~ZITO~ profile picture


Evolve or be left behind

About Me

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / The Eye of God

I teach painting - contact me for a class. I also teach intestinal cleansing so if you read something here on my profile that interests you and you want to lose some weight, look and feel better - then just let me know.
I'm a portrait painter by trade - I see it as one of the most beautiful and ancient arts. Its an Italian thing I guess.
I just love the big ol Apple... the streets, museums, plays, live music - anything of true substance. I enjoy the dirtiest hellhole as much as the loftiest museum. The only things I'd rather not deal with are khakis, malls and beige people with no interests outside of mainstream amerikan pop kulture. Most people are afraid of anything different - not realizing that life itself is based on the constant of change - that we ARE change.
I dont drink anymore because Ihave decided not to waste one more sunny day lying around moaning in agony. I'd much rather get together with good friends for good conversation over a nice long meal and a cup of tea. I'm pretty much done with watching people unconsciously toxify themselves day after day - on a blind mission to get the nastiest diseases they can. Complete ignorance of your body and what it requires is not that cool to me anymore.
As I have become more aware of what I put into my body, I've discovered new doors opening all the time. I've been eating raw organic vegan cuisine since spring 2005 and it has changed my life COMPLETELY. Now that I know what I know, theres no way I can go back to the toxic lifestyle of drink, drugs and conventional American food.
If people would take a second to study nutrition from a raw food stand-point (Dr. Gabriel Cousens) they would realize that they are constantly polluting themselves - creating depression in their minds and disease in their bodies. Think I'm nuts? Write me and I'll fill you in on some of the basic science behind the movement and you will immediately recognize the truth of it. Most people don't want to hear it because they fear change.
All the rebellion of youth that pitted me against mainstream culture meant nothing to me until now. Now I have discovered the true revolution. I understand that balanced nutrition leads to personal empowerment and facilitates human evolution.
After losing 40 pounds through intestinal cleansing, I discovered I had a deeper sense of intuition plus much more synchronicity and flow in my life. I've had many experiences where I've intentionally created the outcome of a situation or a desire by tapping into the field of potential. If you're not living like a @#*$%&! superhero then youre not really living at all!
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My Interests

I need to always be surrounded by antiques, old cars, old buildings, girls in dresses with cool shoes, real music (songs not "tracks") art, inspiration, life, power, sex, conversation and wild energy. I'm fascinated by the possibilities that are available to us once we lose our fear and open up to ultimate health and immunity. There is no faster track to pure power and deep intuition than raw food and meditation.

I'd like to meet:

Wizards, magicians, alchemists and other people interested in art, personal transformation and planetary evolution.

People with something to say... who live, create, breathe deeply and laugh.

Raw food superheroes.


JOHN LENNON, White Stripes!!! Black Sabbath, flamenco, Led Zeppelin, Pixies, Ludwig van Beethoven, Tom Waits, Pink Floyd, Sex Pistols, Squirrel Nut Zippers, David Bowie, T Rex, tango, old ZZ Top, Atomic Bitchwax, Nebula, old Janes Addiction, Duke Ellington, Bauhaus, Bad Brains, Unband, Buzzcocks, Green Pajamas, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Ween, Barnyard Playboys, We, old Aerosmith, old old REM, Jim Carroll, Velvet Underground, Mr. Airplane Man, Obiat, Black Nasa, Hendrix, Alchemysts, Frank Zappa, Spirit, Syd Barrett, Nirvana, Ella Fitzgerald, Robert Johnson, Captain Beefheart, Flat Duo Jets, Stooges, Stiff Little Fingers, Tones on Tail, Dieselmeat, Doors, Who, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Bongwater, UFO, Misfits, X, Gogol Bordello, Johnny Cash, Butthole Surfers, Melvins, Curtis Mayfield, Yardbirds, Nina Simone, Devo, Iron Maiden (Killers), Fuggs, and Parliament Funkadelic!


