ANTIBOTHIS Occultural Book Anthologies profile picture

ANTIBOTHIS Occultural Book Anthologies


About Me

ANTIBOTHIS is a collection of book anthologies featuring texts, interviews showcasing a variety of ideas that are a genuine alternative to the dogma of conformity, the commitment to disconnect the cables of corporhate coolonization, disinverting cultural reality through the dissemination and dispersion of alternatives vortices of information and infinite chaotic propaganda, speculation, simulation, stimulation, to revolutionize the dynamics of life in a total process of cultural transformation, empowered by will, reclaiming our guts and revolt in the name of imagination in opposition to a toxic life of low awareness, herd mentality and programmed though, infecting human minds and alter their behaviour.
Antibothis are the antibodies of corporhate monocooltures.
ANTIBOTHIS - Occultural Anthology + cd compilation.
VOLUME 1 already available, IN ENGLISH.
Noise Master Gx Jupitter - Larsen on Permawave
Cyberpunk Kenji Siratori on Mind Virus
Nihilistics Zen on Unreal
Radical Ecophilosopher Pentti Linkola on Can We Survive ?
Cultural Engineering Iona Miller on G-P-Orridge Cut Up Pandrogeny
Psychogeographers Socialfiction on Crystalpunk
the Dronist Jorge Mantas on Virulent Music
The Post-Human Tantrik Edgar Franco on Transhumanism and Cyber Art
Iconoclast American Philosopher Wulf Zendik on Realm
Cultural Terrorist Adel Souto on Tantra and Sects
Mail-Art Devotees Sztuka Fabryka on Neoism
Interview with the Ecclectic Ritualist Denny Sargent
Interview with Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati
Alex Birch on Big in Japan
"Antibothis offers 112 fat pages of food for thought, a veritable feast of heretical initiations and countercultural discourse, offering both options for personal spiritual development and alternatives to the alienated, atomised, deracinated and homogenised consumer culture of today, which sits poised on the brink of economic and ecological devastation. Mainstream culture is the problem – Antibothis is striving to be part of the solution". Simon Collins, Judaskiss, U.K.
"Beautiful Production" V.Vale, Re/Search Books, U.S.A.
"Great Work", Dedroidify,Belgium
"The next step after re/search and apocalypse culture".
"thèmes "borderline", proche d'une certaine contre-culture américaine qui s'incarnait dans les années 80/90 autour de personnages comme John Oswald (Plunderphonics). Entre littérature expérimentale, engagement politique et démarche artistique où le collage et le détournement ont une grande place". Musiques e Cultures Digitales, France
Along with the book a spoken word / oral cut up cd compilation will be available with artists like : Jarboe, Fernando Ribeiro ( Moonspell ), Kenji Siratori, Phil Von ( Von Magnet ), Christophe Demarthe ( Clair Obscur), Rasal.asad, Euthymia, Wildshores, Andrey Kiritchenko, Netherworld, Rapoon, Planetadol, Thermidor, Structura, Martin A. Smith, Alex Tiuniaev.
The cd "Dust of Dreams " by the japnoise master Merzbow will be offered along with the book when purchased directly trough us.
PRICE : 15.00 euros with postage included,payable through Paypal here:
Send money through mail by using this adress :
p.o. box 2274
1107-001 Lisboa
Scheduled for ANTIBOTHIS 2 are :
with texts/interviews from/with :
Andrew Mckenzie ( hafler trio ), Brian Dean (, Carl Abrahamsson ( white stains ), Vincent Alekzander, Vadge Moore, Chad Hensley ( esoterra mag.), Magus Coyotel Leyba, Erik Davis (techgnosis), Orryelle, Aesthetic Meat Front, Antero Alli, Center of Tactical Magic, Stefan Szczelkun,Critical Art Ensemble,Boyd Rice.
Scheduled for the compilation (to be included in the book)are :
O Yuki Conjugate, Controlled Bleeding, Kawabata Makoto (acid mothers temple), Orryelle, Aesthetic Meat Front, Post Human Tantra, Enkidada (ex : psychik warriors ov gaia/exquisite corpse), Cotton Ferox, Hybrids, Astro (hiroshi hasegawa ), Strings of Consciousness, Simon Crab(ex:bourbonese qualk).
Scheduled for next issues are:
Master Musicians of Joujouka, John Zerzan, Joe Ambrose, Z..ev, Aki Nawaz (fun-da-mental), Aragorn23, Lob( instagon), Iona Miller, Nigel Ayers, Tactical Art Coalition, Monochrom, CrimeThinc, FoolishPeople, Randall Pike,Tom McCarthy, Ewen Chardronnet, among others.

My Interests

Dividualism, Neoism, Discordianism, Chaos Magick, Modern Pagan Philosophies, Techno-Shamanism, Esoterrorism, Situationist, Immediatist, Culture Jamming, Direct Action, Art Brut, Radical Mediators, Disinformation, Fringe Occulture, Anarquitexts, Artpocalypse Aesthetics ,Critical Mass, Unpop, Bizarro, Plagiarism, Politronics, Archaic Surrealism, Transhumanism, Art-errorism.

I'd like to meet:

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"Contemporary human bodies are more-or-less stable products of evolution, and cases of autoimmunity among human populations can result in tragic suffering or at best annoyance and discomfort. The situation is not as clear for our social body at the beginning of the 21st century, which by many accounts is wildly out of balance with its environment – from the overreach of corporate interests, to the relentless proliferation of technology, to the reckless provocation of global climate change – and needs drastic readjustment. If that is true, then art can act as an antibody and still assault its own culture.

If antibodies are the avant-garde of the immune system, they are not subservient to a top-down command and control system."

" Art as Antibody "
Joline Blais and Jon Ippolito



My Blog

ANTIBOTHIS Vol. 1 reviewed at JudasKiss, U.K.

This is the first volume of a new periodic 'occultural anthology', produced under the aegis of Fernando Cerquiera of Portuguese experimental music label Thisco, and promising "essence not existence, e...
Posted by ANTIBOTHIS Occultural Book Anthologies on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 12:20:00 PST


  GERMANY Drone Records Celler strasse, 33,  28205 Bremen [email protected] ____________________ SOUTH AFRICA Further     [email protected] ______...
Posted by ANTIBOTHIS Occultural Book Anthologies on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 01:36:00 PST


SINGLE COPIES: PRICE : 15.00 euros each one with postage included everywhere, payable through PAYPAL           to this email : [email protected] s...
Posted by ANTIBOTHIS Occultural Book Anthologies on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 02:04:00 PST


Noise Master Gx Jupitter - Larsen on Permawave   Cyberpunk Kenji Siratori on Mind Virus   Nihilistics Zen on Unreal   Radical Ecophilosopher Pentti Linkola on Can We Survive...
Posted by ANTIBOTHIS Occultural Book Anthologies on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 10:18:00 PST


ERIK DAVIS Erik Davis is a San Franciso-based writer, culture critic, and independent scholar. His book TechGnosis: Myth, Magic, and Mysticism in the Age of Information was released by Harmony Books i...
Posted by ANTIBOTHIS Occultural Book Anthologies on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 02:13:00 PST