Tony profile picture


You can’t solve conflict with more conflict – DUH

About Me

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

My Interests

I'VE UNLOCK-ED REALITY (UR)..................................I enjoy lively conversation and have been know to be a bit sarcastic (sorry in advance if you fall foul of this – I mean no harm). I’m open to new ideas but only after close examination. I think all of the world’s problems are solvable but only if we all work together. I know we are all different and that’s great, but we are all stuck on this one planet together (unless anyone has a seat in a rocket going begging) so lets work on finding out how similar we all are and getting on with each other.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone – at a moment that they are at their best.


I like stuff with a good beat – beyond that it’s hard to say. I know when I hear it, though I rarely remember the names of the bands/people.


Dogma – Kapax – A Matter of Life & Death – The Matrix (only the first one) – Charley & the Chocolate Factory (both new and old) – Devils Advocate….. dame this is joke!!!! Know me by the films I like – AS IF…..


Futurama – The Simpson’s – Quantum Leap – 24 – Lost (what a wind up) – Prison Break


This is a non commercial message, produced by the URFans Club, for your information. If you are already a UR Fan and would like to help by forwarding this message to your friends please click here.


Anyone who genially manages to put other people before themselves.

My Blog

Being Normal WTF

Being Normal WTFBeing useless is the number one choice of occupation apparently .. when asked, ..what do you want to be when your older?.. most kids will respond ..famous.., famous for what we might w...
Posted by Tony on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 12:24:00 PST


What The Fuck (WTF)So deeply asleep are those who are having ..The American Dream.., that they are more concerned about what jeans they have on, then what they put in the body that wears them ..more c...
Posted by Tony on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 06:09:00 PST