Mark profile picture


It's awfully considerate of you to think of me here....

About Me

Hi, I'm Mark. About me...well, I'm really crap at describing myself for a start. I'm not the sort that's overly egotistical or self-obsessed.Can't be bothered to be, really. People who take the trouble to get to know me seem to like me, so I must be doing something right, I suppose. Some people have described me as witty and charming.One of my oldest friends always used to say to people "He's so laid back he's outrageous" (yawn....). One of the nicest things someone's said about me recently is that I'm "One of life's gentlemen" which I was really touched by. Aww, shucks, I try y'know ? People who DON'T take the trouble to get to know me,and choose to make a snap-judgement can often mistake my 'attitude' as some sort of arrogance which pisses me off. If I was to describe myself positively, I'd just say that I'm laid-back, easy-going and I try to be nice to people and see things from their point of view as well as my own. On the odd occasion people have tried to take advantage of this and tried to walk all over me. I'm pretty suss and I'm not a fucking idiot and take shit from no-one. Not a good idea to piss me off.Not necessary either. My interests are probably mainly music-orientated, though I like loads of other stuff as well,but by and large I'm pretty much a music obsessive. I like watching live music as probably one of my main pleasures in life. Some other stuff about me : I can get stupidly insecure sometimes and worry far too much about how I'm coming across to people. I can get really stupid when drunk.By that I mean I can make stupid decisions. Decisions like getting on the wrong train and ending up 40 miles away from my house, with no more trains for several hours. It can take me quite a while to get to know people. I like to have as much fun with people as possible, rather than talk about the serious issues of the day, or whatever. Can't be bothered with petty squabbles with people.Total waste of time and emotional effort. I love chatting to people , swapping funny stories, and discovering mutual interests. And I fucking love music. Think I mentioned that already...I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Whoever I get along with, really. Any of this lot below...


Far , far too much stuff to make a complete list of, but here goes.... Bowie,Iggy,Eno,Hendrix ,Syd,Seeds,MC5,The Pirates, Bunker Hill, Link Wray, Bo Diddley, Howling Wolf,Roky,The Creation, Fleur de Lys ,The Savage Resurrection ,Shocking Blue, Earth And Fire,Trees,Vashti, Nick Drake, Miles Davis ,Beefheart,Edgar Broughton ,Faust, Can ,Neu! ,Kraftwerk ,New York Dolls, Johnny Thunders/Heartbreakers,Ramones ,ALL the '77 punk bands, Counterpoint Records/ Andy Ross,The Ruts, Lydon ,Wobble ,Wire , Chrome ,Metal Urbain ,Snakefinger,The Residents, Killing Joke , The PUS,The Plastic Bags,Foam Rabbi,Miller, Flat 13 Productions,The Bevis Frond, Bari Watts,Beck,Jon Spencer,Joy Zipper, Air,Renegade Soundwave,Adrian Sherwood ,Lee Perry, Prince Far I, Alpha & Omega, Mad Professor,Scientist, Mark Stewart ,The Pop Group,Massive Attack, Danny Miller ,Ladytron , FSOL , TG , PTV ,Cabaret Voltaire, 23 Skidoo, Suicide, Foetus , Buttholes , Sonic Youth, Gallon Drunk, can't be arsed to continue...


Lindsay Anderson ,Kubrick , Bunuel ,Polanski,Peter Jackson ,Gilliam, David Lynch ,Svanksmeyer,Roger Corman, erm... any silent movie, Universal horror, Hammer,Amicus, the Phibes movies,Theatre of Blood, Tod Slaughter (greatest ham villain ever),first 2 Hellraiser movies,Argento, a lot of animation, Betty Boop (I've uploaded a few faves in the video section), Spirited Away was good, a lot of Japanese movies actually, French movies also, Delicatessen, City Of Lost Children, I'll watch near enough anything with Bardot or Deneuve in, Orson Welles, particularly Badge Of Evil, Lady From Shanghai, The Third Man's a good old fave, a lot of sci-fi (any era) with everything, too much stuff to make a complete list of. Most watched movies : O Lucky Man ,A Clockwork Orange , Psychomania,Withnail & I.


Not much recent stuff. Dr Who ,The Mighty Boosh,Star Stories, Heroes, Cape Wrath, The Last Enemy, Terminator :The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Comedy :Spike Milligan,Python,RWT, Chris Morris, Partridge. Mainly old stuff on DVD/Vid: Avengers , Prisoner , Ace Of Wands , ITC , TV21 etc.


Writers whose work I admire: Hunter S. Thompson , Bukowski , William S. Burroughs,C.G.Jung, Joseph Campbell,Ken Campbell, Henry Miller , Iain Banks ,Clive Barker, Magnus Mills,Stewart Home, Ana Kvetska, Dena Rash Guzman, Claudia Bellocq,Mervyn Peake, Edward Gorey, David Shrigley, to name but a few. Comicbooks : Alan Moore , Grant Morrison,Warren Ellis,Neil Gaiman,Mike Carey,Pete Milligan, David Mack are a few faves....


All of my top myspace friends.'Cos you're the good ones ya know ? Let's face it. Myspace would be pretty shit without you lot. You rule ! In fact anyone I consider to be a good friend, whether on myspace or not, is one of my heroes. Anyone who has made a contribution to my enjoyment of life and is mentioned elsewhere on this site too.

My Blog

Tagged ! (groan...)

Oh, bollocks. Let's get this over and done withI've been TAGGED by  Lisa and Starry.I now have to blog 10 random or weird facts about myself.Blimey, I haven't played 'tag' since I was a kid.Me ...
Posted by Mark on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 11:25:00 PST

And then there was the time...

And then there was the time my mate John stayed round at Eric's after a night boozing.  Eric had developed a habit of relieving himself in the night anywhere except the toilet after a night's boo...
Posted by Mark on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 08:58:00 PST

Lucy's comments preserved.

YES ! Good job myspace are so slack in deleting profiles.It takes up to 48 hours, apparently.Lucy's profile keeps disappearing then reappearing.Managed to get all my favourite Lucy moments pasted.Prob...
Posted by Mark on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 10:39:00 PST

Lucy. Legend of myspace.

I'm gutted.Lucy's deleted her account.She told me on the phone that this was because myspace was taking up far too much of her time and she desperately needs to concentrate on getting her book finishe...
Posted by Mark on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 09:41:00 PST


God, someone get me a GPS navigation gizmo for Christmas.The amount of times I've been hopelessly lost this year is unbelievable. Got lost on Saturday trying to get to a party in Chislehurst. Took me ...
Posted by Mark on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 02:17:00 PST

Gordon ( 1963 - 2006 )

Last Friday was a very sad day. It was the funeral for my dear friend Gordon, who I've been mates with since the punk days.People who've visited my site lately would have noticed a punk theme going on...
Posted by Mark on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 10:14:00 PST

What's In The Bag, Man ?

Tuesday. Shopping in Croydon. First time in 2-3 months.Forbidden Planet. First purchases of the day : Kabuki #7 (David Mack. Absolutely amazing series. Like no other comic you'll ever read) ...
Posted by Mark on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 05:35:00 PST

The Return Of Subversive Grafitti

Blog#2: The Return Of Subversive Grafitti or King Mob Is Alive And Well And Occasionally Visits PengeJuly 19 2006. The hottest day of the year so far. A 36-er.Thought I'd have a little 'picnic' in Cry...
Posted by Mark on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 04:25:00 PST