I love the Republic!!
I was born in Arpinum in 106BC and was an integral figure in Roman politics for over five decades. My name will live on in legend and in books for many thousands of years as one of the most influential and important Romans of all time. If it wasn't for my gossip-spreading letters to my good friend Atticus and various others there would be much less knowledge of this period of time.
I am most well known for my extraordinary oratorial skill, as well as being a self-professed political genius. I am a dab hand at rhetoric and philosophy. I've written loads of great books, and some pretty sweet poetry too.
My sparkling political career began when I successfully carried out important grain shipment duties as Quaestor of Sicily, and from there it was up up UP the cursus honorum. I stung Verres in 73BC for extortion and corruption, became consul in 63BC and saved the Republic from the very brink of collapse when I foiled Catalina and his foolish plot to overthrow the Republic. I tried to avoid military service, because I thought it best for the Republic not to endanger such an excellent political thinker as myself through military service.
More recently I served an excellent governorship in Cilicia, as well as standing out alone against the first Triumvirate and siding with Poompey in the Civil War. Unfortunately we lost (as I knew we would, the fools lacked strong command and organisation), but Caesar showed me clemency and after a year. where I contemplated the ruins that the Republic had become and my shattered dreams of a concordia ordinum, I rejoined Roman politics.
Unfortunately after Caesar's assassination in 44BC Anthony managed to weasel his way to the top, and even though I got him made an enemy of the state by the Senate after delivering my viciously brilliant Phillipics, he still came back with the Second Triumvirate, just looking to cause trouble. I was put on the proscription list and hunted down and killed like a fox. It was a black day for Rome and what little remained of the Republic.
I was caught by my executioners on the Appian Way after being betrayed by a servant. And thus the life of the last great Roman Republican came to an end. All the old guard had died long ago - Cato, Pompey, Crassus and many more - all dead. And now the final nail in the coffin of the already long-deceased Republic.
They decapitated me on 7th December 43BC, and my head and hands were displayed on the Rostra in the Forum as a warning sign to others who may otherwise have been brave enough to speak out in defence of the Republic and of democracy.
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