Reversing Diabetes Naturally

Six McDonalds-munching Americans eat 100% vegan live foods for a month. Medical results are fantastic. Doctors and experts are interviewed including Gabriel Cousens, MD and David Wolfe. Raw for 30-Days will document the journey of five Americans suffering from Adult Onset Type II Diabetes, who undergo a radical 30-day diet and lifestyle change in the hope of reversing or reducing their insulin dependence. The film will show the eating habits that led to the development of this disease and will posit an alternative approach to living and eating, one in which foods can heal and hold the potential to reverse Diabetes. We will recruit subjects who have been subsisting on a standard American junk food diet and who are now insulin dependent and Diabetic. Those selected will journey to the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Arizona to undergo a 30-day health regimen consisting of 100% raw organic living foods that are purported to heal Diabetes. We will select a diverse group of subjects, representative of the different segments of the population most affected by this epidemic. Examples include a Native American from a Reservation, an African American from an urban Northeast city, a Mexican American living in the western US and a Caucasian person from the mid-west or a Southern city such as Chattanooga, TN.
ALSO DIG THESE YO ~ America: Freedom to Fascism, Zeitgeist - The Movie, The Future of Food, Kilwatt Ours, The Secret, Pan's Labyrinth, Brazil, Wild at Heart, The Science of Sleep, What the @&#!$*% Do We Know?, Inconvenient Truth, US vs. John Lennon, Incredibles, Scorcese, Polanski, Kubrick, Lynch, Jarmusch


I rarely use it ... Conan, Simpsons


"Dreamgates" by Robert Moss, "2012 - The Return of Quetzalcoatl" by Daniel Pinchbeck, "Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine" by Gabriel Cousens, "Eating for Beauty" by David Wolfe, "Invitation to a Beheading" and everything else by Nabokov, "The Spontaneous Fullfilment of Desire" by Deepak Chopra, "The Painted Word" by Tom Wolfe, lectures of Alan Watts and art books with more pictures than words.


Picasso, my Dad, me, John Lennon.

My Blog

Zito Watercolor Portraits for $100!!!!!!!??????

Holy Crap I’m doin it again!!  The last time I did this crazy $100 Watercolor thing I had so many orders I was seeing watercolors in my dreams.But you know what the Kinks say - "Give the pe...
Posted by ~ZITO~ on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 05:17:00 PST

Spread the Word! RON PAUL speaks the truth!!!!

Do some YouTubin and check out Ron Paul.  http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=FG_HuFtP8w8&NR=1Here is the rare case of a politician with integrity, intelligence, compassion and a true vision for th...
Posted by ~ZITO~ on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 09:27:00 PST

Check out this event: Open Studios @ World Famous "5 Pointz" Sat-Sun

Hosted By: Antonio ZitoWhen: Saturday Nov 17, 2007 at 12:00 PMWhere: World Famous "5 Pointz" Building46-23 Crane StreetLong Island City, Queens, New York|33 11101United StatesDescription:Antonio Zito ...
Posted by ~ZITO~ on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 10:50:00 PST

Medicrity is Sacrilege

 My life is a bit upside-down right now.  At Burning Man I felt SO AT HOME.  Brilliant art everywhere, warm interesting people - it felt like my tribe.  Then I came back to bills a...
Posted by ~ZITO~ on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 07:22:00 PST

Check out this event: Closing Reception @ GalleryBar this Wed 6/27 7-mid

Hosted By: ZitoWhen: Wednesday Jun 27, 2007 at 7:00 PMWhere: GalleryBar120 OrchardNew York, NY 10002United StatesDescription:Zito Click Here To View Event...
Posted by ~ZITO~ on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 09:59:00 PST

Check out this event: Zito Portrait Marathon and opening

Hosted By: ZitoWhen: Wednesday May 23, 2007 at 8:00 PMWhere: Gallery Bar120 OrchardNew York, NY 10002United StatesDescription:Zito Click Here To View Event...
Posted by ~ZITO~ on Wed, 23 May 2007 09:00:00 PST

Journal entry Sat morning March 31, 2007

Friday March 30th - Creative Chronicles party at 20 Clinton NYCThere is this sort of "band"? that sort of "plays"? at these things called Infinity SS and they are a noise/freak-out/performance thing w...
Posted by ~ZITO~ on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 08:27:00 PST

some musings on portrait painting....

Some of the earliest proportionately-sound representational artworks ever known are the Egypto-Roman portraits from the first century A.D. which are on view as part of the permanent collection at The ...
Posted by ~ZITO~ on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 03:11:00 PST

This is an excerpt from the upcoming book I have been working on for several months.

I had been fascinated with the prospect of traveling to the old country for years and without a whole lot of sensible preparation I ordered some tickets online.  Picking the dates seemed random a...
Posted by ~ZITO~ on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 08:53:00 PST

Zito Studio Gallery and the gentrification of the LES

This is the story of Zito Studio Gallery and the Gentrification of the Lower East Sideby Otis NyantoAfter ten years of struggle as an artist in New York, Antony Zito finally achieved his dream.  ...
Posted by ~ZITO~ on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 11:55:00 PST