Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
I'VE UNLOCK-ED REALITY (UR)..................................I enjoy lively conversation and have been know to be a bit sarcastic (sorry in advance if you fall foul of this – I mean no harm). I’m open to new ideas but only after close examination. I think all of the world’s problems are solvable but only if we all work together. I know we are all different and that’s great, but we are all stuck on this one planet together (unless anyone has a seat in a rocket going begging) so lets work on finding out how similar we all are and getting on with each other.
Everyone – at a moment that they are at their best.
I like stuff with a good beat – beyond that it’s hard to say. I know when I hear it, though I rarely remember the names of the bands/people.
Dogma – Kapax – A Matter of Life & Death – The Matrix (only the first one) – Charley & the Chocolate Factory (both new and old) – Devils Advocate….. dame this is joke!!!! Know me by the films I like – AS IF…..
Futurama – The Simpson’s – Quantum Leap – 24 – Lost (what a wind up) – Prison Break
This is a non commercial message, produced by the URFans Club, for your information. If you are already a UR Fan and would like to help by forwarding this message to your friends please click here.
Anyone who genially manages to put other people before themselves.