Another Public Pseudonym profile picture

Another Public Pseudonym

The Goal of Life is Living in Agreement With Nature...Zeno of Citium

About Me

********* All material listed on this page is intended for my social network recipients. Material listed herein is under copyright, reprints or other dissemination are not allowed in any manner without the prior written approval of Donna L. Quesinberry, Author and President of DonnaInk. Additionally, with a universal tone and hoped for appeal to MySpace participants around the globe, this page holds no particular political viewpoint or course of thought and does not assume that the beliefs of "friends" to necessarily be the beliefs of Donna L. Quesinberry or vice-versa. Believing in the First Amendment of Free Speech and Freedom of the Press as well as an advocate of the Fourth Estate-it is an inherent right of this page owner as well as participants to speak freely concerning the social and/or political paradigms we each associate ourselves with. As a patriot of my country, the United States, I support my nation, but do not fear the association and/or enlightenment of individuals from nations throughout the world-as information from all neighbors from all countries makes acting locally and thinking globally an easy pill to swallow. I hope to embrace global neighbors and treat all friends to this MySpace site as equals. ********* Safe harbor laws apply as appropriate.

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DonnaInk is the sole proprietorship that I own manage, while MySpace has taken on many meanings to many people since its onset in 2003, we each have an independent vision of social networking and Web 2.0 that demonstrates our personality and feeling for those we connect with in cyberspace. If you are of the manner of thought that you feel talk about business and networking to be wrong for MySpace, my response is: "I can appreciate how you feel, but I don't think it is wrong." While the work I do does not define me, it is defined by me and it is a significant part of my life as a writer-so I share my skills here and hope anyone with a need for manuscript assistance or with ideas for project work will contact me to see if we can aid one another in reaching mutual goals. So far, I've encountered a fellow with excellent environmental ideas for an upcoming project he is pursuing and spoken with a few authors regarding pending publication. As a writer's agent-I hope to assist some authors to be successfully published.
If I request an add friend of you-it is because I find you and your MySpace page interesting-not because I am soliciting new clients. My hope is that you enjoy the music here, like a little of my poetry, and find the pics entertaining on my page-please give the brainwave entrainment and Zen meditations a try! Just click on the pictures they link to the medias. Now the DonnaInk sales blurb follows:
DonnaInk provides business, literary, manuscript, proposal, fiction and/or technical non-fiction content development through innovation and best-of-breed end-results. Delivering strategic solutions while maximizing opportunity through expense reduction, project requirement prowess, and efficient off-site convenience makes life easier for clients.
Communicating commercial, Government, individual or private sector print or web-based content requires clear, compelling, and creative copy mastered through success-driven proficiency, proactive past performance, and subject matter expert (SME) insight and sensibility. This combination yields high-end performance based measurement results for written material, its development, and final production.
If you are interested in developing some content for a website or your manuscript needs agenting, DonnaInk will provide a mutually acceptable contract or statement of services in addition to an agreement of terms. We then begin the performance process providing best-practices standards in the following media efforts:
    A-O Product Offerings
    Abstracting and abridging, on-line and off-line Advertising copy editing and copy writing Annual reports Association and organizational writing Book proposals, query critiques, and summaries (compilation and editorials) Booklets, brochures, and fliers Business catalogs, letters, and plans (compilation, edit, and proofreading) Business writing seminar content Campaign development or product launches Catalog copy editing and copy writing Commercial reports Computer documentation, general print and .. Consumer complaint letter answering Content editing Copy editing for advertising and business Corporate histories Corporate periodicals and profiles editing and writing Desktop publishing Developing and designing courses for adult education or business Direct mail packages and production (copy editing and copywriting) Editing for individual clients Educational consulting, grant, and proposal writing Event promotions and publicity Financial presentation Fundraising campaign brochure Ghostwrites for businesses, individuals, trade articles or business columns (with credit) Government research and writing Grant proposal writing Greeting cards (with art) Indexing Industrial, service, and technical business training manuals Job application letters Lecture (compilation, edit, and production) Literary and technical writing coaching Legal and government (compilation, edit, and production) Loglines (compilation, edit, and production) Manual (compilation, edit, and production) Marketing packages (evaluation, edit, marketing, and production) for dissertation, thesis, trade journals, or other Manual (compilation, edit, and production) Market research survey reports Medical and science (compilation, edit, proofreading, and production) Newsletters (abstracting, compilation, desktop publishing, edits, and production) Nonprofit documentation (compilation, edits, and production) Novel synopsis for literary agent .. editorials
P-Z Product Offerings
    Page layout (desktop publishing to camera-ready copy) Photo brochures Photography Picture editing Poetry manuscript critiques Political campaigns and public relations piecework Press kits, press and news releases Print advertisements Product information Programmed instruction materials for business Proofreading Public relation efforts Query letters (compilation, edit, submission, and production) Readings Research for author and/or book publisher Resume editing, marketing, proofreading, and writing Rewrites Sales brochures, fliers, letters, other ad material Screenplay and script (compilation, editorial, marketing, production, and rewrites) Short story manuscript critique Software manual technical editing and writing Speech editing and writing Stringing Synopsis Summaries for book clubs and catalogues Teaching adult education, seminars, and courses Technical editing, typesetting, and writing Textbooks editing, proofreading, and re-writing Translations Treatments Web page (content and design editing, writing, and maintenance) Workshop instruction and course design Writing for individual clients, businesses news publications, magazines, scholarly journals and etc.

