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Connie LoLan Woods

If you're looking for the girl next door, go next door.

About Me

..please check out my interview at

Twin Peaks Archive
If You're Looking For The Girl Next Door, Go Next Door!
Last Login:
.. connie world
.. ..
I'm here learning lessons and trying to contribute. I am a veteran of sorts and am in the position to help others, so that's what I do. I'm a former model turned photographer and filmmaker. I'm fortunate to say that I am currently producing a documentary. I volunteer my time at an animal rescue, work with the homeless, and I'm a philanthropist. Most importantly though, I have a little girl and I am trying to raise her properly. We're both vegans and we rally for animals rights. I try to teach her that she is special, can do anything and above all else, that she is LoVeD!
I'm a mountain girl living in the big city. Love them both. But I still prefer bunnies and squirrels to RAT BASTARDS, cockroaches, and mice. I asked God for instant Karma and I was taught to turn the other cheek. However, if you draw first blood be prepared to drink some of your own and remember that at that point I AM KARMA!!
Everything I needed to know about life I learned in kindergarten.(Take a nap, share, don't fight, don't take other people's things, tell the truth, don't say things to hurt people's feelings, put your toys away when you are finished with them, always wash your hands, don't talk to creepy strangers OR balloon clowns, make new friends.....)
I respect boundaries, I think they keep things straight.
I'm not impressed by your shiny "things". I'm more inclined to be in awe of things that exist that you can't touch or see, but rather feel. For instance integrity, honesty, kindness, empathy, sincerity, depth, and intellect to name a few. That being said...........
I truly don't care what designer bag you have.
I love neon lights...But, if YOU are flashy, I think I'll pass!
I don't care much for people who objectify me or objectify others. Yuck and yawn.
I'm a single mom. I hate deadbeat dads. Especially the one that my daughter has.
I have colorful friends. some of the best ones have already left this place ='( .....
I own the world's largest lap dog.
I'll take your secrets to the grave. I'm still trying to figure out why as a general rule, that same courtesy isn't recipricated.
I write poetry when I'm getting over you.
I can see right through you. I'm still pretty sure that actions speak louder than words. If possible, say what you mean, mean what you say...
I have a checkered past, nothing to hide, nothing to prove, and nothing to explain. I'm a shy girl, smart girl, artist, visionary and accomplished business woman. Creative, passionate, sensitive, optimistic, confident, timid, simple, perfectionist and over-achiever. ...Basically, and most of all, I'm here to learn lessons.
I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up and I don't really care. I hope that my contributions to society will make even the smallest difference. I can't move mountains, but if I raise my daughter properly, I'm hoping God will be somewhat pleased with me and show a little mercy when we meet one day.
I hate gossip, except when it's about me
When has-beens blow me up on the grapevine I say "thanks for the free press" =) ♥♥♥ LOL!
I HaTe liars. One lie and I'm out, No matter how long I have known you.
I pray for my enemies, and realize that they are less evolved.
I like it in here, in my own little world. If I wanted someone's opinion of me I would seek out a professional. So live and let live, and worry about your OWN SIDE OF THE FENCE.
Somewhere along the line I got tired of apologizing for breathing air, being myself, having an opinion, not caring, caring too much, being strong, being weak, being smart (or just being a smart-ass) being driven, or just taking a break.

I don't like getting my feelings hurt. But, hurting others feels even worse.
My departure is always well thought out.
Sometimes things just don't work out. Each time I revisit my past, I'm reminded of why I moved on in the first place.
You might miss me when I am gone.
I love imperfections. I prefer to know your soul and fade fast if you brag or sugar-coat your story.
There are only 168 hours in a week. Please don't be offended when you offer up some drama and I won't play. Thank you, but I just can't use my hours that way.
There are 4 things we can not take back:
A thrown stone
A word said
An opportunity missed
The time passed
I make a gratitude list daily. I pray.
I KnOw a SeCrEt!.... How's that glass house you're living in?
I laugh and cry with the same intensity.
I take the side of the underdog and the unsuspecting. I'm probably in your corner and you don't even know it.....
Lake Tahoe holds my soul.
If you love BELL BOTTOM BLUES by Eric Clapton, if you know who SWEET MELISSA is I like you already!! =)
THE CROW, THE NOTEBOOK, and SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE represent the way i think love should be.
You could say my heart has been broken. Before it could heal, it was broken again. Then again. And again.
I still believe in LoVe.
Do not mistake my kindness or vulnerability for weakness.
As peaceful as I want to be, try to be, I'll probably go down swingin'.
.... ..

