REV. DOS ~ ALORES MUZAK profile picture


$h0cKiN'AcT$ 0'BaRbARi$m (TeRM$&C0nDiti0n$ aPpLy)

About Me

Y'Ju$t CaN't Get The $tAfF...
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thi$ Pr0fiLe
Ha$ BeEn
DeLeTed...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HeLL0 ThErE...
Ju$T HaviN' A QuIcK CliCk ?...
MaY I TaKe Thi$ $PeciAL Opp0rTunIty kn0Ck$ To ExTeNd ExTrA~SuPeR CLaPoMeTeR gREeTiNg$ To ALL NetW0RkEsQuE 0nAnI$t$ & Pr0FiLe EnHanCEMeNt InDucER$...
N0W FucK OfF !...
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WeLc0mE T0 Z-L15T - My$PaCe $iTe No. 6,863,873,040,246
ReV. WhaTevER...
...Y'ju$' can't get the $taff... It'$ N0 BiG dEaL...
...In$iDE LeG ~ 33'...JuSt An0tHeR 0Ne Of
tH0$e t0TaLLy DR0$$ $tYliSEd...
I , I , I , Me , Me , Me ,
TyPe KrUd "My$pAcE" SiTe $LAg$ WiTh A pi$$ po0r AttItude,
...Pr0bLem$ wiTh AutH0rIty, PeR$0nAL HyGiENe & S0ciAL Re$P0n$iBILiTy
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This 'Dahli the Mouse Picatso the Cat' artwork was created by Charlse [You can see lots of Charlse's other works via the links on this page, & it's a wild wild world over there... so go on... off you go then... I mean there's not a lot worth hangin' around here unless you're a committed deviant...]
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pink F.A. ..
This in PINK F.A. - they kicked some proper arse at the RE-PLAY MUSIC FESTIVAL... Top fab - Great blokes too ! Book 'em Danno ! ... this piece of video was shot by KEV. [link to be added soon - subject to my chimp comp. skills]
we love gergggg...he made thie following fab image... gergggg is top-fab..." "
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This is an artist's conception of colourful plants upon distant worlds. A new study finds that otherworldly vegetation could be red, orange or yellow. Something to do with chlorophyls or something like that... anyway the credit for this picture goes to: Doug Cummings, Caltech
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I care not one moment for the 'The Dept. of Guilt by Association' and of such rabid intolerances... and just 'cos I don't agree with some stuff... and just 'cos I know what to say over bolleauxvants and shitty white wine to media slags... well... it sure as hell don't mean that I ain't just another arsehole too...
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Proponants of P.C. onanism and muck raking myopian utopias, the herding hermits of credibility couture and networkesque posturama may fair better elsewhere...
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All allusions of intelligence; metered by the erudite, and wielded as righteous cudgels of sophistry with which to embase their paradigmically braying nonsense of superiority and duplicitous benevolence into others, never the once want to recognise, that it is the most socially excluded and inarticulate among us all, who often not only see more clearly, but also speak of higher truths...
innit gov...
furthurmore ~
" The dissection of a sentence is as bad a way to the understanding of it, as the dissection of a beast to the biography of it."
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep !... you guessed right... this is more art by 'CHARLSE'...
Go on ... Go look at his site... Just click on his profile in my top friends.... He makes all kinds of crazy pics... it's fab... 'Wiz 3D Psych Art' is fab too... again ... click on the profile in my top friends...
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This 'Muzak~KaK' myspace is brother/sister site to some of those other myspace sites...
This muzak is all I have left of various unrepresentative klangin' that may
or may not have been recovered up until 2005... [thankyou ma'am] ...
Bugger all in this I , I , me , me , style biographical bullshit section really worth
a mention here, other than...
(i) The 'band' was called "TRAILER TRASH [u.k]"...
(ii) The track "WAX MY BOARD" appeared on the 'Messengers of Surf'
compilation CD/LP [2002 Surftone]...
(iii) All tracks [excepting track 4] are 'live' musical ad-lib 1st. takes,
with ad-lib 'live' vocals added on in one take immediately afterwards... (iv)Innit Gov. (v) No rehearsal involved from anyone ...
(vi)... we made it up as we went along ...
(vii)... these tracks are a free download...
The last track (this track has temporarily been removed)'Shoop Bup Pa' is sung in Fillipino and was originally entitled -
"You like get fisted by invisible hand of Adam Smith ?... 0nly $20..."
.. ..
Some general quotations...
Letters that should never have been written and ought immediatly to be destroyed are the only ones worth keeping.
Sydney Tremayne
Music of all the arts, has the greatest influence over the passions, and the legislator ought to give it the greatest encouragement.
"La musique seule est d'une noble inutilite, et c'est pour cela qu'elle nous emeut si profundment; plus elle est loinde tout but, plus elle se rapproche de cette source intime de nos pensees que le application a un objet quelcoque resreve dans son cours."
- Music alone is nobly utilitatarian, and that is why it moves us so profoundly: the further it is removed from serving any purpose, the nearer it approaches that inner spring of our thought which the application to any object whatever hampers it's course.
Mme. de Stael
Gierighied ist neit verzagdigd voor zijd den mond vol aarde heeft ...
... Greed is never satisfied until it's mouth is filled with earth.
Dutch proverb
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This photograph of 2 black swans was taken by the Bard of Ely. Visit his site 'cos it's fab... lot's more great animal and insect pic's there. (they may be on his other site though and not the one shown the top friends here... So go on then, off y'go...
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now some pics from: OuterSpace® and pluto ( dwarf planet )
This is a pic [see above] showing frozen water ice on the North pole of Mars ...
..src=" deathvalleysky_nps.jpg" border="0"/
Death Valley [see above] - one of the darkest places left in the continental USA: Death Valley, California. The above is a 360-degree full-sky panorama composite of 30 images taken two years ago in Racetrack Playa. The image has been digitally processed and increasingly stretched at high altitudes to make it rectangular. In the foreground on the image right is an unusually placed rock that was pushed by high winds onto Racetrack Playa after a slick rain. In the background is a majestic night sky, featuring thousands of stars and many constellations. The arch across the middle is the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy. Light pollution is threatening dark skies like this all across the world. The International Dark-Sky Association and the US National Parks Service are suggesting methods that can protect them.

