Member Since: 12/6/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: The project was initiated in London in or around 1980 by Nigel Ayers (b. 1957) together with collaborators Danny Ayers(b.1964) and Caroline K (b.1957). Numerous other members have come & gone. Now based in Cornwall, on a nodal point on the Mary-Michael Ley, the mission continues in some kind of polytantric union with the multiple personalities of one "solo" member and a cast of thousands.
Influences: john cage, zorch, brian eno, faust, captain beefheart, spizzoil, spk, delia derbyshire, pierre schaeffer, luigi russolo, karlheinz stockhausen, albert ayler, nusrat fateh ali khan, third ear band, incredible string band, joni mitchell, john lennon, yoko ono, throbbing gristle, mohammed el-bakir, edgar broughton band, big bad bollocks, hawkwind, pink fairies, james brown, cannonball adderley, woodie guthrie, bob dylan, velvet underground, leonard cohen, prince buster, prince far i, lee scratch perry, millie, kraftwerk, king tubby, caroline k, the troggs, fun da mental, asian dub foundation, mouse on mars, aphex twin, a guy called gerald, tom waits, eric satie, luigi nono, shangri-las, john cooper clark, psychick tv, new blockaders, merzbow, c.c.c.c., lieutenant murnau, luther blissett, crass, sex pistols, suicide, ennio morricone, marianne faithfull, kluster, the anti-group, rapoon, shane macgowan, the apostles, mary caine, kathy acker, william s burroughs, nam june paik, jan svankmajer, john michell, stewart home, tc lethbridge, charles hoy fort, deleuze et guattari, jodorowsky, andre stitt, heinrich anton muller, adolf wolffli, austin o spare, ed keinholz, jean tinguely, iain sinclair, walter potter, paul spooner, syd barrett, situationist international, kenneth anger,
raymond roussel, alfred jarry, banksy, johnny cash, joseph beuys, david bowie, grandmaster flash, aleister crowley, a.a.a., lawrence block, grannies knickers, gong, mike kelley, jimi hendrix, spike milligan, allen kaprow, oz magazine, kurt schwitters, negativland,
Sounds Like: groovy
Record Label: Earthly Delights
Type of Label: Indie