long, long strolls down the nursing home hallways, taking my pills with someone who doesn't drool (all the time), reminising about bygone centuries
My walker and anyone that thinks they can get away with touching my dope ass walker I'll give em what for!Anyone willing to bow down to the unholy menace that is MABLE SATAN (2.0)
Oh I just love that beethoven he was quite the charmer back in my day
You mean them movin pictures? who'd spent a nickle to turn a crank and watch some pictures move thats crazy talk, crazy I tell ya!Movies I was in:Scenes from geriatric triple xxx 4:
No I have farsighted vision but there are some games that go thru that picture box thing that I was in:The old school original
The good book and the Satanic Bible
Fighten Dweight Eisenhower and this handson chunk of cow lovin man, Fred: