haroldLOREN editorialist
m é g a f ó n n i k
for comments, questions, ideas, suggestions and/or if concerns, etc. reach me here. happy to respond. sometimes, why even in a timely manner. you may also direct them here:
[email protected] danka!
I'd like to meet:
[ APRIL 4, 1968 ]
Welcome to
y o u a r e w h e r e t h e r e i s h e r e
m é g a f ó n n i k is a breed of life spoken in (
universe )
(above) by
sarabeth stroller merci:)
photograph (above)
robert doisneau
the ( kerouac ) kiss
desperate the prayer, together the crossing.
(m é g a f ó n n i k) is to the road born, to the river's edge, to the jump and to the (breakthrough) - forever transcendental.
this ever-never ocean is a mercenary highway running across all of the rare (adventures) along this beauty. and though we have ways to go, no matter - the road is life.
Anne Pigalle
these mercenary highways are the forever never oceans
of an ever so brief moment among all of this beauty.
they flew and yet we swim these skies of blue
to discover oceans divine in green.
we've got ways to go, but no matter -the road is life.
[postcard from the Republic]
m é g a f ó n n i k )
l i f e . l o v e . w o r k . e p i c M u s i c
a certain little collaborative installation long ago produced re: whom you had the curious vision to premiere and to launch (amidst the heartbreak of such tumult) on that brilliant any day morning of
April 25, 1968. merci:)
structure is more important than content in the transmission of
a raucous rogue
& for my most vivid Voltaire
(instructors) of the (kerouac) kiss
m é g a f ó n n i k is a breed of life spoken in (
universe )
Greetings fromThe REPUBLIC Of APRIL
( 20 x 2 ) an affair in the republic
( 20 x 2 )
multiply by two. (casually) add one now multiply by three. (nice!) minus the two. (carry the one) multiply. multiply. multiply. multipak. multiplex.
l i f e . l o v e . w o r k . e p i c M u s i c .
m é g a f ó n n i k )
m é g a f ó n n i k lives near the curl of your lip right at
the base of each and every perfectly crooked smile by
which (and rather simply) one means (