Member Since: 4/8/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Banned video on you tube
What would GG Allin do?
Add to My Profile | More VideosSHANK WHITEY- Vox
IVAN WANKINOV- lead fingering gaytard
WEEZUS H. CHRIST- Rocking the bass
CHIEF RUG BURNS- On the Tom Toms
THE GREAT- Blowin' the harp
Influences: Just a dash of that O.G. Barry Manilow with a Hint of our boys from across the pond, Queen and just enough GG muthfuckin' Allin, J.F.A., ANiSEEN to give you a good kick in your granny's colostomy bag!________________________________________________________
________LBRO Singer does this here podcastCheck out our singers first interview in a Sk8 mag, Paying In Pain!!!
Sounds Like: , LBRO NEWS B===D~~~~~~~~~~~
We're Skate Punk-Scum Rock and if you want to hear what that sounds like, check out the 4 songs here or pick up a copy of our 2005 CD "Beastiality Prevents Teen Pregnacy" in Denver at WAX TRAX RECORDS, TWIST & SHOUT, INDEPENDENT RECORDS, we're also distro'd through & then go to REVOLVER RECORDS section, we're the band right before Lynyrd Skynyrd (Git 'Er Drunk!!).
Or you can email us here.
The new CD is finally done thanks to Bart at Motaland Studios/5Core Records, RobDogg, Adam, Ian an of course US! It's been a slow process in geting the damn thing mixed and CD layout done because of all the damned snow we've been geting here in D-Town. It has 15 tracks of killer punk tunage with alotta great stool samples used. You can go to our Blog section and check out the CD cover. Our good friend and down right sick artist Mr. Adam Air is drawning up the cover art for this new CD. He did our last cover & what a fine peice of art that was. So fine was the cover art, that a fem-nazi slag at a record distro that we go through made a stink about it that we had to censore the cover. You can check out a sample of that work on our pics page and if you need some artwork done drop him a line. He's on our top friends list, he'll be more than happy to draw you up something evil!! Oh, we are going to have a full page ad in Big Wheel mag & Scratch mag. You guessed right, we know how to fly the Freak Flag!!!