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How many stars in your bowl? How many shadows in your soul? D.H. Lawrence

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My World Visitor Map! Click here to zoom-in & make your own!I cannot live without music, stars (and the rest of our natural world), the golden rule, and love. Can you?Reading, writing poetry and stories, watching movies, playing the piano (after not for 40 years), fixing something, listening to music, dancing, meditating, going to concerts, gardening, walking, making angels and snowmen, camping, swimming, looking for fossils, going to art galleries/museums/flea markets, star gazing, riding bikes, making things, doing sweats, anything paranormal, spending time alone, and spending time with family and friends are all things I enjoy. I would love to ride horses and travel more often than I do.Fairness and integrity are things I am passionate about because they're on my endangered non-species list... which in turn leads me to recall my total frustration over the deplorable condition our planet is in because of greed and the thirst for power.What are you doing to improve the quality of life for any or every living thing on this planet? Some of the things I do are volunteer at crisis centers, donate food to the local food bank, pick up garbage while on walks, donate funds to organizations such as Greenpeace, educate others on how to help, plant trees and implore others not to cut down trees, recycle, give a friend of mine my used oil for his car, use as few plastic bags as possible, express my ecological/peaceful/economic views to elected officials, use biodegradable products, walk to work, have an organic garden using organic seeds, and reside in a locale that is striving to become the first U.S. city to be carbon neutral. To learn more about your carbon footprint and how to reduce or eliminate it, check out these websites: and ?ClimateCrisisTo find the names of the companies creating the most pollution in your part of the United States, go to
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Tell the Senate to Cut Oil Subsidies

Friends of the Earth worked with the leadership of the House of Representatives to craft a bill that turns giveaways to the oil industry into billions for research into alternative energy sources.

TAKE ACTION NOW and Tell the Senate to Follow!
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My Interests

Nine Inch Nails - Right Where it Belongs

Add to My Profile | More Videos ..Alter Bridge

Add to My Profile | More Videos"Anyone watching world news today will be only too aware of the calamitous events happening worldwide with ever greater frequency. Hurricanes, tornados, monsoons, tidal waves, tsunamis, earthquakes, etc are all more violent. 98% of glaciers are in rapid retreat, permafrost is melting for the first time in milleniums, and deserts are expanding. Weather patterns are in turmoil throughout the world.Many species are in decline. Alarmingly, this includes the honey bee. Einstein once said "if honey bees die out, mankind has just four years"What was the catalyst for this phenomenal change in weather patterns and temperature rise?Back in the 1740s the industrial revolution began in Britain. As a result the U.K. became one of the first major polluters of the planet if not the very first.Co2 is now being pumped into the atmosphere by chimneys, ships, trains and cars. 70 million tons of Co2 are emitted every day throughout the world, increasing each year as population and economies grow.Scientists say that even a rise in temperatures of just 2 degrees could be catastrophic.The following statistics may therefore worry you....In Britain, the mean central England temperatures for the past eight months have risen on average over the previous year by 0.51 degrees Celsius. And in spite of the fact that last year (2006) was the hottest ever recorded in Britain.I urge you to read the most definitive report on global warming and to discover THE ONLY SOLUTION.Log onto "................INTERESTING WEBSITES: POLITICAL: ........ p;q= freedom%20to%20fascism .... HEALTH: ........... .. com/bmi/ ART(all genres): ... ENVIRONMENTAL: ....... ...... FOOD: ............. l?source=mypi ........PEOPLE: SCIENCE: ..... ........... STUFF:

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interesting intelligent creative contemplative that is concerned about the terrible condition our planet (and everything that exists on it) is in, and tries to make a positive difference in any way that they can.

The Greenpeace ship Esperanza spent two and a half months this summer investigating conditions in the Bering Sea, and here’s what we found: Factory fishing trawlers are taking too many fish out of the Bering, fundamentally changing the ecosystem and leaving wildlife in the area with nothing to eat.
Take Action!
Animals like the northern fur seal and endangered Steller sea lion live on Pollock. Factory trawlers are now taking more Pollock than the Bering Sea can support, leaving animals in the Bering starving. Please click off an e mail to the North Pacific Fishery Management Council demanding they rein in the factory trawlers and start putting the ecosystem first. The future of life in the Bering Sea depends on it.
Help feed the hungry animals of the Bering!