My Interests


Member Since: 9/5/2006
Band Website: tcp://www_pointless_activities=rev" tcp://www_pointless_activities=rev
Band Members:
This is a film clip with Ervin Nyiregyhazi playing from Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 12, and Liszt's Liebestraume No.1 in A flat Major, in 'The Lost Zeppelin' (1929)
I wish to thank pianist Michael Sayers for giving me the opportunity to add this film clip to my profile page.


The name of the band playing on this page was 'TRAILER TRASH UK' and was registered as such etc
All guitar / vox wah 'Eddie Van Nova'...
All 'Fender Jazz Bass' guitar PAT MESCHERSCHMIDT on tracks 1 / 2 / 3...
'Sutton Girl' is the voice on 'SUTTON GIRL' Track 1 ....
Voices on 'WAX MY BOARD' track 3 ~ Rev.Two-Sheds, Pat Mescherschmidt, Ms. P. Waikiki...
Squelching keyboards & 'VIBES' on tracks 1 / 2 /3 Ms. P. Waikiki...
All tracks adlib & recorded at the 'The Cowshed Sonic Research Institute'.
All tracks adlib, unrehearsed one take 'live' & all vocals adlib & added one take 'live' immediatley afterwards with the exception of 'Shoop Ba Pa' which is a 1st one take recording.
All tracks we're very kindly compressed into usable form & disparate level peaking sorted out by LEON from '46,000 Fibres' ... I am also very grateful for reverse tweaking on the intro to 'Wax My Board' by friends at Surftone, 'Wax My Board' also appears on the Surftone compilation L.P 'Messengers of Surf'.

.. ..
Ha ha gerrrrg did this...

