I am nothing, therefore I must become everything. Now is the time to get down, to turn on, to groove... but for more check:
The official Mister Trippy website: www.stewarthomesociety.org
To sumarise, I'm into revolutionary shamanism and forms of drug taking that expand consciousness and improve communication by overflowing all attempts at canalising life.
LSD + Voodoo = A Classless Society.
22-23 JUNE 2007
University of Ulster, York St, Belfast, BT15 1ED. Two day event.
Stewart Home participates in "Consensus Contention". This aims to address archiving through performances, installation, video and talks; encompassing both positive and negative aspects of the phenomenon, from family history to surveillance and ID cards. Although artist led this will also feature professionals from law, journalism and the academy.
31 MAY 2007
Koenig Books, 80 Charing Cross Road, London W1. 7-9pm. Free
Stewart Home reads and performs with Paul Buck, NO BRA, Cedar Lewisohn and Andrea Mason. This is the London launch of issue 3 of the paperback format magazine "Frozen Tears".
30 MAY 2007
Utter Club, Salisbury Hotel, 1 Grand Parade, Green Lanes, London N4 1JX. 8pm. Stewart Home and others read fiction.
20 May 2007
MacSorley's Music Bar, Jamaica Street, Glasgow, Scotland. 8pm to Midnight. Free.
Stewart Home reading plus Nocturnal Emissions performance and DJ Hex.
19-20th MAY 2007
University of Stirling, Central Region, Scotland FK9 4LA.
Stewart Home is a plenary speaker at the "Retelling Tales" conference organised by the Department of English Studies. For full programme, exact times and other information: tel 07890775759; or email [email protected]
Snowbooks published Stewart Home's 12th novel Memphis Underground on 26 April 2007. Click here for further info .