God profile picture


Bad things happen...that doesn't mean that I like it.

About Me

I am the Reality of a universe that is greater than yourself. I am the Supreme Being, the Creator and Ruler of the Universe. I am all knowing, all powerful, infinite, and ever present.
Tell Me About Yourself - The Survey
Name:: I AM
Birthday:: The Beginning (July)
Birthplace:: I have always existed
Current Location:: Heaven
Eye Color:: You shouldn't look into my eyes
Hair Color:: White
Height:: 7' 6"
Right Handed Or Left Handed:: I write with my left and create with my right
Your Heritage:: Just me
The Shoes You Wore Today:: Birkenstocks
Your Weakness:: Illegally downloading music
Your Fears:: Heights...(I know, I know!)
Your Perfect Pizza:: Sausage and Manna
Goals You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: Run in The Boston Marathon
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger:: "Don't make me smite you!"
Thoughts First Waking Up:: I don't sleep
Your Best Physical Feature:: The beard baby!
Your Bedtime:: I like to rest on the seventh around noon
Your Most Missed Memory:: The Dinosaurs
Pepsi Or Coke:: Holy Water with lemon
McDonalds Or Burger King:: Sonic
Single Or Group Dates:: Single
Lipton Ice Tea Or Nestea:: Neither, I love Green Tea
Chocolate Or Vanilla:: Chocolate
Cappucino Or Coffee:: Espresso
Do You Smoke:: It's more of a mist
Do You Swear:: No, and I wish people would stop yelling at me to damn things
Do You Sing:: All the time
Do You Shower Daily:: Yes
Have You Been In Love:: I love all of you!
Do You Want To Go To College:: I tried but they didn't believe I existed in class
Do You Want To Get Married:: Someday, but it's not looking too good
Do You Believe In Yourself:: Yes..but do YOU believe in me?
Do You Get Motion Sickness:: Nope
Do You Think You Are Attractive:: What did I tell you people about Pride!
Are You A Health Freak:: Yes, I love to work out and eat right
Do You Get Along With Your Parents:: How does that work if you created yourself?
Do You Like Thunderstorms:: Yes, I make them all the time
Do You Play An Instrument:: Guitar
In The Past Month Have You Drank Alcohol:: Wine
In The Past Month Have You Smoked:: I enjoy a good Humidor every so often
In The Past Month Have You Been On Drugs:: Nope
In The Past Month Have You Gone On A Date:: Nope
In The Past Month Have You Gone To The Mall:: I shop at outlets
In The Past Month Have You Eaten A Box Of Oreos:: Yes, I still have a few black crumbs in my beard
In The Past Month Have You Eaten Sushi:: Yes, Oshizushi is my favorite
In The Past Month Have You Been On Stage:: I may not be on stage, but I'm always performing
In The Past Month Have You Been Dumped:: Yes, many people stop believing
In The Past Month Have You Gone Skinny Dipping:: Nope
In The Past Month Have You Stolen Anything:: Thou shalt not steal
Ever Been Drunk:: Nope
Ever Been Called A Tease:: Nope
Ever Been Beaten Up:: Nope
Ever Shoplifted:: Nope
How Do You Want To Die:: I'll never die
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up:: I'm already there baby!
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit:: I'm everywhere!
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My Interests

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You can also make your own, it's free!This Week in God:
Daily Show - Spiritscenter - video powered by Metacafe"Dance Monkey's Dance!" This is worth watching. .. width="425" height="350" ..

I'd like to meet:

I'll meet everyone at some point :)


I love 'myspace' for the music. I enjoy finding out what everyone is listening to. The music you find is as diverse as the people you meet and just as entertaining. Thanks to all of you who have helped fill Gods ipod! ;)One would think that I would be 0% evil, but I've illegally downloaded music online. I've explained my views on this to a few of you.
You Are 2% Evil
You are good. So good, that you make evil people squirm.
Just remember, you may need to turn to the dark side to get what you want! How Evil Are You?
You Are Superman
Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
And pretty cute too. No wonder you're the most popular superhero ever! What Superhero Are You?


Your Observation Skills Get An A+
You have perfect observation skills...
Or perfect skils for Googling quiz answers! How Observant Are You?


God eating pizza. .. width="425" height="350" ..This is why you shouldnt make fun of God. .. width="425" height="350" ..
God Is A Fan - video powered by Metacafe



My Blog

Ban Cellphones - Unless You're Attacked by a Giant Squid

It was a beautiful day at the beach--blue sky, gentle breeze, calm sea. I knew these things because a man sitting five feet from me was shouting them into his cell phone like a play-by-play annou...
Posted by God on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 10:44:00 PST

The Value of a Woman

This is written in the Hebrew Talmud, the book where all of the sayings and preaching of Rabbis are conserved over time. It says: "Be very careful if you make a woman cry, because God counts her tear...
Posted by God on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 11:39:00 PST

The Atheists Grace

Now as we all know, Grace is an important part of every good Christian's meal. But what about Atheists? What do they do when meal time comes around? Heres a sort of Grace for those who are less under ...
Posted by God on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 01:08:00 PST

For Women

When I'm in the supermarket checkout line, I always look at Cosmopolitan magazine to see if the editors heve made any progress in their ongoing effort to figure out men. I'm sure you're familiar with ...
Posted by God on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 10:39:00 PST

My Advice for Living a Longer Life :)

Many of you have sent me notes asking for a longer life. I set the laws of nature in motion and even I have to obey them. So, since you can't live forever, I'll just give you my advice for living a lo...
Posted by God on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 11:41:00 PST

Evolution? What do you think about it?

It's strange to me that science and religion fight so often.  If you think about it, every new discovery that science makes can bring you closer to an understanding of the wonderful complexities ...
Posted by God on Fri, 03 Mar 2006 11:05:00 PST

The Meaning of Life

  What is the Meaning of Life? Here's my fun answer: Plastic. The reason God created man is to create plastic because plastic is the only element that couldn't create itself naturally.   But...
Posted by God on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 12:49:00 PST

Words of Wisdom

Beware of people who want to share their religious views with you and never want you to share yours with them. And when I, who created the entire universe with all of its glories, decides to deli...
Posted by God on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 10:49:00 PST

Katrina was NOT my Wrath!

Despite the fact that many of my followers appear eager to characterize the disaster as "God's judgment" on the "wicked" city of New Orleans, and despite their attempt to link its timing to a gay cele...
Posted by God on Sat, 11 Feb 2006 10:55:00 PST