This tp-fab imsage was designed for us by Wizs 3-D psych art.
WhY Not G0 HerE F0R $0Me PrOPEr Art GeAr ~ZITO~

Oh YeAh & Thi$ Wa$ ... "RE-PLAY MUSIC FESTIVAL" ... bit of a laugh ... " "
"DeeP JoY... DeeP J0Y..." Stanley Unwin Right off we go then...

No.1 :~ The Lady .. .....
Next up... Oh you lucky people you...This man's name is KIM FOWLEY ! ! ! ..
and here is a link to one of his own sites where you can go and find out all about Kim Fowley .. ...and if you don't already know who Kim Fowley is... Well my friends... Right now, is just about as as good a time as any to find out ! ! ! Great links to his other music, video, film and friends pages... I recommend you see his film 'Dark Glasses' and then go out and buy all the records that he's ever had a part in bustin' out...
Save TaraPlease click here to make a one time donation, of an amount of your choosing.
last realistic hope for saving Tara from the M3 motorway.
Bernadette Cremin - HIPSWAY CABERAT
...some other stuff
The extra-super top-fab world of Wizs 3-D psych art ...Wizzardangel made all the fab psychedelic/cyberdelic moving pictures you see on these profile sites... What a star ! ... ~~~~
& charlse ...who makes all kinds of fab & crazy artwork For top~fab and extra~super link needs go to Scunthorpe Holiday Inn, McDonna etc... etc... simply click here - QUIRKOUT ..
mc.donna ..
Fuck online shopping at your local supermarket ! For all your appropriate must have consumate orienteered producks, and those special cullinary needs; no shopping experience should ever be without a trip to Putressence ..

The following links are a gradual process by way of incrementally noodling as a distraction from whatever else is currently pummelling the grey maze that resides within thee discombobularated and cobwebbed realms of my mashed~swede via my chimp keyboard skills...

This is where it's at for all your contemporary psychedelic musical needs - fabulous links - for furthur info - click here - AQUA NEBULA OSCILLATOR & MUZIKASPHAERA - wig out !

This is Al Hotchkiss and he is fab - check it out !..
This is a fab studio methinks -

Ambushed Studios ..
...super smashin' great... double sausage egg chips & beans... top-fab extra-super proper gear innit gov.
This is top notch jazz from Germany, click on the following link to be transported to the realm of the Jazz Pistols ..
Brother Wolf's poetry comes from the greatest storytelling traditions Brother Wolf ..
For a link to 'DOLLSHOUSE' visit DOLLSHOUSE .. 'Go Go Go'... pne of the band members is also a top-quality poet & former bassist of VOICE OF THE BEEHIVE his name is Martin Brett Esq.

CYCLE SLUTS FROM HELL .. brmmmm brmmmm !
...a truly lovely bunch girls, and just the sort that I should have taken home to meet my mom and pop. They will also take great delight in squeezing your head down into the size of Jimmy Carter style dry roasted peanut at the first given opportunity... So fuck off all those re-fried re-runs of 'Little House on the Prairie' and 'I Dream of Genie'... get a life... real women...
JAYNE COUNTY ..*... Top quality entertainment and great links...You've bopped to the rest, now bop to the best !!! "Jayne County & The Electric Chairs more music" is also in knockin' about in my top friends... so check it out... click on their profile picture to hear more of their vital music... this is the real gear and "to copy it is forgery"... & I know that's true, 'cos I read it on a beer can...

You may well have heard of Frank Zappa, you may even have heard some that usual stuff that lots of middle class halfwits consider to be his best work, but have you ever heard the story behind 'An Evening With Wild Man Fischer'... Check this link dErailRoaDed ..

Lounge-Tastic ! ! ! This is Richard Cheese - Vegas uber alles ! If you ask him to be your myspace friend, he may well bombard you with offers and deals for his merchandise etc... but what the hell eh... it's about time you bought some of the good shit... after all... you owe it to yourself...
...and in the words of some foxy glacial bint from some asinine petrochemical byproduct advertisment... "you owe it to yourself... because you're worth it." Richard Cheese ..

This is the 1st. in a long list of sheds... 'The Sheds' are in Kentucky The Sheds ..

