LIFE, Wilderness, Dingoes, ALL ANIMALS, Play, Music, Bass, Ukelele, Philosophy, Growth, Magic, Circus, JUGGLING, DANCING, LOVE, Transformation, FRIENDS.
FANTASTIC FESTIVALS, Funky Frolickers, People Living their Passion, Creative Circus Creatures, Clowns-Fools-Jesters, Fairies, Pixies, Fire Performers, Inventors, Quirkmeisters, Musicians, spirit sparx,quantum phisicists, TIME TRAVELLERS, magicians, Nature Lovers, Co-Creators and transformers (more than meets the eye). *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Click here to visit CIRQUEL New Circus Creations *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** **** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *****
All origonal and dynamic music,but especially gypsy,jazz, world, ambient, experimental, funk vibes and whatever makes my booty boogy.
Baraka, An Inconvenient Truth, State of the Planet - David Attenborough, World Spirit- Alex Grey, Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky.
Recommended dosage: in moderation and with discernment
Paralax- BBC Production - Actor/Specialist 2005 ,
Principia Bubbleogica-(for Tropfest)2006- Actor/SpecialistCircus Dad- Short Film 2007 - Lead Role Actor/Specialist
Animals,Captain Paul Watson of Sea Shepherd. Click here to visit CIRQUEL New Circus Creations