Past Performance includes:
    Associated Content ACS Agency for International Development (AID) ARTEL Inc. Analysts International Barnes and Noble Blackmail Press Booz Allen Hamilton Business Enterprise and Architecture Organizations Business Modernization and Management Program (BMMP) Camber Corporation Cyprus AMAX Defense Finance and Accounting Office (DFAS) Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Department of Defense (DoD) Dominique (aka Dom) Eisenhower Institute Enspier Fate Magazine Gettysburg College Ghostwrite Clients Government Services Administration (GSA) HDI Homeland Security JLA Designs Ltd. Keane Inc. Marine Corp Distance Learning (MCDL) McGraw Hill Meeting of the Minds Journal National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) National Geographic National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Security Agency (NSA) North 46 e-books Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Prince George's County Public Schools Poetry Repairs Rotary International S.A. Norr Saints of Silence Santa Barbara Independent Simon & Schuster SNVC Suite101 Suite University Sytel Corporation Technology Advancement Group (TAG) The Honolulu Star Bulletin The Lincoln Group The Maryland Independent The Washington Post TMSI TRW U.S. Congress United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Vanessa Dash Enterprises Webseed Publishing World Bank Yale University Press

Spiritual Living, Compassionate Service, and Visiting Teaching Coordinator for Relief Society, etc...
Political Action Committee Fundraising Achievement Award recipient - joint gold mining venture capital gains for Ulaan Bataar Outer Mongolia

she spoke with Aquinas he told her to go home, to wait

she ate persimmons
midst white noise
bared in
mirrored reality
rousing peaks
details clamored, oscillated
high to low
low to high
equalizers balanced
giant birdseeded ledges
garnered breasts
swollen heart
midst white noise


( Quesinberry-2002)

As a "Morningside Majorette" (back in the day), marched in parades and indoor competitions every weekend for eight years and hated both equally. I wanted to be at "more" frequent hunt seat/horsemanship competitions as I lived and breathed horses, but mother insisted I perform, after all she'd say..."you asked to join the majorettes."
This dying sport ~ baton twirling ~ left me with more trophies and medals than places to put them. So, I send kudos to the twirler in this YouTube who reminds me of my practice sessions. And, I now say, "thanks mom, majorettes is just one more thing to write about."

raydeod jeanrangers

all cool kats breed
after long drives
toward bushlands
they jangle radio
opalescent jeanrangers
revelries echo graypanned
irreverent junglehoppers
smoke grass Indian
relinquishing blissnations
It is necessary to know only that love is a direction, rather than a state of the soul....Simone Weil
© © © © © © © © © Click here to get Falling Objects © © © © © © © © © © © © © © ©

My Interests

Click on the prayerful hands to perform a basic Zen Meditation (then keep clicking).Meditation Clip

Another Zen Activity-click on the image and enjoy the link.

Showed hunt seat, western pleasure, and barrel raced. My horses names:
LaBelle- thoroughbred/saddlebred mare,
Bitten Mist-Arab/Quarter gelding,
and Apache- Quarterhorse gelding.

