~Gina HUSSEIN: an OBAMA-MAMA!!~* profile picture


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About Me

The Restless Sea......she soothes me...when my raging heart consumes me. Beautiful sea, my eternal friend...she offers comfort...does not betray...She listens to my ranting...never judging, only understanding...I drift peacefully in her arms...as troubled thoughts are washed away.Blessed sea......she is my refuge...my sweet escape...the love I seek when all feels lost. She rocks me gently on soothing waves...until my pain is gone.When baring my soul feels impossible, I turn to her...my silence speaks. She listens patiently, then offers solace...without a word...she hears my dreams.Amazing sea......my lifelong friend. Even in her anger, she cleanses mine...her waves they toss and crash in rage...we share a knowing...she's fluid rhyme.My one true love, she ravishes me...her beauty grows over time. People often think me crazy...but with her I feel...sublime...Written by Gina Mihelarakis 12/24/2007

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

Cooking lotsa yummy food, dancing till my feet hurt and then dancing some more, rafting down the river, hiking awesome trails, snow-boarding on some fine powder, drawing in charcoal, painting nature, spur of the moment camping trips to the mountains or to the beach, fishing the lake from the bank or in a boat, climbing a nice rock face, swimming in the ocean, lake or river, horseback riding, picnicing in the wilderness with a nice bottle of wine, reading a great book, any fun outdoor activity with friends, love hosting a good cookout at my place, making people laugh till their sides ache, and various other fun things...just not all at the same time.

I'd like to meet:

I'd love to meet Nelson Mandela, a great man, a great humanitarian... Ben Carson, MD...the world's best neuro-surgeon...gives hope, saves lives...a humble man with a holy purpose... Maya Angelou...the storyteller, the poet, a shining example of courage and strength for all women. People of substance whose beauty emanates from within...


Anything that touches my soul or makes me jump outta my seat. Love a great concert...and I attend lots! I am a HUGE fan of talented artists who haven't yet broken into the mainstream...


Too many great movies to name...love movies that make me laugh and cry, the ones that keep me in suspense to the very end, and especially the ones that scare me so bad they make me SCREAM!!


Don't do much of it, but I do enjoy Project Runway when it's on, Extreme Makeover Home Edition always makes me cry, and CSI is the bomb!!


I love suspense thrillers, true crime, biographies...


I don't really have a hero. I admire everyone in my life for different reasons. My children give me strength, and have taught me infinite patience. My parents have taught me life lessons that I carry with me today, and my grandparents shared their stories with me, making me proud of my heritage and ancestry. --- Yigaquu osaniyu adanvto adadoligi nigohilvi nasquv utloyasdi nihi. - Cherokee --- means "May the Great Spirit's blessings always be with you."

My Blog

Another poem Richard wrote for me...

In my dream of love,Beyond the whispers of angels,Through the veils of heavens gates,By grace I await for thee,Time has no claim in eternity.Have the diamonds of hope,Or the threads of life itself,wov...
Posted by ~Gina HUSSEIN: an OBAMA-MAMA!!~* on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 06:23:00 PST

He says he wrote this for me.

I dare not tread where my heart longs to travel,For in the distance,The maid in the castle awaits.She beckons me with long tender looks,Her soft auburn hair gently touched by a soft spring breeze.Shou...
Posted by ~Gina HUSSEIN: an OBAMA-MAMA!!~* on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 04:40:00 PST

How cool is that?

I find it incredible when I'm contacted out-of-the-blue by someone with whom I attended high school or junior high.  It's happened numerous times over the years, and it makes me so happy to learn...
Posted by ~Gina HUSSEIN: an OBAMA-MAMA!!~* on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 08:48:00 PST

Big Girls ROCK!!

Yep, big girls rock, y'all...know why?  Because most of 'em don't take anyone's shi*!!  I admire that attitude! Let me tell you a couple of true stories about big girls in my local area... ...
Posted by ~Gina HUSSEIN: an OBAMA-MAMA!!~* on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 05:17:00 PST

Alone is better...

...than settling. Like any young girl, I once had romantic notions about love that were promptly dispelled upon learning that the "love of my life" had cheated with another girl.  What a rude aw...
Posted by ~Gina HUSSEIN: an OBAMA-MAMA!!~* on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 07:35:00 PST

The Thief of Memories

Just received a call from my children's grandfather.  He tells me that Hospice has now been called in to help him in caring for his wife. She suffers from Alzheimer's Disease, and is cu...
Posted by ~Gina HUSSEIN: an OBAMA-MAMA!!~* on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 03:17:00 PST

Watched You Go

From the window I watched you walk away, knowing there was nothing that I could do.  I watched you toss your bags into the car, considered chasing after you.  But somewhere deep inside my so...
Posted by ~Gina HUSSEIN: an OBAMA-MAMA!!~* on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 08:48:00 PST


Oh yeah...that's right...I worked it OFF last week!  :::eyeballs rolling::: Everyone should experience the life of a single parent for just one week.  Busy, busy, BUSY!!! Okay...'nough said...
Posted by ~Gina HUSSEIN: an OBAMA-MAMA!!~* on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 06:01:00 PST

So, WHAT?? Am I the cat lady now??? lol

I love animals.  I'm also really great at "feeling" their personalities and winning their trust...I'm a natural.  No, I DON'T talk to them...I'm just observant.  lol Precious is my olde...
Posted by ~Gina HUSSEIN: an OBAMA-MAMA!!~* on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 04:11:00 PST


I returned home from work yesterday to find that someone had broken into my home and stolen valuable items...not that I have many valuable items...I've been a single parent for years...in every sense ...
Posted by ~Gina HUSSEIN: an OBAMA-MAMA!!~* on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 12:49:00 PST