My Interests

Rain, Clouds, Kittens and puppies, Poems, New ideas, Travel, The Amalfi Coast, Music, Writing, jeans and t-shirts, Helping others, innovative ideas, Deep thinkers, Colorful people, Alleys, Buzzing flashing neon lights, Dark smoke-filled pool halls, Rusted out 49 Chevy pickups, accents, kindness, Honesty, Laugh lines, Weathered skin, imperfections, lips, kissing MY WAY, Mending broken hearts, slow seductions, Under-eye bags, animal rights, women's rights, rooting for the underdog, OSAKA, everything OLD-SCHOOL, b-boys, new artists with a burning passion, conspiracy theories, Bass-guitars, sarcasm, Stories of near-death experiences, the after-life, Films, hearts. Heart and Soul, True-blue friends, family, my puppy, creating something out of nothing, nostalgia, technology, photography, making you look incredible, Putting my daughters future above all else
"Great Spirits Have Always Encountered Violent Opposition From Mediocre Minds--Einstein "

I'd like to meet:

True love committed suicide a few years back, so I'd like to tell the Grim Reaper to go straight to hell. I would have loved to have known Van Gogh. I'd like to meet with God to ask him for forgiveness, a clean slate and a fresh start. I wish I would have met Princess Di,JFK, Jr. and Aaron Russo.. An alien abduction would be nice. My daughter is the coolest person on the planet and I really enjoy being with her. I would love to meet PrInCe of course, everyone who knows me is well aware of that. As far as falling head over heels....Well, I wasn't looking, but I'm not opposed to the idea either. It might be kind of fun to have someone make my toes curl and take my breath away......... ♥
.. .. ..Please don't stalk my HOT friends!



.. old-school jams, classic rock, 60's and 70's motown, R'n B, portishead, pRiNcE, bill withers, pOp, minnie ripperton, black eyed peas, al green, Earth Wind and Fire, Phillip Bailey, Eric Clapton, Traci Lords, Foo Fighters, Rob Zombie, Deftones, Music with which to seduce you..., Gwen Stefani, Aaron Chapin, STACIE COLLINS , GARY TWINN, ME!


Ray , Almost Famous, The Notebook,Shakespeare In Love, The Crow, Simon Birch, The Elephant Man, The Devil Wears Prada, Desperate Living, Blades of Glory,The MothMan Proficies,America: Freedom to Fascism, Zeitgeist, Bambi, horror films.


CRIMINAL MINDS, matthew gray gubler, Grey's Anatomy, BIG LOVE, CSI:Miami, Court TV, OPRAH, Entourage, So You Think You Can Dance, old Richard Pryor stand-up, I Love Lucy, Dateline, 48 Hours, Saturday Night Live, House, Dancing With The Stars!!!


..Oh, The Places You'll Go, everything Dr. Suess, The Growing Tree, Looking Out For Number One, The Teachings of Buddha, The Elephant Man, Never Be Lied To Again, books on natural healing, my own manuscript, MY DIARY...magazines, brochures, anything I can get my hands on


.. My little girl, My family, my brothers, my cool sisters, AARON RUSSO (Producer-America: Freedom to Fascism), Survivors, Oprah, Sherry Lansing, Mariah ( she really pulled through) friends with integrity, Stephanie Fredianelli, FATCAT, Estelle Sterling, Princess Di forever, sweet, Chrissy Ruffing-O'brien, and of course.... Steve Ruffino (Rest In Peace)

My Blog

a liar will cheat and a cheater will steal!

you know who you are..............
Posted by Connie LoLan Woods on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 02:02:00 PST

shine on little light, shine on!!!

I wanted to post this months ago and found it recently in the most unusual place today.. i'm sure you have already read or heard this, but I hope it makes your day that much better if you read it. Let...
Posted by Connie LoLan Woods on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 03:53:00 PST

Purple flowers

I felt you today........ I know it was you.You came to me just as I heard the black bird sing. And again when the breeze eveloped me. I felt you. You know it, don't you? And I wondered, do you like it...
Posted by Connie LoLan Woods on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 08:03:00 PST

The Gal In The Glass

 The Gal In The GlassWhen you get what you want in your struggles for selfAnd the world makes you queen for the dayJust go to a mirror and look at yourself,And see what that gal has to say.For it...
Posted by Connie LoLan Woods on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 05:17:00 PST


 For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fin...
Posted by Connie LoLan Woods on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 02:49:00 PST


Dear ( Blah, blah, blah )*,It's empty in here, where you used to be.. your betrayal, you see, took a big part of me......all smiles and pan stick, the cameras were rollingthe day had arrived and the t...
Posted by Connie LoLan Woods on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 01:24:00 PST