KATHLEEN SHADOWS profile picture


General relativity +Electromagnetism=UNIFICATION

About Me

FIRST DEMOS EVER!!! New demos coming soon. Music, mountaineering, acting, ice climbing, martial arts, cycling, canoeing, camping, singing, playing the violin/guitar/and hopefully soon harmonica and cello, riding horses (western), painting and sketching, dancing(jazz, lyrical, swing, burlesque, bellydance, and ballet-although beginning), writing, feeding my scientific cravings with physics/astronomy/molecular biology, raw food, fencing, gas station coffee, the first scent of autumn, snowflakes, intellectual stimulation, memorable conversations, fine art(not including random splats on canvas labeled as art), winter, linguistics(especially speaking French), Bikram Yoga, Montmartre, science, philosophy, solo adventures, trying new things, sports bras, high heel boots, smiles, echoes of laughter, whispers of the skies when alone in nature, Chopin playing on a rainy day, photography, loyalty, honor, exploring, curling my toes in warm sand at the beach, simplicity, complexity, museums, challenge(even more so the accomplishment of overcoming challenge), and people who are brave enough to say what they feel and not just let opportunities pass them by................ Amongst the people I'd like to meet(dead or alive???):.... Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, David Gilmour, BONO, Slash, Bowie, Stephen Hawking, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Albert Einstein, James Clerk Maxwell, FDR, Benjamin Franklin, William James, David Coverdale, Charlie Chaplin, Aerosmith, Henry David Thoreau, Gary Oldman, Ennio Morricone, Mick Jagger, Meryl Streep, Peter O'Toole, Matt and Trey from South Park, Billy Idol, Will Gadd, Miro, Chagall, Ed Viesturs, Sir Edmund Hillary, Tenzig Norgay, Robert redford, Duff McKagen, Tim Burton, Rene Descartes, Carl Sagan, Salvador Dali, Charles Darwin, Yo-Yo-Ma, Dostoevsky, Ella Fitzgerald, Sir Isaac Newton, Galileo, Nicholaus Copernicus, and Ludwig Van Beethoven....................Films/TV(when I have time): The Man With Two Brains, Team America, Touching The Void, The Last Samurai, V For Vendetta, Amelie, Vertical Limit, Stealing Beauty, Bleu, Rouge, et Blanc Trilogy, Krull, and Shawshank Redemption. Grey's Anatomy, Globetrekker, Alf, NOVA, Monty Python, Ren and Stimpy(old school), Mystery Science 3000, Mr.Bean, Aeon Flux(series), Samurai Jack, The Simpsons, Beavis and Butthead, South Park, (I think I might be admitting to the possibility of becoming a closet Treky)........Books-Walden Or Life In The Woods, Origin Of Species, Le Petit Prince, Bhagavad Gita, Two New Sciences by Galileo, Beginner's Quantum Physics, Crime and Punishment, generally anything written by Newton and Descartes
You are Bettie Page

My Interests


Member Since: 4/19/2006
Band Website: kathleenshadows.com
Band Members: Kathleen Shadows and produced with Jaime Gylan of The Deep End/ Rox N'Roll Studios, NYC
Influences: Everything from Beatles, Blonde Redhead, Bowie, Led Zeppelin, Guns N' Roses, Whitesnake, Rolling Stones, STP, Aerosmith, Jimi Hendrix, U2, Bush, Poe, Alice in Chains,Green Day, Coldplay, B.B. King, Billie Holiday, Tori Amos, Bjork, Skid Row, Beautiful Creatures, Red Elvises, Otis Redding, Audioslave, Jefferson Airplane/Starship, Smashing Pumpkins, AC/DC, Count Basie, Buckcherry, Sex Slaves, Shannon Curfman, Jeff Buckley, Queensryche, Heart, Cinderella, The Pretenders, Portishead, Motley Crue, The Who, Neil Young, The Cardigans, Joe Jackson, Pink Floyd, Frente, White Stripes, L.A. Guns, Black Sabbath, Van Halen, Gogol Bordello, Police, Sting, Beck, Queens of the Stone Age, Alice Cooper, Gershwin, Weezer, Slash' Snakepit, Janis Joplin, Iggy Pop, Meat Loaf, Eric Clapton, Cream, Yardbirds, Hanoi Rocks, The Cure, Beethoven, Tom Petty, Brides of Destruction, Iron Maiden, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Cake, Velvet Revolver, Fiona Apple, Avenged Sevenfold, Bessie Smith, Ella Fitzgerald, Radiohead, Charms, Billy Idol, Zakk Wylde, Morrissey, and the list goes on and on.....I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Type of Label: None

My Blog


coming back in NOvember....
Posted by KATHLEEN SHADOWS on Sat, 10 May 2008 03:48:00 PST


why the hell did I not know about Elixir strings before now!?! They have made all the difference with my guitar....I'm in love.
Posted by KATHLEEN SHADOWS on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 07:35:00 PST


I wrote these lyrics when I became inspired by 2001: A Space Odyssey. It's a little dark and twisted but what can I say?...I was inspired:)The Mouth of Madnessby Kathleen Shadows copyrighted 05/27/06...
Posted by KATHLEEN SHADOWS on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 01:44:00 PST

WORK IN PROGRESS...and getting hit by an SUV

Before I left NYC this last time I got hit by an oncoming suv...and managed to escape with a few bruises and sore toes. Damn, I'm lucky. Currently I reside in my creative hideaway until the spring. ...
Posted by KATHLEEN SHADOWS on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 05:16:00 PST


Okay...here's a question for all of you: Who needs drugs when you have rock n'roll??? What a FABULOUS DAY IT HAS BEEN! I just returned from the Velvet Revolver concert...BEST F*CKING concert I've EV...
Posted by KATHLEEN SHADOWS on Wed, 23 May 2007 09:28:00 PST


in cases such as mine...when your ceiling caves in...it would essentially help if the apartment was already tidy so that the landlord could immediately investigate. However, I had decided to start a ...
Posted by KATHLEEN SHADOWS on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 06:25:00 PST

The wild adventures of Batman and Kate

I just returned from my adventures upstate. It wasn't exactly the peaceful retreat (due to a guy named Francois who kept snoring so loud the roof of the hostel nearly blew off...)I had been hoping fo...
Posted by KATHLEEN SHADOWS on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 10:40:00 PST

EL CHUPACABRA and Martin/ Les Paul

I had never heard of these unusual beasts until today when a friend suggested that because of my luck I may end up running into a Chuppacabra or an Abominal Snowman when I go on my solo winter hike. I...
Posted by KATHLEEN SHADOWS on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 10:20:00 PST


So yesterday I decided to have a contemplative session with society by watching the people of NYC out the window at Starbucks. Have you ever just watched people as they walk by and look at their shoe...
Posted by KATHLEEN SHADOWS on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 02:33:00 PST


I just got back from a Burlesque 101 class at the Museum of Sex with a gal pal of mine....Boy was that a hoot and a holler!!!! We learned how to bump and grind and "present"...it was quite hilarious a...
Posted by KATHLEEN SHADOWS on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 07:34:00 PST