Hideous Kinky Photography profile picture

Hideous Kinky Photography

Not meant for mass consumption.

About Me

All prints are for sale that you see here.All prints are signed and numbered.I am a photographer.{MODELSWANTED}. Seeking unique and beautiful models, I am open to all types of shapes,sizes and faces.I can find beauty in anyone and capture it very well.If I photograph you I am bringing your look and my vision/art together.SEEKING MODELS/SUBJECTS always, please never be afraid to contact me, once again I will say I am not interested in one type of look, but every look. I shoot Fashion. I also do headshots,I do ART and then sometimes I am working on certain series for exhibitions in galleries. Half the women I photograph have never modeled before,THIS IS NOT A IMPORTANT.I can promise you that you will be satisfied with the results of the shoot.I tend to lean towards the dark part of human nature, and the uncanny shit that happens in our lives in these moments that you can never get back again.Usually I pick out a scene or a location and grab a model and shoot.I believe the unperfect is perfect.The sad is beautiful.Awkward is funny. Looking for Freaks, punks,misfits,nuns,prom queens,women with really good wardrobe,a grandmas house,drag queens,cross dressers,housewives,bums,midgets,ice cream truck drivers, bellhops,taxi drivers and Hookers.I live in a loft/studio downtown.I fall asleep to porn, don't know why I just do.Also, men that are wet interest me. I sing Tom Waits in the shower and I like to smell my dogs paws.I love Film Noir(the lighting appeals to me).

My Interests

Belly Dancing. Organic. Art.Film.Photography. Antiques.Old Playboys. Flowers. Music Box. Vinyl.Characters.Deviants. Crystals. Abandoned Buildings. Travel.Europe. Fashion.Artists. Friends.Whiskey. If Tom Waits wasn't married he would marry me. Hideous Kinky --

Sexually stunning

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

I'd like to meet:

Tom Waits,Diane Arbus,Man Ray,John Waters,David Lynch..Joel Peter Witkin,Nan Goldin.ANDERS PETERSEN is amazing...I love and admire his work.. He will be a huge influence in my photography forever.. Guy Bourdin, Helmut Newton


Ryan Adams Counting Crows Gillian Welch. Blonde Redhead Mazzy Star Bob Marley Cat Power Janes Addiction The Killers Iris Dement Tom Waits Lucero Cory Branan Roger Hoover & The WhiskeyHounds Ben Harper The White Stripes Social Distortion June Carter Cash Johnny Cash Joan Jett The Sounds Beth Orton Frou Frou Jem Sia Bob Dylan Shooter Jennings Mars Volta Iggy Pop Frank Black Coal The Distillers Portishead HooverPhonics Billy Holiday John Lee Hooker Hole Azure Ray Metric Sleater Kinney The Blow The Engine Room The Radio Department Seven Year Bitch Ani Difranco Suzanne Vega U2(and everyone can kiss my ass) Broken Social Scene(FEIST) The Specials Bambi Lee Savage The Breeders, Heart, The Killers, Blind Melon,Wilco, Letters To Cleo, American Aquarium, Blondie, Billy Idol, K's Choice, The Concretes, Radiohead, Bjork,The SilverSun Pickups, SparkleHorse, Pat Benatar, Lorretta Lynn, T Bone Burnett, REM, Arlo Guthry, The Wallflowers, Steve Earl and the Dukes, The Steve Miller Band, Liz Phair, Garbage, Aerosmith, Sia, The Flaming Lips, King Missile, Poe, Tracy Bonham, Sound Garden, The Cranberries, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana, Weezer, Cyndi Lauper, Madonna,Nine Inch Nails, David Bowie,Peaches, Ben Folds Five, Blessed Union Of Souls, Greenday, Rancid, The Vines, Blues Traveler, The Strokes, Jet, Prince, Sinead O' Conner, AC/DC,Joan Osborne, Violent Femmes, Veruca Salt, The Donnas, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, The Butthole Surfers, Everclear, Alanis Morissette, Dido, Led Zepplin


