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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
I have been truly blessed with the amazing people I meet and am looking forward to all of the people I have yet to meet in what is left of this, the best birthday present I will ever get:the most rare & precious jewel in the Universe, LIFE! Hang on a mo... I'm starting to froth at the mouth... oh ohhh I'm about to regugitate...BLLLUUUURRRRRTTTTTTT WARNING! When living organisms behave in certain ways they forego the right to be treated with the respect due to all life! MY PEOPLE WOULD LIKE TO MEET THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINALS WHO PRODUCE AND DISTRIBUTE DEPLETED URANIUM MUNITIONS AND ATOMIC BOMBS SO WE CAN KILL THEM AND EAT THEM AND ALL OF THE MEMBERS OF THEIR WHANAU(an ancient and traditional cultural practice that we put aside at the request of the Pakeha from England when they became our friends and allies) SO THAT THEIR GENES SHALL BE EXTINGUISHED FROM THE GENE POOL FOR ETERNITY, A PERIOD OF TIME ONLY SLIGHTLY LONGER THAN THE NIGHTMARE FUTURE THEY ARE BEQUETHING (IN THEIR AVARICE) TO ALL OF THE LIVING ORGANISMS SHARING PLANET EARTH! I HEREBY SERVE NOTICE ON ALL SUCH INTERNATIONAL CRIMINALS: WE WILL GET you AND yours NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES OR WHERE you HIDE WE WILL GET you AND UTU WILL OCCUR. THE NAZI HUNTERS WILL SEEM LIKE EASYGOING CHRISTIANS IN COMPARISON TO WHAT WE WILL DO TO SUCH SCUM. A LIFE SENTENCE OF HARD LABOUR CLEANING UP THEIR RADIOACTIVE WASTE BY HAND (it probably won't be a very long life, the CANCER will rot their bodies like it's now and forever doing to their victims)AND THE WEALTH OF THESE EVIL MONSTERS AND THEIR CORPORATE AND GOVERNMENTAL FRONTS WILL BE CONFISCATED TO COMPENSATE THEIR VICTIMS. IF YOU ARE RELATED TO ANY OF THESE MONSTERS YOU HAD BETTER USE YOUR INFLUENCE TO GET them TO ABANDON WHAT they ARE DOING AND START CLEANING UP THE MESS BECAUSE YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR NOT RESTRAINING THEM AND ARE THEREFOR GUILTY AS AN ACCESSORY! IF YOU LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY IT IS YOUR FAULT IF THEY ARE NOT STOPPED NOW AND THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT they DO BECOMES YOURS ALSO. KICK UP A FUSS NOW!!!!!!!!!AAAHHHHHH! That feels better. Actually there is probably no need to resort to killing and eating...the LAW and ECONOMICS will be adequate to the task. Soon the number of people who feel the same way I do will reach critical mass, woe betide the merchants of RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS! peace, love and wholesome organic food...***************************************************** ******SO YOU THINK IT AMAZING SO MANY PEOPLE COULD BE FOOLED BY A GOVERNMENT: LIKE ABE SAID "YOU CAN FOOL SOME OF THE PEOPLE ALL OF THE TIME AND ALL OF THE PEOPLE SOME OF THE TIME"...AND HE WAS A PRESIDENT TOO...WATCH THIS VIDEO!
i definitely like music. The 'Paradigm of Music' is the key. Ask a Pythagoraean about sacred sound & the saviour sciences. Sounds Alter StatesWhat more do i need to say?
'Zeitgeist', 'Blowing in the Wind'& 'Hard Rain'(, 'Inconvenient Truth' by Al Gore,'Baraka','Crude Impact', Monty Pythons 'the Life of Brian'- or anything by the Monty crew,'911 In Plane Site','Loose Change 2', 'What the Bleep', 'the Secret', Lord of the Rings X 3, 'the Party' with Peter Sellers, 'Skidoo' the last movie Groucho Marx was in, 'Alices Restaurant' with Arlo Guthrie, 'Easy Rider', 'Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas', the list goes on and on...Squared o'clock Is this what they see, the drones of the hive and the queen bee? Posted 13/11 .aoTERRORroa. King Canute knew a crooked Crown following crooked advice would drown! Where is wisdom here? With Authorities who poison Papatuanuki with 1080 by the ton, dropped from choppers, far worse than Agent Orange in Vietnam? With Crown employed Terrorists trying to realise Smith's Dream?
'Catweasel' TV provides an interesting opportunity to analyse propaganda tools manipulating the ignorant & gullible. Maori TV in NZ and SBS in Oz are of course exceptional.
Anything by Dr. Zeuss but especially 'Oh The Places You Will Go','The Mysticism of Sound & Music' by Hazrat Inayat Khan, 'Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson' by G.I. Gurdjieff, 'Song of the Old Tides' by Barry Brailsford- it has inspired the documentary 'The Making of Tomorrow'.The entire 'Tintin' collection, 'The Biology of Belief' by Dr. Bruce Lipton, 'Ask That Mountain- the story of Parihaka' by Dick Scott, about Te Pakanga- the peaceful resistance of Te Whiti o Rongomai & Tohu Kakahi and their tangata whenua to the British Military/Industrial Complex as it employed the principles of Machiavelli against the Maori. 'Mihaia - Rua the Prophet' to which i was introduced by a Tohunga of the Tuhoe tribe while at Rotorua & Ohope in very mystical/magical/mysterious circumstances, and the list goes on & on & on...
yes we are
Image above by Eiryls Shand, Poem by James K. Baxter2 images beneath by some partially obscure part Cheshire Cat that keeps appearing and disappearing with a grin :DIs there a profound lesson for the Tribes of Homo-not-so-Sapient in the story of Rapanui, also known as Easter Island?The Land of Terror Australis was occupied by people wiser by far than the savage invading DeathSkins in Redcoats wielding whips and the others in rags with chains, crossing from the Other Side as was prophesied by the Darkinjung Mob... for whom the arrival of the Deathskins was their apocalypse. Their is no sorry in the Deathskins hard and selfish hearts!We can learn much from all of the different Tribes of life.
There are no weeds, there are no pests, except perhaps in the minds of heartless people?
Is this the native's vision of Britannia and her offspring?
100's of years of canny canon ballism of complete cultures,
countries and resources by the Secret Societies of the Lie?
Slavery, exploitation, mass murder, brutal rape and theft!
Who could be proud of any banner that acts in that manner?
Wake up and Paradigm Shift to symbiosis
for all of the tribes of life!13 Indigenous Grandmothers
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