Studied Bellydancing ~ explaining my odd dancing style now.

Another version of belly dancing...

crafted artistry and hewned woods


remembering Amsterdam
he opens the buffet
shuffling Viennese linens.

she'd smiled hardest
in her shortest skirts,
his attention allowed to focus.

lace cloth tucked under elbow,
he gathers a water lily vase
in compliment to her,

and crosses the terrace.
fichus trees cast vestal images
through wooden blinds.

buffing furnishings,
he sets accoutrements
on a formal chair.

butter almond English balm
moves through the rooms
with resilience.

hands steady.
he holds them
in front of his eyes.

his skin,
his veins,
his lean fingers,

manicured spoils of labor.
he sets a cloth aside
to draw water.

washing to elbows,
a bar of lavender soap
he holds close to his nose.

whiffing sensations.
water echoes
as vapors rise.

immersion’s his temptation.
he turns, checks a burner
and adjusts a dial,

unfolding the lace cloth
sets it on rich wood,
replaces his spectacles.

begins a new chapter.
waits in silence.
remembers she forgot her scarf.


(Copyright © Donna L. Quesinberry-2004)

Completed air time for private pilot license; especially enjoy barnstorming and free falls (rising stalls and straight line engine cut-offs). New private field restrictions make casual flying a bit more difficult these days.

Tombstone Rubbings - Rubbings can be treated as documentation—as when one rubs a tombstone to record an inscription. They can also be used as a vehicle for drawing, using textures and shapes to create new patterns; or varying the pressure of the hand to achieve areas of dark and light.

2, 4, and 6 voice testimony Court Reporter to Department of Interior, Securities and Exchange Commission, and varied Washington DC agencies.

I'd like to meet:

My Personality

Neuroticism 2
Extraversion 85
Openness To Experience 95
Agreeableness 36
Conscientiousness 72

You are sociable, outgoing, energetic, and lively. You prefer to be around people much of the time. You are calm and composed, reacting well to situations that most people would describe as stressful. Novelty, variety, and change spice up your life and make you a curious, imaginative, and creative person. You have some concern with others' needs, and are generally pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative. You set clear goals and pursue them with determination. People regard you as reliable and hard-working.

Various folks.

Stephanie Pui-Mun Law does excellent renditions of angels and other-worldly penchants.

The Archangel Gabriel is the angel of the Annunciation, Resurrection, Mercy, Vengeance, Death, and Revelation. If you look through much religious art, you will find that if not common, there are many representations of a female or androgenous Gabriel. She is unique as the only female in the higher echelons.

The Archangel Israfel. None sing so wildly well as the angel Israfel, and the giddy stars(so legends tell) Ceasing their hymns, attend the spell Of his voice, all mute. --Edgar Allen Poe


What about music makes us feel good? Maybe brainwave entrainment? Click this link (the image)and download the entrainments then listen with a headset.