Wait: there’s more… Think you could survive in the Bering Sea if you were a fish? We’ve created a video game for you to have some fun while getting a sense of the dangers lurking in the Bering first hand.
Play The Game! And share it with your friends, too (there’s a take action link when the game is over)!
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Earth to America

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Thunderstorms. Blues, fusion, jazz, rock, southern rock, hard rock, heavy metal, alternative, grunge, Creole, new age, world, Latin, reggae, soul, acoustic, Native American, classical, Gandharva, experimental, Celtic, and a teeny tiny little bit of new country.Since I've Been Loving You

Add to My Profile | More VideosAlice in Chains - Nutshell

Add to My Profile | More VideosGreat Live Performance - Santana - Woodstock 1969 Soul Sacrifice

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An Inconvenient Truth; Who Killed The Electric Car?; The Strawberry Statement; Truly, Madly, Deeply (outstanding soundtrack); Pay It Forward; Peaceful Warrior; Soldier Blue; The Secret, Fly Away Home; John Q; Windwalker; The Ultimate Gift; In The Time Of Butterflies; Shine; Gorillas In The Mist; Gandhi; The Snow Walker; Powder; Last of the Dogmen; What The Bleep Do We Know; Miracle Mile; The Seventh Sign; Little Miss Sunshine; The Emerald Forest; Blood Diamond; Arsenic and Old Lace; The Constant Gardner; Earthlings; Quest For Fire; Whale Rider; Oil, Smoke and Mirrors; The Sixth Sense; North Country; V For Vendetta; Chernobyl Heat; Syriana; Bad Seed: The Truth About Our Food; Texas Gold; Erin Brockovich; Harold and Maude; Dances With Wolves... Watch Global Warning
narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio

(Go to for the code.)
dramas, chick flicks, comedies, documentaries........Favorite movie people: Johnny Depp, Jessica Lang, Nicole Kidman, Keanu Reeves, Nick Nolte, Renee Zellweger, Jeff Goldblum, Olympia Dukacas, Kevin Spacey, Sean Connery, Patrick Swayze, Susan Sarandon, John Corbett, Julia Roberts, Rupert Everett, Terrence Howard, Cary Grant, Lucille Ball, John Cusack, David Lynch, Sam Elliott, Mare Winningham, & Meg Ryan...........................Favorite artists: Susan Sedon Boulet, Beverly Doolittle, Salvador Dali, Michaelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Alex Grey, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Sue Weaver, William Bouguereau, Johannes Vermeer, Lord Frederic Leighton...


IF it was hooked up for anything besides movies, the only programs ever on would be those regarding history, nature, science and sci-fi.The 11th Hour

Add to My Profile | More VideosSoundtrack: R. Carlos Nakai Range Creek Documentary

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people with my name
in the U.S.A.
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any that stir my mind, my heart, my soul... from poetry to spirituality to physics and a plethora in between....... Favorite poets: Sharon Olds, Rumi, Joy Harjo, Debra Marquart, H.D., Larry Levis, Andrei Codrescu, William Blake, Christina Rossetti, and Joe Plum........................... Favorite authors: Ayn Rand, Tony Hillerman, Dean Koontz, Osho, James Patterson, Ann Rice, Charles Bukoski, Elizabeth Berg, J. Krishnamurti, Jean Auel, Jerzy Kozinski, Jodi Picoult, Deepak Chopra, Nicholas Sparks, Stephen King, Anna Quindlen, Joseph Campbell, Whitley Strieber, Robert Graves, Jacquelyn Mitchard, and Fools Crow....................... Favorite Books: Anthem -Rand, The Lives of a Cell -Lewis Thomas, Think on These Things -Krishnamurti, The Red Tent - Anita Diamant, The White Goddess -Graves, The Painted Bird -Kozinski, A Sand County Almanac- Aldo Leopold, White Oleander -Janet Fitch, I Am Legend -Richard Matheson, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee -Dee Brown, The Celestine Prophecy (all of his books)-James Redfield, A Brief History of Time -Stephen Hawking, The Notebook -Sparks, Reinventing the Enemy's Landscape -Joy Harjo & Gloria Bird, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainence- Robert M. Pirsig, Science of Being and Art of Living: Transcendental Meditation -Maharishi, Seeds of Deception -Jeffrey Smith, Everything's A Verb -Marquart, The Little Prince- Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Their Eyes Were Watching God -Zora Neale Hurston, The Bhagavad Gita -translated from Sanskrit, Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas -Patterson, Being There -Kozinski, She's Come Undone- Wally Lamb, and Johnny Got His Gun -Dalton Trumbo.


Who I admire: Howard Wills; my parents; my children; our creator; Karunamayi; Eric Lowen; Stephen Hawking; Ammachi; Nicola Tesla; my cousin Marlyne; Osho; Edgar Cayce; Maharishi Mahesh Yogi; the real deal natural healers; angels; everyone that lives by the golden rule; everyone that assists or defends the rights of those less fortunate whether because of poverty, disease, birth defects, brain injury, etc; anyone that takes care of/defends our planet's ozone, air, water, terra firma, creatures, plants, trees... and poets, painters, sculptors, composers, & musicians simply because they create beauty and joy within each of us .............................

My Blog


Posted by Aideen on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 08:14:00 PST

United States deforestation: 1620 to present

Posted by Aideen on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 07:24:00 PST

For What Its Worth

Posted by Aideen on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 10:38:00 PST