SlakJaw profile picture



About Me


"Listen to the words and music of a Slakjaw song and you will find yourself bending over a fire in a metal barrel rubbing your cold hands together next to the railroad tracks waiting for the next one to come along and take you far from where you came.Close your eyes and hear the thump of the rails.Hear the words and fall asleep in the back of the open cargo container and let the sounds of the night and a warm shot of whisky put your troubles at ease until the next morning when a man is poking a stick into your gut telling you to get off his train before he knocks the rest of your teeth out".
"The headliner was a great old-timey punch-drunk bunch of throwbacks called SlakJaw. They played foot-stomping, primal hillbilly Americana with interesting musical flourishes. The selective use of one-string bass, melodica, washboard and kazoo as well as electric guitar and keys rounded out the fire-barrel ditties and wild odes to street life."
Jonathan Bond

My Interests


Member Since: 6/22/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Mathew Hunter ... Gut Bucket Bass, Hobo Piano, Vocals.
Bobby Genser... Electric Guitar and Slide Guitar,Vocals.
Chuck Stake... Kazoo, Guitar, Lead Vocals.
Ero Guy... Washboard, Drums, Vocals

Influences: Concert Photos Courtesy of Sarah Cutright/Chilicheesecake: VisitCHILICHEESECAKE

Events by Eventful
Sounds Like: Memphis Jug Band meets Mad Max
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Lyin Bitch and the Restraining Orders with Slakjaw
Posted by SlakJaw on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 10:13:00 PST

Bobby Deleted The Slakjaw tunes....they will be back shortly

Bobby Deleted The Slakjaw tunes....they will be back shortly
Posted by SlakJaw on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 10:54:00 PST

Slakjaw notes

As a band we have been through some tough times, but we will prevail. Long Live Bumcore! We apologize for some of our recent concert cancelations, but for personal reasons it was necessary. We are now...
Posted by SlakJaw on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 09:46:00 PST