The Lightning Rods ~ if you like raw power & full on tear it up rockabilly surf blues with a heavy twist of nitro induced psychobilly ( and don't mind going to Canada ) why not visit The Lightning Rods ..

This is total TRASH - and it's not for the faint hearted... TRASH .. top-quality entertianment at afforable prices...

'Venus and the Razorblades' have reformed, so for a direct link to their page please visit Venus and the Razorblades ..

HEALTH .. confused about AIDS and need to know more ? ... This U.S. resource is very good spx?MenuItem=AIDSinfoTools.. (fuck knows how I can make this link work... but I'm pretty sure it's bit of a goer if you paste it into your browser...)

If you enjoy going round and round so fast as to be in danger of colliding with the back of your own head, here is a totally pointless direct link to this page REV. TWO ~ SHEDS MUZAK



Craic Mac Top o' the Pops' Harmonicat, (pull yer finger out and blow 45rpm records... illicit narcotics... cheap booze... stone tools... stuff & things like that...

Also worthy of note are : spring greens, sprouts & other seasonal vegetables...
Drinking discount beer & crunchin&..39; about on the vox wah wah pedal with the last remains of an ol' wilson guitar etc can burst the ol' boredom bubble occasionally too..
In regards to the now defunkt 'Trailer Trash [U.K.]'...
'Sutton Girl' [then aged 15] adlibed the vocals on 'Sutton Girl' ...
Bassist Pat Mescherscmidt liked to take his Jaco pasteurised...
ms. p. waikiki did those 'femme fetale' vocals on wax my board + a few 'other vibes' here & there...
you know the score... it's just the usual sort of B0lloCk$ that lots of people are now able to w0tsit when a friend or two lends a hand on the myspace phenomena...
You know the deal...

"...'ere's a riff"
"ere's a bass line.."
".. that'll do I s..pose..." ~ now press the record button and bish bosh ~ done ! ! !...

c'mon everybody...
If a luddite halfwit like me can do it...
well... then you can do it too...
I mean it's not so hard when you get down to it...

C'MoN !
Bu$t it OuT ! ! !

Sounds Like:
My muzakal input on whatever I'm involved in, generally sounds like a rusty ol' shite bucket full of manky spanners bein' dropped down a derelict lift shaft...
O.K. I s'pose...
…if you like that sort of thing.
kindest regards etcetera

" " This extra-super machine was created by "gergggg" ... FAB !

Record Label: Now reduced to 10p in in your local charity shoppe
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


SEA LEVELS?.. DON'T WORRY UNDULY... READ THE FACTS.... Great news !.. Hip ! Hip ! Hooray ! Stop Worrying... The predicted rise in sea levels has now been averted... The up until now ...
Posted by REV. DOS ~ ALORES MUZAK on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 09:44:00 PST

Rev'S Gig kak + other shite & networkesque brown~nosseur du~prix

..> ..> ..:-inanespace refix = kak = "tea-urn:schemes-muckrosoft-corn:orafice:" />  ..> ..> inanespace prefix sti1t0ns "tea-urn:-schemes-mucksoft.corn:orafice:-fart-tags" />   ...
Posted by REV. DOS ~ ALORES MUZAK on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 05:50:00 PST

'Crocks of Epoch's Poppycock' + extracts from 'The Placemats of Destiny'

 [VeRSiON 2]   OBLiGaT0Ry  'My$pAcE InStAnT BuLL$hiT DeTeCT0R... ...0f Th0$e PaRaNoiAc PlaNk$ Wh0 aRe all LIkENeD t0WaRd 'C0n~ SpIraCy TheoRiEs'... Y0u n0H thE $0Rt 0F ThoNg... EgYpTiA...
Posted by REV. DOS ~ ALORES MUZAK on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 06:57:00 PST

B0LLEAUX... poetry... kudos... networkesque...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   &nbs p;        Crock 'n' Droll    [ An0ther version. ~ / 04 / 06 * ] Prized eschew profiles of immo...
Posted by REV. DOS ~ ALORES MUZAK on Fri, 11 May 2007 07:08:00 PST