Morgan Webb profile picture

Morgan Webb

You may know me from such TV shows as X-Play

About Me

You may already know my show X-Play on G4, but if you don't, go to and watch some podcasts of our show. We review video games in a comedic and socially relevant manner. Or at least thats what we tell ourselves.I also wrote a monthly column in FHM about video games. Well, it's mostly pictures but there are words there too. FHM is gone now but it was fun while it lasted. My daily video blog, WebbAlert will keep you informed about the tech news of the day.There's also a GADGET for your iGoogle!

My Interests

Video games, more video games, and some video games. My favorites tend to be the shooters (Halo, Unreal, Half-Life), but I do love me some Ratchet and Clank. I also have a soft spot for RTS's, like Command and Conquer and Battle for Middle Earth. Right now I'm playing Oblivion because I'm obsessed. I'm Red Guard but next I think I want to be a lizard person.

I'd like to meet:

Fans of the show or magazine or just anyone who wants to be my friend.


Belle & Sebastian, The Streets, Flaming Lips, Common, Dizzy Rascal, Dead Prez, Outkast, Bob Dylan, Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash, Leonard Cohen, The Pixies, The Go! Team, Bahamadia, Morrisey, Cat Power, Little Feat, Beck, Inara George, The Ditty bops, Devendra Banhart, Lyle Lovett, Wilco, Bobby Bare Jr., Tom Waits, The Cure, Nick Drake, The Donnas, Mos Def, Jurassic 5, Q-Tip


Dead Man, Kill Bill, Friday, Spellbound, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Run Lola Run, La Femme Nikita, Reservoir Dogs, Clockwork Orange, Spirited Away, Spinal Tap, Ghostbusters, Star Wars (The original ones), Lord of the Rings, American Movie, South Park Movie


South Park, The Daily Show, The Simpsons, Family Guy, The X-Files, Arrested Development, The Wire, The Shield, FLCL, when I was a kid: Jem and the Holograms, Animaniacs, The A-Team


The last few I've read: The Movie Goer, Madame Bovary, As I Lay Dying, The Tin Drum, Perfume, Slaughterhouse 5, Pale Fire, Wise Blood, The Quiet American, Wuthering Heights


Ulala, Storm (not as played by Halle Berry), Beyonce, Cortana

My Blog

New viral video episode

My new viral video feature. What do you guys think?...
Posted by Morgan Webb on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 05:57:00 PST

Proving, once and for all, that this is the real Morgan Webb

Watch at about 1:40 and you'll see that I take a screenshot of my very own myspace page. Thanks for watching, guys!...
Posted by Morgan Webb on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 10:10:00 PST

Sorry the clock on is being schizo.  Hopefully it's fixed.  Thanks for all your great suggestions.  Showtime is 2AM CA time Thursday
Posted by Morgan Webb on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 11:45:00 PST

Check it Out
Posted by Morgan Webb on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 04:08:00 PST

Seems sort of unlikely

It seems that the culprit behind all those 360 deaths is your surge suppressor. Surge suppressors are supposed to protect your appliances from power fluctuations, which is why it's hard to believe the...
Posted by Morgan Webb on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 02:13:00 PST

Summer Games Preview

X-Play has been working really hard on our Summer Preview Special, where we take a look at all the best games you'll be playing at the end of the year. We have great footage and even interviews with d...
Posted by Morgan Webb on Fri, 04 May 2007 12:48:00 PST

Watch our Musical Episode!

Pleeeeeze! It's really Adam and I singing. I apologize in advance. It's on Feb. 5th at 8pm Eastern Time. ...
Posted by Morgan Webb on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 10:03:00 PST

Adam has no MySpace page

Just because I keep getting the question, I figured I'd say it again just so everyone knows. If you're friends with a MySpace Adam, it's not him.I've been trying to be better at responding to your MyS...
Posted by Morgan Webb on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 02:36:00 PST

More bad news

well...bad news if you wanted a PS3. The number of PS3s at launch? It's a "target" not a "projection." Read about it here.Oh, and for more hilarious X-Play fun, here's one of my favorite X-Play segmen...
Posted by Morgan Webb on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 02:05:00 PST

Scariest Episode Ever

Halloween is here so X-Play is making a list of the 10 scariest games of all time. We couldn't just do a normal episode though, we had to add a little blood and gore to the mix (some crazy person OK'd...
Posted by Morgan Webb on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 04:30:00 PST