Acoustics, Afro - Celticism, Anasazi, Archaeoastronomy, Archaeology, the Ark of the Covenant, Arthur, Astronauts (Ancient), Astronauts (Autonomous), Atlantis and Aztecs, Ballochroy, Bicameral Mind, Blue Stones, Bog Bodies, Borobodur, Bronze Age, Cahokia, Carnac, Casa Grande, Celts, Chaco Canyon, Chartres, Chavin de Huantar, Cognitive Archaeology, Corpse Lights, Correspondences, Cosmic Axis, Cream Teas, Crop Circles, Cursus, Cuzco, Death Roads, Delphi, Divination, Dowsing, Dragon, Dragon, Dreamtime, Druids, Earth Lights, Easter Island, Effigy Mounds, Eleusis, Energies, Entoptic Patterns, Externsteine, Fairies, Feng Shui, Fly Agaric, Flying , Folklore, Four Directions, Gaia Theory, Gabba, Gavrinis, Geomancy, Geometry, Goddesses, GPS, Grail, Hallucinogens, Hill Figures, Henge, Hollow Earth, Hopewell Indians, Hopi, Hovenweep, Ice Man, Iron Age, Jerusalem, Keyhole Tombs, Kivas, Labyrinths, Leys, Leylines, Liminality, Loughcrew, Malta, Maya, Maypole, Mecca, Mu, Mithras, Mythic Geography, Nazca Lines, Neolithic, Newgrange, Ogham, Olmec, Omphalos, Oracles, Orgonomics, Paganism, Palaeolithic, Pasties, Pilgrimage, Planetary Grids, Psychic Archaeology, Psychogeography, Pyramids, Quetzalcoatl, Radionics, Rock Art, Sacred Places, St. Michael Line, Seidhr, Shaman, Shamanic Landscapes, Sibyls, Simulacra, Sitting Out, Situationist International, Songlines, Sphinx, Spirit Traps, Spirit Ways, Stone Circles, Stonehenge, Sweeping, Systems Theory, Teotihuacan, Terrestrial Zodiacs, Theosophy, Tiahuanaco, Time Travel, Trance, UFOs, Unitary Urbanism, Vampires, Varanasi, Vision Quest, Werewolf, World Navel, Wupatki, Wyrd, Xochipilli, Yew, Yggdrasil, Ziggurats and Zuni.
Autonomous Astronauts, Psychogeographers, Dowsers, GPS Freaks, Buckas, Spriggins, Piskies, Little People and Tommyknockers.
You have been marked on my profile map!
Hawkwind, Su Ra, Symarip, BBC Radiophonic Workshop, anything Kosmiche
Caine, Mary. 1990 (VHS Video) The Glastonbury Giants or Zodiac - Arthur’s Original Round Table Kingston: Mary Caine
Dr Who
Caine, Mary.(undated) The Glastonbury Giants Kingston: Mary CaineEdwards, Lewis The Welsh Temple of the Zodiac (undated mimeopgraphed pamphlet)Hemming, Ian. 2000 The Pumpsaint Zodiac Lampeter: Mindwarp PressMacadam, John. 2003 HalFawyth- Bodmin Moor- 400 million years in the making Caradon & North Cornwall District Councils (pamphlet)Michell, John. 1975. The Earth Spirit - Its Ways, Shrines and Mysteries London: Thames & HudsonMichell, John. 1974. The Flying Saucer Vision London: Sphere Books LtdMichell, John. 1973. The View Over Atlantis London: Sphere Books LtdMichell, John. 1979. Simulacra - with 196 Illustrations of Faces and Figures in Nature London: Thames & HudsonMildren, James. 1989 Saints of the South West Bodmin: Bossiney Books
The Celtic Church in Cornwall.Newman, Paul. 1987 Lost Gods of Albion - The Chalk Hill-Figures of BritainStroud: Robert HaleTrench, Brinsley le Poer . 1962Temple of the StarsLondon; Neville SpearmanMiller, Hamish & Broadhurst, Paul. 1989 The Sun and the Serpent - An Investigation into Earth EnergiesJeffries, Sheila. 1996 Cornwall’s Landscape Zodiac - An Exciting Discovery Revealing Secrets of the Ancient World St.Keverne:Elderberry BooksThe Lizard Zodiac, revealed by fairies!Straffon, Cheryl.1993 Pagan Cornwall - land of the Goddess Penzance: Meyn MamvroStraffon, Cheryl.1995 The Earth Mysteries Guide to Bodmin Moor and North Cornwall Penzance: Meyn MamvroCoon, Robert. 1986 Voyage to Avalon - An Immortalist’s Introduction to the Magick of Glastonbury Glastonbury: Griffin Gold PublicationsShiels, Tony “Docâ€. 1990 Monstrum! A Wizard’s Tale London: Fortean TomesHerring, Peter & Rose, Peter. 2001 Bodmin Moor’s Archeological Heritage Cornwall County CouncilHarris, Rendel. 1933 The After-Glow Essays Number One - Up The Camel River London: University of London PressTerrestrial Zodiac Newsletter, mimeographed newletter published sometime in the 1970s?
Hartlepool: Paul Screeton
Laika, the first dog in space.