Pulp Fiction,Kill Bill,Cool Hand Luke,Gummo,Chrystal,A Dirty Shame,Closer,Down By Law,True Romance,Lost Highway,Leaving Las Vegas,Mulholland Drive,Igby Goes Down,Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind,Snatch,The Pianist,Chasing Amy,Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas,Irreversible,Dirty Love,Frailty,Salton Sea,The English Patient,American Pop,Empire Records,Sin City,Chocolat,Walk The Line,Twelve Monkeys,A Perfect World,Boondock Saints,Fight Club,Buffalo 66,Taxi Driver,Goodfellas,Casino,Crash both of them,Freaks,The Virgin Suicides,Truth or Consequences,I Heart Huckabees,Man On Fire,Pecker,Velvet Goldmine, Chasing Amy, Trainspotting, Pretty In Pink,The Goonies,Rebel Without A Cause,The Royal Tenenbaums,Painting Picasso,Total Eclipse,I Shot Andy Warhol,Orgasmo,Garden State, Donnie Darko,Heat, 200 Cigarettes, The Opposite Of Sex,Say Anything,The Rose,Edward Scissorhands, 21 Grams,Amorres Perros, Babel,Braveheart,The Exorcist, The Craft, Jerry Maguire, Party Monster, It Happened One Night, The Shawshank Redemption, Clerks (1 and 2) Clockwork Orange, Thelma And Louise, Mad Love, Primal Fear, Pretty Woman, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Crazy/Beautiful, Monster, Heathers, Reality Bites, Mall Rats,The Breakfast Club, The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, KIDS, Interview With The Vampire, Natural Born Killers, Ghost World, White Oleander, Girl Interrupted, Ray, The Cell, Beautiful Girls, The Doors, 16 Candles, Songcatcher, Jaw Beaker, Bridget Jones (both), Seven, Vanilla Sky, Frida, American Beauty,The Elephant Man, Silence Of The Lambs, Nell, Hackers,Oh Brother Where Art Thou, Almost Famous, Wild At Heart,Go,Frailty,Vacancy, Signs, Heavenly Creatures,True Romance,Boogie Nights, Bringing Out The Dead, The Piano,Little Women,The Color Purple, Beloved, Glory, Passions,The Lost Boys, Crash,A Street Car Named Desire,The Life Of David Gale, Sleepy Hollow, Black Snake Moan,The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things, SLC Punk


One word C A R N I V A L E.


I read a lot of books such as...The Absence Of Nectar,Prozac Nation,Fight Club,Lullaby,Choke,More,Now and Again,Lovely Bones,Saul Williams...


Anders Petersen Tom Waits David Lynch Charles Bukowski Nan Goldin Diane Arbuss Joel Peter Witkin Man Ray Helmut Newton John Waters

My Blog

LOS Motherfucking Angeles....

So, I arrive in LA today lasting on no sleep(it's been crazy times)...Connie picks me up and the first thing we do is grab a bite to eat, so we can head over to Venice Beach...So Connie, her daughter ...
Posted by Hideous Kinky Photography on Thu, 17 May 2007 08:37:00 PST

Evolve please.

This is not a blog about anyone inpaticular, for my secret readers who come to my page for hating purposes, please leave.The lack of substance behind you words.Your words have become usless and tired....
Posted by Hideous Kinky Photography on Wed, 09 May 2007 08:37:00 PST

Shooting Cory Branan on Saturday.....

Cory has been one of my favorite artist for atleast 6 years now. A man whose music has been an ongoing inspiration like, Tom Waits, Lucero etc....I will be shooting him on Saturday, look for the pics ...
Posted by Hideous Kinky Photography on Wed, 09 May 2007 04:35:00 PST

Robert Scott Photographer

This man is amazing and a true inspiration....Some of the greats that he has shot include...   KATE MOSS MONICA BELLUCI(his profile pic right now;) etc.... No matter what he does you will look be...
Posted by Hideous Kinky Photography on Sat, 05 May 2007 02:25:00 PST

To David...

It is a shame  to lose you as a friend. I will miss you. I wish you and her all the happiness in the world, she hate me and I hate her. I hope it works and I will forever remember our friendship....
Posted by Hideous Kinky Photography on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 11:25:00 PST

Please contact me!

I am looking for couples to shoot...I can shoot you in your home, atleast I would like to...I need these photos for a series I am working on, I will need nudes of the both of you together, but it will...
Posted by Hideous Kinky Photography on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 12:19:00 PST


Gallery Showing on March 31st @ 9pm at The V Lounge 220 West 6th Street, Little Rock, AR 72201 - (501) 374-5100.... Come drink and marvel at all the pretty parts.... Prints on sale for 250$...There wi...
Posted by Hideous Kinky Photography on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 03:12:00 PST

You are here..

Whiskey swagger, packing a broken peice and showing everyone his rusted sweetness... He looks like love cold to the touch... I can see him on me rubbing my body clean with hands that rattle... His lip...
Posted by Hideous Kinky Photography on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 10:22:00 PST

Prints for sale!

If you are interested in buying a print get in touch with me! They are going for 250 each that includes shipping!
Posted by Hideous Kinky Photography on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 08:31:00 PST

Come to my Gallery Show @ The V Lounge in Little Rock, AR on Jan 20th...BUY PRINTS FOR 250$

It's off of Center street, go down 7th street with Vinos on your right, come up to center street and make a left, go to the next light and look to your right and you will see the sign...Park in the lo...
Posted by Hideous Kinky Photography on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 02:34:00 PST