Whoever I get along with, really. Any of this lot below...
Far , far too much stuff to make a complete list of, but here goes.... Bowie,Iggy,Eno,Hendrix ,Syd,Seeds,MC5,The Pirates, Bunker Hill, Link Wray, Bo Diddley, Howling Wolf,Roky,The Creation, Fleur de Lys ,The Savage Resurrection ,Shocking Blue, Earth And Fire,Trees,Vashti, Nick Drake, Miles Davis ,Beefheart,Edgar Broughton ,Faust, Can ,Neu! ,Kraftwerk ,New York Dolls, Johnny Thunders/Heartbreakers,Ramones ,ALL the '77 punk bands, Counterpoint Records/ Andy Ross,The Ruts, Lydon ,Wobble ,Wire , Chrome ,Metal Urbain ,Snakefinger,The Residents, Killing Joke , The PUS,The Plastic Bags,Foam Rabbi,Miller, Flat 13 Productions,The Bevis Frond, Bari Watts,Beck,Jon Spencer,Joy Zipper, Air,Renegade Soundwave,Adrian Sherwood ,Lee Perry, Prince Far I, Alpha & Omega, Mad Professor,Scientist, Mark Stewart ,The Pop Group,Massive Attack, Danny Miller ,Ladytron , FSOL , TG , PTV ,Cabaret Voltaire, 23 Skidoo, Suicide, Foetus , Buttholes , Sonic Youth, Gallon Drunk, can't be arsed to continue...
Lindsay Anderson ,Kubrick , Bunuel ,Polanski,Peter Jackson ,Gilliam, David Lynch ,Svanksmeyer,Roger Corman, erm... any silent movie, Universal horror, Hammer,Amicus, the Phibes movies,Theatre of Blood, Tod Slaughter (greatest ham villain ever),first 2 Hellraiser movies,Argento, a lot of animation, Betty Boop (I've uploaded a few faves in the video section), Spirited Away was good, a lot of Japanese movies actually, French movies also, Delicatessen, City Of Lost Children, I'll watch near enough anything with Bardot or Deneuve in, Orson Welles, particularly Badge Of Evil, Lady From Shanghai, The Third Man's a good old fave, a lot of sci-fi (any era) with everything, too much stuff to make a complete list of. Most watched movies : O Lucky Man ,A Clockwork Orange , Psychomania,Withnail & I.
Not much recent stuff. Dr Who ,The Mighty Boosh,Star Stories, Heroes, Cape Wrath, The Last Enemy, Terminator :The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Comedy :Spike Milligan,Python,RWT, Chris Morris, Partridge. Mainly old stuff on DVD/Vid: Avengers , Prisoner , Ace Of Wands , ITC , TV21 etc.
Writers whose work I admire: Hunter S. Thompson , Bukowski , William S. Burroughs,C.G.Jung, Joseph Campbell,Ken Campbell, Henry Miller , Iain Banks ,Clive Barker, Magnus Mills,Stewart Home, Ana Kvetska, Dena Rash Guzman, Claudia Bellocq,Mervyn Peake, Edward Gorey, David Shrigley, to name but a few. Comicbooks : Alan Moore , Grant Morrison,Warren Ellis,Neil Gaiman,Mike Carey,Pete Milligan, David Mack are a few faves....
All of my top myspace friends.'Cos you're the good ones ya know ? Let's face it. Myspace would be pretty shit without you lot. You rule ! In fact anyone I consider to be a good friend, whether on myspace or not, is one of my heroes. Anyone who has made a contribution to my enjoyment of life and is mentioned elsewhere on this site too.