KENSINGTON GORE profile picture



About Me

Ageing punk provocateur and urban lion, with vague aspirations toward structured noise-making.
GENERAL INTERESTS: Elective affinities, outernational travel, Jamaican History, Heritage and Social Living, red wine, white rum, wrestling with disenchantment, scraping the night marrow (conversationally) and the revolution of everyday life!
WHO I'D LIKE TO MEET: Designers with attitude, seditionaries, old Punks, Jamaican free-thinkers (over here or over there), secularists, Soundmen, alchemists of the surreal, er - D&B hedz with open ears who view the breakbeat as an organising principle for future exploration, loiterers on the Rudeboy corner, music-obsessives, blasphemers, heretics, embittered cynics and shining wits.
A RESOUNDING 'NO' to Social Darwinists, middle class dilettantes who assume that they can 'buy' their way into any realm of experience, members of the pan-European pagan 'intelligentsia' (snigger), racists, bigots, thanatossers and whining shits.
(POTENTIAL MYSPACE MUSIC FRENDZ): Envelope pushers rather than envelope stuffers!
HEROES/HEROINES Jayne County, Michael Manley, Phil Beadle (brilliant educationalist), John Pilger, Paul Foot, Alan Bennett, Harold Pinter, Mary Seacole, Stuart Hall, John Walters, Jonathan Miller, the men and women of the Windrush generation, Alana Pellay, Dona Croll, Marianne Jean Baptiste (one of our finest actors - reduced to making US 'police procedurals'), Patrick Campbell, David Widgery, Jeremy Corbyn, Penny Rimbaud, Eve Libertine and Gee Vaucher, Bonnie Greer, Mark Perry, Paul Robeson, the late Pete Rush aka The Sulphate Strangler (immortalised in song by Ian Dury, and the embodiment of anything worthwhile remaining in rock n’ roll mythology - a good friend for a while and a unique character), The Mighty Fatman (from the North), and Sir Lloydie Coxsone (from the South) - balmy nights at The People’s Club, Paddington! Kenneth Tynan, Caroll Thompson, Janet Kay and Blackbeard....
STYLE ICONS: John Lydon, John Mcririck, Rupert the Bear, the late George Melly and Margaret Rutherford as Ms Marple...
You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !..

My Interests


Member Since: 3/23/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:
I may, from time to time, attempt to drum up business for BLACK LIMELIGHT Design & Illustration by posting pertinent imagery as it rolls off the press - to whit:

Absolutely no compulsion to patronise my services, of course, although I DO offer very reasonable rates on all aspects of design and publicity for print.
Furthermore, my new 'strictly limited' range of unique, fine art vintage reggae T-shirts were due to detonate within a matter of weeks, but production has now been postponed due to the recent savage hike in interest rates and various personal setbacks too grim to detail. Anyone with a passion for the golden age of Jamaican music and retail, marketing or fashion industry experience is very welcome to discuss collaboration, investment or serious sales opportunities.
Influences: The more astute and/or sentient among you may have realised that this is, in fact, a Myspace Music page. Far from revealing a hitherto unglimpsed facet of my nature or indicating gross technical incompetence, this giant leap into the unknown has been in gestation since my first inarticulate, but spirited, critique of the nascent 'beat' trend delivered from the coddled environs of my cot at some point in 1965.
I've been banging on about the life-changing properties of various musical currents ever since, and the indigestible screed of opinionated bollocks which occupied centre stage of my previous Profile can now be experienced, nay - ploughed through as a discreetly appointed Blog. Bouquets, brickbats and rotten tomatoes positively encouraged.
Foolhardy as this may prove to be, I've now outgrown the two dimensions of written word and still image. The numinous realm, where moods are altered and magick really does occur, is this fourth dimension of 'organised sound' - I hesitate to call it 'music' lest the resultant cacophony invites legal notices on the grounds of misrepresentation. This may well be continued.....
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Essential Illogic - a few of my favourite things:

This gunk was clogging up the 'music' section of my previous, unlamented Profile, would you believe! I've now consigned it to Blog Purgatory where it may serve as a moral corrective to the unwary brow...
Posted by KENSINGTON GORE on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 03:07:00 PST