trachtenburg Slide Show Family Players, Tiny Tim, Johnny Thunders, NY Dolls, The Archies, the Yardbirds, Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, David Bowie, Chuck Berry, Fats Domino, the Animals, Priestess, Langley School Project, the woman who can sing in elvish that I met on Houston Street
The Wizard of Oz, Foxes, Grand Hotel, the Dark Crystal, Troll, Alyssa Milano's Teen Steam, Lord of the Rings, Zapped, Urban Cowboy, Saturday Night Fever, the Spongebob movie (a religious experience), la dolce vita, a Year Without a Santa Claus
The O.C.!!!!!!!!! Spongebob, the Young Ones, Scooby Doo, Smackdown, Banana Splits, Beverly Hills 90210, When Animals Attack, the Adventures of Electra Elf, Alf
The Tao Te Ching, The complete works of George Bernard Shaw, Diary of a Drug Fiend, Valley of the Dolls, the Success and Failure of Picasso, Illuminations, 120 Days of Sodom, Wuthering Heights, Pimp, TV Guide,And my own books, which you should probably own: Reverend Jen's Really Cool Neighborhood, Sex Symbol for the Insane, Beer is Magic, Magical Elf Panties, I'll Never Wash this Vagina Again: the love poems of Reverend Jen, Elf Panties: Audio Visual Fun, Be Careful What You Wish For, Reverend Jen Junior Groovee Paper Dolls, Rev. Jen Paper Dolls, Reverend Jen's Trip to the Hospital, People Who Don't Like my Work are Bad People, Treasuries of the Troll Museum and more...
Spongebob, Gandalf, the Fonz, Saint Brad Prowley, Reverend Jen Junior, Cher, Alfred Jarry, Alf, Pippi Longstocking, Coco Chanel