Contraband at Art Conspiracy



Presently reading:
The 100th Human
A small team of scientists have uncovered a riddle concerning this "End of Days." As they reveal the symbolic meaning of the riddle, their serendipitous mission is discovered by the Ancient Fraternity of the Veni Victus—determined to thwart such revelations. These two powers—of good and evil—converge. Only the spirits of the ancients know the outcome.
Canadian "dream healer" Adam has already gained fame in his native country as a gifted distant energy healer. The Path of the Dream Healer introduces American readers to his teachings about activating the healing power with us. The book, which includes endorsements by astronaut Edgar Mitchell and rocker Ronnie Hawkins, features numerous firsthand accounts of long-distance cures.
Book of Angels
Angels walk with us every moment of our lives. These beautiful beings, with light shining around them and wings spread out for protection, bring us not only the feeling and knowledge that we're not alone, but a certain freedom from worry. Over my mantel hangs a beautiful Campanelli painting of an angel with a hummingbird. Every time I look at it, it gives me peace and comfort. I know angels can't prevent all harm or keep us from lessons learned, but they certainly do what we know or feel to be miracles here on Earth, very real pointers in life to show us that God listens, watches, and cares.
Books I've Written:
The Fourth Estate
The belief that the press was free and independent arose by the mid-nineteenth century when businessmen maintained the capitalist order. The mainstream press was then weakened somewhat and maintained a defense in the stability of the state, which later evolved to a society that admitted no conflict of class interest, conflict between ignorance and enlightenment, conflict between the individual and the state, and later provided the intellectual framework where the free press could be perceived as a watch dog of government and guardian of the people.
An Introduction to Enterprise Architecture
As a collaborative writer/editor to this textbook available through McGraw Hill publisher, I assisted Professor Bernard in the development of this textbook. While it is not an easy reader and I would have entertained additional alliterations to the text presentation and the case studies this book is intended for a federal employee market and is beyond adequate to meet that criteria. It was a pleasure to work with Scott the author of this textbook.
SANS Demystified
I performed the ghostwriting for this textbook excepting ten pages. This book serves up basic SAN concepts and is an excellent overview of the technology, delivering several listings of SAN and fiber channel terminology, as well as some discussion of how to plan a SAN implementation. If you are currently working in storage networking, the descriptions on fiber channel technology might be of interest, but this book is geared toward the novice rather than the experienced reader.
Introductions For Barnes and Noble:
Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death
Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death summarizes a twenty-year history of investigations that the London Chapter of the Society for Psychical Research performed from 1882 through 1902. It provides a prominent record of organized scientific examination as referenced through paranormal and psychical phenomena. In an era where an understanding of the psyche was still nascent this work substantiates human faith supporting the human condition through the establishment of an existence of life after death, where eternal personalities deliver enlightened descriptions regarding their state of being after experiencing physical death.
Red Badge of Courage
One of the greatest war novels of all time, this is the story of the Civil War through the eyes of Henry Fleming, an ordinary farm boy turned soldier. Marks a departure from the traditional treatment of war in fiction as it captures the sights and sounds of war while creating the intricate inner world of Henry. Probes the personal reactions of unknown foot soldiers fighting unknown enemies. Henry Fleming is motivated not by courage or patriotism but by cowardice, fear, and finally egoism, and events are filtered through his consciousness.


Of course, Dad and Mom top this list.

Jamie, my son, who suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) while working for an automobile dealership wears the title of "hero" daily and without complaint. He always says, "be careful driving."

I find these interesting...

What is the difference? Can you tell?

My Blog

~after the bumrush~

Posted by Another Public Pseudonym on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 09:36:00 PST

bitters and soda water

bitters and soda water ..>..>..>Nations-Buzz night: DJ Dan pumpsconnections and gigs-hotspun tunes. Nana raver openshenna resin paints-pinkbluegreen. Love artist renderingscover ecstasies corpses-dila...
Posted by Another Public Pseudonym on Wed, 05 Oct 2005 02:05:00 PST

~what is it~

Posted by Another Public Pseudonym on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 05:23:00 PST

~Our Daddy's Been Called to Heaven~

~this is a little aged, but i haven't posted it here and it was written when my daddy died in 2003~ DonnaInkDonnaInk  Blog Fourth Estate Group...
Posted by Another Public Pseudonym on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 07:08:00 PST

~decorated tenant~

Posted by Another Public Pseudonym on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 09:14:00 PST

~White Walled Haripines~

Posted by Another Public Pseudonym on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 04:23:00 PST

~reverbs on K street~

  a.navbar:hover{color:red; font-weight:bold;} a:hover, a.redlink:hover, a.navbar:hover {Filter: Alpha(Opacity=100, FinishOpacity=0, Style=2, StartX=20, StartY=40, FinishX=0, FinishY=0) font-s...
Posted by Another Public Pseudonym on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 01:16:00 PST

Marci's Mouse

Posted by Another Public Pseudonym on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 11:54:00 PST

~Changing Trains~

Posted by Another Public Pseudonym on Wed, 05 Oct 2005 02:14:00 PST

Chalk Lines, non-minimalist-original rendering

Chalk Lines, original ..> Running Mason-Dixon chalk linesDelivered Blue-Educated Grey.Antietam to Gettysburg to Vicksburg to Shiloh.Delivered Grey, Educated Blue. Sputtered folklored guitar ballads un...
Posted by Another Public Pseudonym on Wed, 05 Oct 2005 02:09:00 PST