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About Me

Oh, My God I cannot believe I am taking part in such online debauchery. I am under no obligation to prostitute myself by sharing the details of my biography with the loathsome wretches that inhabit these environs. You degenerate cretins have no right to molest me in this flagrant fashion, the details of my person belong to me and I shall share them only with those who I deem appropriate. If you need to fulfill your twisted voyeuristic impulses I suggest you examine one of the countless displays of shameless exhibitionism found on this online abomination before I report you to the authorities and have you arrested for gross indecency.... However, the Goddess Fortuna has seen fit to bless me with some good fortune as of late and I am in a rather jovial mood. You may consider yourself fortunate, I shall give you a small taste of the intricacy and complexity of my worldview. My name is Ignatius J. Reilly. I am a man of considerable intellect and sophistication. I spend the majority of my time engaged in scholarly pursuits. I will spare you considerable effort it would require for such philistines as yourselves to comprehend my work, suffice it to say I am currently engaged in writing a lengthy indictment against our century. I am also a man of great physical stature and possess a heroically proportioned physique. I reside with my devoted mother in the city of New Orleans, the universal epicenter of all moral depravity and spiritual decay. For manifold reasons I am currently unemployed. The nature of my research does not provide me with the necessary time gainful employment would require, also employers sense in me a denial of their value systems. I also suffer from the additional burden of a medical condition that forces me to lead a life of dignified solitude. Good God! The absurdity of this endeavor has caused my valve to close! I will need to retire for the remainder of the day to recuperate. Oh fortuna well this downward cycle never end.
Paradise Weenies
My humble abode
My Alma Mater
My beautiful collie Rex. May he rest in peace
The "Minx" Myrna Minkoff in one of her many public displays of sickening enthusiasm.
The human pyloric valve. The cause of so much of my misfortune.
The Rota Fortunae or wheel of fortune
Theology and Geometry
Waiting for my mother in front of the D. H. Holmes department store.
Made with the MyTheme myspace editor

My Interests

I sincerely doubt that any of you vulgar mongrols are cogenitally capable of comprehending the complexity of my interests. In short I enjoy theology, geometry, scholasticism, authoritarian popery, creating political movements, playing the lute, Dr. Nut and my dear mother.

I'd like to meet:

Boethius, Harlot O'Hara. Any individual with the intelligence and insight to appreciate the complexity of my worldview. None of you wretched and lowly perverts who constitute the body populus of this electronic abortion known as myspace, for the sake of humanity's future I hope you are all sterile.


I only enjoy music that coincides to the prinicipals of theology and geometry. I find the sound of my lute quite soothing.


Movies are an affront to all standards of decency, dignity and above all good taste. However, I often force myself to endure a technicolored horror at the Prytania public cinema. I take these occasions to vocally inform the audiances of the decadence onscreen.


Television is an egregious insult to good taste. I have been known to watch the occasional teenage dance program in order to be shocked by such total displays of perversion. The children who participate in such programs should be gassed. The ironic thing about those programs is that it is supposed to be an exemplum to the youth of our nation. I would like very much to know what the founding fathers would say if they could see these children being debauched to further the cause of Clearasil. However, I always suspected that democracy would come to this. A firm rule must be imposed upon our nation before it destroys itself. The United States needs some theology and geometry, some taste and decency. I suspect that we are teetering on the edge of the abyss, I also enjoy watching Yogi Bear while eating cakes and drinking Dr. Nut.


De Consolatione Philosophie or for you unwashed quasi-literate mongoloids The Consolation of Philosophy in this vulgar English tongue. It teaches that striving and effort are meaningless and it provides the philosophical foundations of my worldview.
I recognize that any being degraded and shameless enough to participate in this base miscarriage of our ghastly century known as Myspace, is almost certainly philosophically and historically illiterate and in all likeliness suffers from total spiritual starvation. As way of public service I will recommend a strict reading program to help you troglodytes understand the crisis of our age. Begin with the late romans, including Boethius of coarse. Than you should dip rather extensively into early Medieval. You may skip the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. That is mostly dangerous propaganda. Now that I think of it, you had better skip the Romantics and the Victorians, too. For the contemporary period, you should study some selected comic books. I recommend Batman especially, for he tends to transcend the abysmal society in which he’s found himself. His morality is rather rigid, also. I rather respect Batman.


The great Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius.

A very wise man indeed.

My Blog


Were Hroswitha with us today, we would all look to her for councel and guidance. From the austerity and tranquility of her medieval world, the penetrating gaze of this legendary Sybil of a holy nun w...
Posted by Ignatius on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 10:52:00 PST

With the colaspse of the Medieval system the gods of Chaos, Lunacy and Bad Taste ascended

After a period in which the western world had enjoyed order, tranquility, unity, and oneness with its True God and Trinity, there appeared winds of change which spelled evil days ahead. An ill wind bl...
Posted by Ignatius on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 07:56:00 PST