I have already met these and maybe you would like to...THE MEDWAY POWERHOUSE www.medwaypowerhouse.com
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GARAGE ROCK and PUNK. MEDWAY BEAT. Thee Templars. The Buff Medways. The Masonics. The Kravin A's. Thee Mighty Caesars. The Milkshakes. Wild Billy Childish & The Musicians of The British Empire. Thee Headcoats. The Wildebeests. Les Bof. Armitage Shanks. Snivelling Shits. The Cortinas. Martin & The Brownshirts. The Slits. The Fall. Sportique. ATV. Subway Sect. A-Lines. The Stripchords. The Fallen Leaves. Spitfire 4.The Specials. The Discords. The Daggermen. The Freaks. The Kansas City Cryers.
British kitchen sink dramas, Edna The Enebriate Woman. Bronco Bullfrog. Mike Leigh Films.
Billy Childish. Mickey Hampshire. Sex Pistols. Joe Strummer. Mark E Smith. Dick Scum. Vic Godard. People who championed the cause for Punk Rock which made a creative change to society i.e Mark Perry, Jamie Reid, Derek Jarman, Jane Suck, Don Letts.