Gershon Bradley debut debut CD"Journey" is a creative production based on Gershon's life experiences. This production is a collaboration supported by singer-songwriter, Claudia Pellegrini.
Eclectic Music For The World executive producer states that "Journey" is a creative masterpiece with 13 original songs that deliver a powerful message that will hit your soul as soon as you start listening.This album features "Trust In Me", a duet with Claudia Pellegrini. Trust In Me, started back in 2005, was the first collaboration on this CD.With songs in English, Italian and Spanish to give a colorful taste and romantic feeling, along with mid tempo beats in songs like "New York", and "La Americana", which were written to pay tribute to their title.This CD will captivate your attention, (and maybe your heart) from start to finish. So, grab that someone special, turn down the lights, light those candles and let "Gershon's Journey" take you somewhere magical.Read more www.gershonbradley.comCD Available at: AMAZON.COM
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